Writing Pokécon - The Con is on! Chapter 1 is up!

Ice Espeon

[size=-20]The Con is On[/size]

Chapter Select:


“We will now escort you to the Pokémon Deposit room to collect your Pokémon. You will then be shown off the premises.”

John Green (more commonly known as Johnny Green) was being released from prison. He was a grifter, a con artist. Never caught, but serving a prison sentence for a totally unrelated crime. 2 years in prison is never nice, but he had a strong mind. For the first time in 2 years he would see his Pokémon that always assisted him in his scores. He wondered whether or not they would be happy to see him, or if they would detest every bone in his body. What should he do when he got out? Should he quit playing the con?


A man walked into a dull pub with a dog. He was wearing shaggy, dirty clothes, and an old cap. He walked up to the bar and sat on a stool. He ordered a drink and asked the sar tender, “Hey, can you look after my Eevee for a second while I go to the toilet?”


A woman later walked into the bar while the man seemingly ‘went to the toilet’. “Is this your Eevee?” she asked.

“Uh, no. It belongs to a man who asked me to look after it while he went to the toilet.”

“Hmm, that’s a shame”, she replied. “It’s just that that Eevee is in fine condition, and I would pay £1000 for it.”

“£1000?” said the bar tender, intrigued and wishing he had said it was his.

“I’m a breeder you see, and that Pokémon is a fine specimen indeed. In case you change your mind…” she said as she slipped him her Pokégear number.

As the ‘breeder’ left, the man emerged through the doors that lead to the toilet. She gave him a discreet nod that to an untrained eye would look like she was glancing at the pictures on the wall, but to him gave him the signal that he was on.

As the man sat down, he mentioned the tough economic times.

“It’s really hard, you know? First I lost my job, then my house, and now Eevee is all I’ve got. At the moment I’m begging off the streets just for food. I only came in here because someone kind gave me a £10 note.”

“Well, if you are struggling with money, I can help”


“I’ll take that dog off your hands for you for £100”

“Sorry, but he’s all I’ve got, I could only possibly sell him for £200, but even then, he’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember” replied the ‘beggar’ as he stroked the Eevee lovingly.

“Well, for what it’s worth, I can see that you love it a great deal, so I’ll go to £150 tops”


“Deal”, said the bar tender as he thought to himself excitedly that he was going to make an £825 profit when he called the breeder. He forked over the money in cash to the scruffy man, giving him time to say his goodbye.

As the man walked out of the bar, he smiled to himself that he just got all that money from the pure greed of the bar tender, hoping to get a bit of cash.

After ringing what he thought was the breeder (which was actually a Pokémon center Video Phone) for hours with no luck. He then noticed something.

On the Eevee was a note saying:

Please return Eevee to:
Haircut Brothers,
42 Goldenrod City Tunnel,

(P.S. We stole it from them, and be kind to it)

He thought to himself:


The man and woman who received the money in a matter of 5 minutes were Lilly Carter and Ricky “Faker” Featherstone.


“So, we know that when the oil company releases this report, the share prices rocket?” enquired the greedy property developer.

“Of course”, replied Eddie Arlington, an American aged 73, also a con man, taking an unsuspecting mark’s money. “We expect the shares to riple in value. All we need to do is put some money in and we will make a huge return when we sell them again. If we are to make any money in this I suggest that we should aim to put in maybe…”

“£100 000?” butted in the mark.

“Yes, that should be sufficient enough. We’ll then make £200 000 each when they launch the report.”

“Thank you for this opportunity Albert.”

“My pleasure”


Somewhere in the back streets of a city, Jack Flare was trying to conceal the fact he was cheating at a Poker game with some foreign chefs.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go all in”, he said as he placed a £20 pound note on the table. “Royal Flush.”

They smelled a rat, found out he was cheating and threatened him out with a huge knife.

Need I say more?

This has been inspired by the TV programme ‘Hustle’.

RE: Pokécon - The Con is on!

