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Standard Poison Punch (Machamp-EX / Sceptile-EX / Ariados)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 13
  • 3 Machamp-EX (Ancient Origins)
  • 3 Sceptile-EX (Ancient Origins)
  • 3 Ariados (Ancient Origins)
  • 3 Spinarak
  • 1 Hoopa-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Statiums: 36
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Hard Charm
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 1 Forest of Giant Plants
  • 3 Pokemon Center Lady
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 3 Steven
  • 2 Wally
  • 2 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Exp. Share
  • 2 Repeat Ball
  • 2 Shauna
  • 2 Tierno
  • 2 Pal Pad
  • 2 Team Flare Grunt
  • 2 Potion
  • 1 Switch
Energy: 11
  • 4 Grass Energy
  • 4 Fighting Energy
  • 2 Strong Energy
  • 1 Herbal Energy


In a nutshell, the object of this deck is to get Ariados in the bench, and either Sceptile-EX or Machamp-EX as the active pokemon. Ariados' ability causes both active pokemon (excluding grass types) to be poisoned. Machamp, for three energy, has Crazy Hammer. Crazy Hammer does 80 damage plus 80 if Machamp-EX has a status condition. After the move is used, Machamp-EX is no longer affected by a status condition. This makes the attack 160, but Strong Energy adds 20 to fighting attacks.

As a Contingency, I have Sceptile, who has Unseen Claw for two energy. Unseen Claw does 60 damage plus 70 if the opponent active pokemon has a status condition. And Hoopa is there for his ability to bring up to 3 EXs to your hand.

This is my first competitive deck, so I'm not sure where to go from here. Any advice is appreciated!
There are only 34 Trainer cards listed. BUT; I like the idea (Only, Sceptile EX is grass; the Ariados ability won't affect him. So unseen Claw would really only be effective if the opponent places him into a status). I am going to build a deck similar to this as well. But I think I would do two Brigett's to grab an EX; as your one Hoopa EX may get prized. Below are the changes I would make.

-3 Sceptile EX
-1 Ariados
-1 Spinarak
-2 Hard Charm (not really needed for the high HPs on these EXs
-1 Pokémon Center Lady
-2 Potion
-1 Herbal Energy (not really worth it with only Ariados)
-2 Exp Share (See Landorous below)
-4 Grass Energy

+2 Shaymin EX (Draw support; you're lacking it in this deck)
+2 Landorous (Energy recycle/accelerate + secondary attacker with decent HP AND he's not an EX so, only 1 prize)
+2 VS Seeker (With as many different and low count supporters as you're running; you should max this out.)
+4 Fighting Fury Belt (Use these for the extra HP and additional damage in conjunction with your Muscle bands)
+2 Brigett
+2 Fighting Stadium (Additional damage to fighting types)
+3 Fighting/Strong Energy (At your discretion)

Edit: So, disregard my reasoning on Sceptile EX. I don't play him and I misread the attack. He may yet be a good secondary attacker.
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Pokemon: 13
  • 3 Machamp-EX (Ancient Origins)
  • 3 Sceptile-EX (Ancient Origins
    • 3 Ariados (Ancient Origins)
    • 3 Spinarak
    • 1 Hoopa-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Statiums: 36
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Hard Charm
    • 2 VS Seeker
    • 1 Forest of Giant Plants
    • 3 Pokemon Center Lady
    • 2 Level Ball
    • 3 Steven
    • 2 Wally
    • 2 Professor's Letter
    • 2 Exp. Share
    • 2 Repeat Ball
    • 2 Shauna
    • 2 Tierno
    • 2 Pal Pad
    • 2 Team Flare Grunt
    • 2 Potion
    • 1 Switch
Energy: 11
    • 4 Grass
    • 4 Fighting
    • 2 Strong
    • 1 Herbal Energy
First of all, you have a total of 58 cards (P/13, T/34 and E/11), not 60, in your current list. That's actually good news - extra slots to fill.

Interestingly enough, I have built both Machamp-Ariados, as well as Sceptile EX decks, but I've not yet built a Machamp-Sceptile-Ariados deck. Note that Machamp-Ariados is a very solid deck by itself, as well as Sceptile-Manectric (or others, for example). However, your build has been in the back of my mind recently. So, thanks for posting this thread; it now reminds me to complete my idea for some testing.

After a careful review of your deck, I offer the following thoughts/comments for your consideration:

-1 Ariados
-1 Spinarak - a 2-2 line should be sufficient
-1 Hoppa EX - really not needed with improved Pokémon search engine
-1 Muscle Band - making "room" for other higher cards (IMO)
-1 Hard Charm - making "room" for other higher cards (IMO)
-1 Forest of Giant Plants - this particular "1-of" is quite insignificant and does not help your overall deck that much
-2 Pokémon Center Lady - 1 should be sufficient
-1 Level Ball - 1 should be sufficient
-3 Steven - not a strong card-draw Supporter and you can get energy in other, more efficient ways
-2 Wally - similarly, not really important to evolve your Spinarak "quickly" on T1
-1 Professor's Letter - 1 should be sufficient
-2 Exp. Share - opponents can render this Tool ineffective by Lysandre'ing the Pokémon with this attached Tool and just KO that Pokémon
-2 Repeat Ball - another Ball provides greater versatility
-2 Pal Pad - VS Seeker is more efficient
-1 Team Flare Grunt - replacing 1 with a Xerosic which provides more flexibility
-2 Potion - not critical in this format of 1HKO
-1 Herbal Energy - not really needed, plus it's a Hammer or Xerosic target

+2 Hawlucha (FFI) - this F, free-retreating Pokémon is opponent EXs' worst nightmare...
+2 Landorus (FFI) - inflicts minor damage, but provides energy-attachment acceleration
+1 AZ or Cassius - allows you to "pickup" severely wounded or "stuck in Active position Pokémon
+1 Energy Retrieval - since you are running different types of Basic energy, you may need to retrieve discarded enrgy before you attack
+3 Fighting Stadium - counters opponents' Stadiums, as well as boosts your F Pokémon damage output on opponent's EX Pokémon only
+3 Heavy Boots - this Tool is OUTSTANDING when attached to Machamp EX, because it makes its 1st attack more effective (and lethal) since the HB prevent the Confusion effect
+1 Korrina - another F Pokémon specific Supporter that is very helpful
+2 Lysandre - needed to "gust" opponent's benched Pokémon to Defending Position for possible KO
+4 Professor Sycamore - strong, card-draw Supporter needed
+4 VS Seeker - maximizes reuse of your Supporters
+4 Ultra Ball - Used to search and get any Pokémon; the required 2 cards to discard can include energy which can then be attached to one of your benched Pokémon via Landorus' Shout of Power attack

I hope you find these comments helpful.
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I would try to get some Max Elixir into this deck, it is great at powering up MaChamp quickly.