PokéBeach Art Dictionary


Urusai Urusai Urusai
PokéBeach Art Dictionary

Here you can find acronyms and terms you may need at the art section. If you have any that aren't listed here, feel free to post them.

=Cinema 4Ds, something that makes your signature looking cool.
Example (The layer mode of C4Ds should be 'Lighten')

Tag / Banner
An image you can put into your signature

PS (Photoshop)
The best image manipulation program, but the most expensive one. You can get it for about 1.700$, but there's also a free 30-days trial version available.

Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
It's the best freeware you can get. It has almost any features you need. But it's hard to work with for beginners.

Another program you can use for your graphics. It isn't nearly as good as Gimp but it's pretty easy to work with.

MS Paint
A graphic program that's pre-installed on Windows. You can't do very much with this. Mainly used for Sprites.

A cutout of an image. It has a transparent background.

AotW = Artwork of the Week
Avy = Avatar
B/W = Black/White (Greyscale) Image
C4D = Cinema 4D
C&C = Comment and Critique
GFX = Graphics Design
HQ = High Quality
KIU = Keep it up
LP = Large Piece
LQ = Low Quality
PS = Photoshop
PSD = Photoshop Document (An image without merged layers)
PSP = Paint Shop Pro
SotW = Signature of the Week
TBH = To be honest
XCF = Gimp Document

.gif = File format used for animations. It's low on quality.
.jpeg = Don't ever use this, it has horrible quality but the file size is low.
.png = The best file format, you can make transparent images and the quality is good.

JPEG is a lossy format so that means that the quality can even deteriorate over time producing what we call "JPEG artifacts".
JPEG is a lossy format so that means that the quality can even deteriorate over time producing what we call "JPEG artifacts".

"Lossy Format" and "JPEG artifacts" might be some other good terms to add to this list.
Maybe add stuff like:


So new artists know what you're talking about when people say. "This is my new Vector Tag" or something.
You can't do pretty much with this.

What? :F Do you mean you can't do very much with this?

And I disagree. Paint is THE sprite program, GIMP is for stuff like tags, userbars, and avatars, but Microsoft Paint is the best Sprite Program out there that I know of.
But the thing is, you can do a lot with it, with sprites at least. So maybe say something along the lines of
"You can't do much with it if you're looking to make tags or avatars."