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Poison Drop (Sableye / Yveltal EX / Ninetales / Dragalge)

Petey Rage

Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Sableye DEX
    1 Darkrai EX
    3 Yveltal EX
    2 Ninetails PRC
    2 Vulpix PRC
    1 Dragalge FLF
    1 Skrelp FLF

  • 3 Battle Compressor
    2 Dark Patch
    1 Dowsing Machine or Life Dew
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    3 Crushing Hammer
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Team Flare Grunt
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Virbank City Gym
    2 Lysandre
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Prof Birch's Observations
    3 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    2 Skyla
    2 Pokemon Fan Club

  • 9 Darkness Energy

The strategy is still the same, stop your opponent from attacking by discarding all of their energy and defeat them with poison. The deck focuses around Sable eye with his junk hunt ability, so the point is to get all the Trainers needed to disable your opponent in the discard pile so you can junk hunt them back and repeat the process over and over gain. Since Sable eye is a frail pokemon life dew is there to relieve that issue. Battle compressor is the key here, it works as a more powerful but reverse Skylar by letting you choose what ever card you want in your discard. Compressor also enbles you to attach energies with the dark patch. Ninetails is there to make it so the stadium which causes all the damage remain in-play uninterrupted. Dragalge is useful to force your opponent to take poison damage. One may play more of them over Ninetail but i perfer this method because most people run when poisoned, which works in this decks favor by them discarding energy and besides, you have Yveltal for damage. Yveltal is the muscle and once Sableye has cleared the field he can strike down the opponent. Darkrai is there to help move Sableye and Yvaltal around with ease. Games are generally long with this deck.
RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor)

Hmm I think sable eye is way to fragile to be up front and taking damage, and laser bank is very easy to counter if your deck uses Keldeo to rush and retreat. If I were you I would just switch all those sable eyes for toads maybe keep 2 of them and instead take out Zoroark and Zorua, that way you have much more disruption in your deck. For I get the feeling that your deck revolves around disrupting your opponents strategy. Oh yea and by the way, DCE is a staple in toad decks.
RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor)

It looks like you're going for heavy disruption. I might go with Dragalge instead of Garbodor so that you can really rack up your poison damage. Virizion and Keldeo would give you some trouble due to their Ability to nullify your poison damage, but I think one Silent Lab would be good enough to shut them down, especially with Ninetales in play. (Don't underestimate Ninetales.) If you're worried about Manectric, you can also find room for a Shadow Circle. Also, since you're playing in Expanded, both Darkrai and Yveltal would be good options to attack with instead of Zoroark since they are Basics and take up less space. This also means you can put in Dark Patch as well; too good not to play in Darkness decks. This is similar to what I might play in Expanded if I were to play Hammertime:

Pokemon: 15

  • 4 Sableye
    3 Yveltal EX
    1 Darkrai EX
    1 Jirachi EX
    2 Dragalge
    2 Skrelp
    1 Ninetales
    1 Vulpix
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 38

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    2 N
    2 Lysandre
    1 Professor Birch's Observations
    1 Skyla
    1 Team Flare Grunt
    1 Teammates

    4 Battle Compressor
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    4 VS Seeker
    3 Crushing Hammer
    3 Dark Patch
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Enhanced Hammer
    1 Life Dew

    2 Virbank City Gym
    1 Silent Lab

  • 7 Darkness Energy

I took out Shauna entirely because I feel like Professor Birch is a lot better. There's also N. You should always play N, but particularly if your strategy is disruption.

I took out the excess Flare Grunts. I'd just play one of your tech Supporters since you can get them back with VS Seeker. It gives you more flexibility with your Supporter that way. Also, VS Seeker can be Junk Hunted for, while Supporters cannot.

I don't think Skyla is all that good anymore; however, I think it would be nice in this deck since it does basically run off of Items. So I thought why not keep one around so you can Battle Compressor for it and get it whenever you want with VS Seeker.

I decided to drop Trump Card; I don't think you'd need it in this deck due to how much resources you are able to get back out of the discard pile. The only problem I think would be decking out. If that's the case, you might want to put it back in.

Battle Compressor is the pretty much mandatory if you want to get a Supporter turn one. You don't play that many actual draw Supporters, but if you play Battle Compressor, you can get one in the discard pile, and then get it out with VS Seeker. You can also get Energy in the discard pile for Dark Patch, and Trainers that you want to Junk Hunt for. I actually started the write the deck off, until I saw that one Battle Compressor in your list. I think that card is what makes this deck to be honest.

Generally speaking, Computer Search and Dowsing Machine are the better Ace Specs, but since you have access to Junk Hunt, and Sableye is such a frail Pokemon, I think Life Dew would be a cool idea to at least try out.

The Energy count looks low, but I think it should be enough. You are only attacking for one Energy early game anyways. Professor's Letter might have been nice in hind sight, but you can always Battle Compressor 2 Darkness Energy and a Dark Patch.

Sorry if it seems like I changed the list way too much. I started with just a few suggestions, and I kind of started liking the idea more and more, and this was the end result. I might actually play around with this some more. Hope these suggestions were helpful!
RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor)

Maybe some sort of malamar variation with poison could work for you if this is the strategy you want to pursue?
RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor)

Thanx for the feed back.

Ok made some changes based on some suggestions i received.

4 Sableye DEX
1 Darkrai EX
3 Yveltal EX
2 Ninetails PC
1 Dragalge

2 vulpix
1 skrelp


3 Battle Compressor
2 Dark patch
1 Dowsing Machine or life Dew
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
3 Crushing Hammer
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Team Flair Grunt
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Virbank City Gym
2 Lysandre
2 VS Seeker
2 Prof Birch's Observations
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
2 Skyla
2 pokemon fan club


9 Darkness Energy


The strategy is still the same, stop your opponent from attacking by discarding all of their energy and defeat them with poison. The deck focuses around Sable eye with his junk hunt ability, so the point is to get all the Trainers needed to disable your opponent in the discard pile so you can junk hunt them back and repeat the process over and over gain. Since Sable eye is a frail pokemon life dew is there to relieve that issue. Battle compressor is the key here, it works as a more powerful but reverse Skylar by letting you choose what ever card you want in your discard. Compressor also enbles you to attach energies with the dark patch. Ninetails is there to make it so the stadium which causes all the damage remain in-play uninterrupted. Dragalge is useful to force your opponent to take poison damage. One may play more of them over Ninetail but i perfer this method because most people run when poisoned, which works in this decks favor by them discarding energy and besides, you have Yveltal for damage. Yveltal is the muscle and once Sableye has cleared the field he can strike down the opponent. Darkrai is there to help move Sableye and Yvaltal around with ease. Games are generally long with this deck.
RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor)

No problem! I updated your original post to reflect the changes you made.