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ok wrong forum and you get that with training a lot its a lot of complicated.

A_A's edit: Not sure exactly why seribii would be able to tell him about how our site works...
To answer your question, your earn EVs by being active on these forums, you earn EXP. by posting, and you gain HP by gaining EXP. The level? That's just for show. It doesn't mean anything except you post a lot. (Or not a lot.)
shaymingiratina is 2/3 right.

HP: As you gain levels, you're HP increases. However, if you're inactive, that and your Effort Values decrease. Once you hit level 28, you're HP drops to 0, and you have to regain it (you don't HAVE it, but as you grow levels, you regain it)

Effort Values: This depends on how much you post. If you post every day, even just once or twice, you'll have full/almost full EV's.

EXP POINTS: How close you are to the next level. As you post more, you gain EXP points.

And, finally, levels: Once you have gotten full EXP points, you gain a level. As you level up, it takes longer to GAIN exp points, thereforth, you would have to POST more.

These mean nothing, except for how much you post. Hope that answer's your question :)
Actually, when you hit Lv. 28, you'll not be able to recover the HP, due to your levels, and KM is worng about Effort Values, it's long how long you stay on, not how much you post
Dawnfanboy said:
Actually, when you hit Lv. 28, you'll not be able to recover the HP, due to your levels, and KM is worng about Effort Values, it's long how long you stay on, not how much you post

Oh, really? Hmm... I thought it was the posting part...

Also, if you can't recover HP after lv.28, then how do you have 10 HP -_-?
Ya....I'm surprised you have any at all. No offense.

Noobnerd: OMG SPAM ALERT! Stay on topic in the future, thanks =).

ZOMG, you edited my post T_T.
Omg those with 0 HP need to be revived! Help!

Empoleon LV.X, in the future, please read the newbie guide before asking any question. It answers most questions that new members have. Thanks.
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Dawnfanboy said:
Actually, when you hit Lv. 28, you'll not be able to recover the HP, due to your levels, and KM is worng about Effort Values, it's long how long you stay on, not how much you post

Oh, really? Hmm... I thought it was the posting part...

Also, if you can't recover HP after lv.28, then how do you have 10 HP -_-?

I believe Dawnfanboy is correct. I always thought it was based on posting every day, but my EVs dropped from being completely full. If I remember correctly, I've posted every day since I registered. I don't recall missing a day.

My HP has been zero since like, day three. Hasn't gone up since.
Kevin Garrett said:
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Dawnfanboy said:
Actually, when you hit Lv. 28, you'll not be able to recover the HP, due to your levels, and KM is worng about Effort Values, it's long how long you stay on, not how much you post

Oh, really? Hmm... I thought it was the posting part...

Also, if you can't recover HP after lv.28, then how do you have 10 HP -_-?

I believe Dawnfanboy is correct. I always thought it was based on posting every day, but my EVs dropped from being completely full. If I remember correctly, I've posted every day since I registered. I don't recall missing a day.

Effort Values will somehow drop when you reach a certain amount. So, even if you post actively everyday, that does not mean your EV would not drop...
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