I got to thinking about coin-flips and cash related puns, and I was
this close to creating a Meowth with a similar ability. But I settled for 'Champion's Purse' for Incineroar's wrassling roots. Let's face, everyone hates coin flip attacks. And Fliptini can only do so much. It's a very powerful ability, so I think having it on a not-very-good Stage 2 is a fair trade-off. It would require a lot of effort and deck space to guarantee those flips, but it'd be totally worth it when you manage it.
I think a card like this, that turns one of your Tails into a guaranteed Heads, could open up so many many unviable cards. And, as it happens, there are a whole lot of both [D] and [R] cards that fulfill the 2 coins or more requirement. I've been careful with the wording to ensure firstly, the ability can stack with multiple Incieroar out, and secondly that you can choose to leave the Tails as Tails if you so choose.
Most of all of course, the other Incineroar-GX. Which at present is incredibly poor. But imagine two of these bad boys sitting on the bench supporting it? Suddenly that 80 +maybe 50, + maybe 50 more becomes a guaranteed 130 or 180. In a way, this is a successor to my
[P] type Decidueye from January (Some theme where I can make a [Y] Primarina next tyia). This card and the regular version can support each other, and your obvious deck archetype is to build around both in the same deck. Not an easy build with the mixed costs, but [R] have a lot of support that could retrieve the discarded energies.
The GX attack is pretty straightforward for the brawler. One of those flips is already guaranteed. Another Incineroar on the Bench and it's 140 and you just need one of your three flips to be a heads for a straight-up 210 before tools.
'Skin the Cat' is named for
the wrestling move. It's a difficult attack to build around with the discarding. And luck could be against you, but at least you can plan around that with your build. But it will be very tricky to stream this attack regularly, even with Dark Patch in Expanded. And I think that is a fair price to pay for a double discard off of your opponent. Note this can work with the discarding swagger Torracat (who relies on a flip

). Mostly this card is supposed to support some other attacker, but you can use this to stall at a pinch, or 2HKO if you can figure out a reliable way to recharge the attack.