The weakness and resistance, while not being necessarily standard for [M] Bronzoing, do have precedent with Bronzong G.
Dammit blah, such fail many wow!I just realized, after looking at my card, that I forgot to italicize the '(before your attack)' bit in the Ability... >_<. Oh well.
Here's my entry!
It is done, Finally! Took me a while to get the Tyranitar how I wanted it but I think it worked out in the end. I could find the font with the white borders used for the GX cards before the deadline so the font I used will have suffice. I don't have any particular reason for choosing Tyranitar, I just wanted to draw a Johto pokemon and Tyranitar was the first guy to come to mind.
I used Adobe sketch and Photoshop to make the card.
With the theme being luck I thought it would be cool if I made a card about your opponent being unlucky (thus you being lucky for your opponent's misfortune) so that' where Earthquake and Crushing Blow come into play. The idea is that you use Earthquake to make your opponent luckily put down a good card then follow it up with Crushing Blow. Split the Earth GX's idea was that if your opponent used a card that lets you pick a card and put it on top of his deck (Like Steam Siege Aipom's ability) you could use it to screw up his card placement. This card wasn't made to be good, only to be interesting.
Anyway hopefully I didn't do anything wrong when making this card & post. I'll definitely stick around for next month's contest if I can.Not related to the card but something I thought was funny. Pupitar evolving to Tyranitar is weird. When Puitar evolves his face becomes his chest complete with arms growing out if it and Tyranitars head looks like its just barely poking out of Pupitar's body. To make it even worse Tyranitar is stuck with it's previous evolutions body on his stomach. It's just weird.
I could find the font with the white borders used for the GX cards before the deadline so the font I used will have suffice.
Oh alright, thanks! I'll make sure to do that next time around.Tip for next time, correct fonts are all mentioned here: Font guide post
And to get one with a white border, you need to add stroke fx to it in photoshop.
Layer panel (with correct layer selected) > fx button (at bottom of panel) > stroke > solid > white > whatever thickness works with your card size.
Or double click the layer and choose stroke, bottom left (change colour to white and the default width of 3, to 2)Oh alright, thanks! I'll make sure to do that next time around.