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Poison Power (M Venusaur / Toxicroak EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Venusaur EX
    1 M Venusaur EX
    1 Toxicroak EX
    1 Sigilyph
    2 Flabebe
    2 Floette
    1 Tauros
    2 Trubbish
    1 Garbodor (Plasma Storm)
    1 Garbodor (Legendary Treasures)

  • 1 Scramble Switch - ACE SPEC
    1 Max Revive
    3 Cassius
    2 Virbank City Gym
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Shauna
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Heavy Ball
    2 Hard Charm
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Professor Juniper
    1 Professor Juniper
    1 Bianca
    2 Lysandre

  • 1 Rainbow
    4 DCE
    10 Grass

Poison is key, which is the reason for 4 Hypnotoix Lasers and 2 Virbank City Gyms. Main early goal is to poison with Venusaur EX's Poison Power (60 + Poison) Toxicroak EX's Triple Poison (3 Damage Counters between turns), or Hypnotoxic Laser, to pick up a couple of early prize cards while I set things up. Floette is there to up the HP of my Venusaurs via Flower Veil. Sigilyph's goal is to shutdown opposing EX while M Venusaur is being set up. Garbodor (PS) is in place either for its ability to remove other abilities (Pyroar/Sigilyph defense), while Garbodor (LTS) can be an attacker if absolutely necessary without having to carry Psychic energy.

Only one really, getting stuck without having Garbordor (and a tool) against a Pyroar/Sigilyph.
garbador seems like it will just get in the way this deck. I would take both garbador and trubbish out. Take out the hard charms, I would switch ace specs to computer search or dowzing machine ( either will be more playable than scramble switch). I would take the cassius out completly and add in more draw power supporters like N or colress, you could even add in more bianca. I would also add in some verizion to counter against status conditions. I would also take out the rainbow energy because you will most likly not attack with sigilyph, which is your only pokemon that needs something other than grass. You could add in some abomasnow to help out against pyroar and other fire pokemon. You could replace the taurus for another toxicroak ex
Ironman131 said:
garbador seems like it will just get in the way this deck. I would take both garbador and trubbish out. Take out the hard charms, I would switch ace specs to computer search or dowzing machine ( either will be more playable than scramble switch). I would take the cassius out completly and add in more draw power supporters like N or colress, you could even add in more bianca. I would also add in some verizion to counter against status conditions. I would also take out the rainbow energy because you will most likly not attack with sigilyph, which is your only pokemon that needs something other than grass. You could add in some abomasnow to help out against pyroar and other fire pokemon. You could replace the taurus for another toxicroak ex

How you poison without Garbodor when you play against the best deck of the season?
^ That's up for debate on just what that may be, as the term "BDIF" is usually in the eye of the beholder. Although, I assume you meant Virizion / Genesect or something of the sort that runs Virizion.

Personally, I might take out the Floette lines to add in another line of Garbodor, making it a 2-2, and a Virizion EX. Then I might take out a Toxicroak or Tauros for another Virizion. Having built a M Venusaur deck a while back, I can personally attest to the usefulness of Virizion and Garbodor in this deck. Remember, you don't have to always set up Garbodor.
I was saying to get rid of garbador becuase it would render the floette usless. If you play alot of Vir/gen decks or alot of decks that incorperate virizion then just get rid of the floette's completly and just run a 2-2 line of the garbador with garbotoxin. Virizion will help for setup. Instead of the floette lines i would put in abomasnow lines, it will help against fire based decks and pyroar based decks as well.