I already said it in chat, but another missassumption in the 2nd piece.
If the company get's 200.000 out of the deal. how do they get 200.000 each, unless it's only one person of course. But then "each" would be misplaced.

Good fic, I like it.
RE: Pokécon - The Con is on!

Nice fic. Where did you get the name Jack Flare from?
RE: Pokécon - The Con is on!

They put in 100 000 each, and then get 200 000 back. But in this case, the con artist (Edward Arlington) will collect the money from the mark and the mark will not receive anything as the con man will diapear.

EDIT: Made it up :p (nothing to do with your username BTW)

Also, thank you for the positive comments :]
RE: Pokécon - The Con is on!

Nice fic. A few grammatical errors here and there, but no one's perfect. It's got an interesting plot, and I hope you continue it.
RE: Pokécon - The Con is on!

I will. The prolouge was just introducing the main characters.
RE: Pokécon - The Con is on!


The Crew

“Okay, here’s your £87.50. See ya tomorrow at the next bar down the road. Same con?” enquired Ricky.

“Sure. The Eevee and the bar is one of the easiest and fastest cons there is”, Lilly replied.

“Okay. Wait, I’ve got an incoming Pokégear call from Johnny!”

“Oh, I forgot he was getting out today, how is he?”

“Hi Johnny, how are ya mate?”


“Fine thank you Ricky. Listen, I’ve been thinking, how about we join the crew up again?”


“Johnny, I’m sorry, but nowadays nobody plays the long con.”


“Well at least it’s better than playing the Eevee and the bar.”


“Wait, how did you?”


“I was in the bar, and now I’m right behind you.”

Ricky turned around, and there he was, his best friend, the legendary con artist, Johnny Green. He turned off the Pokégear and greeted him.

“Hi Ricky, Lilly, how are you both?”

“I’m doing fine.” Lilly said, giving Johnny a brief hug.

“Great thanks Johnny, how about we go to Danny’s to talk about this crew, even though the long con is never played.”

“Let’s go then”


“Danny, how are you?”

“Johnny! So you got out of prison OK then?”

“Yeah, I’m fine”, said Johnny, looking around the modern bar, painted dark red and purple, and furnished with plush armchairs and sofas. A snooker table was sitting in the corner of the room, and Danny’s (pathetic) Zigzagoon was sleeping on the counter. “Have you decorated the bar?

“Yeah, it’s been done up while you were in the slammer.”

“Wow, I really like what you’ve done with this place, oh and Hi Danny”, Lilly said.

“Thanks Lilly. Just so you know guys, just because Johnny got out of prison today, it doesn’t mean that I’m erasing your tab.”

“Yeah, so lets get down to buissness then shall we?” said Johnny, sitting down at a table.

“Oi! Don’t forget about the tab”

“On it, Danny”, moaned all three.

“Ok, so Eddie’s found us a mark…”
Look at your prologue. Just skim through it. Now look at Chapter One. It is very obvious that the prologue is large than your first chapter. That should never happen (seriously, no exceptions come to my mind about this). The Prologue is simply an opening, something that gets the reader a feel of the story. Chapters show a major part of the plot, and should be thus larger. So, how do we beef up a chapter to be larger without sounding wordy?

-Add meaningful actions
Every person behaves differently and has a different personality. Bring out these differences so your characters look much more real. For example, an impatient person - possibly like Ricky, who enjoys conning as much as possible - who tend to pace around, look around, tap fingers on furniture, etc. Get us to know your characters, and make the enjoyable.

-Paint the picture
A crucial problem with your chapter is that I can't see anything. I can only hear the dialogue. Where are they at? What does it look it around them? Actually, what do they look like? The English language has words can paint the picture. If "a picture is worth a thousand words," then it's very possible to get a picture's worth (no, you don't have to get all one thousand, but at least try).

Thanks Zyflair, I will definatly take this into account and update soon.
Zyflair pretty much summed up what I was going to say, but I'd still like to emphasize on the description as that was a big problem for me when I started out. I can't remember who said it to me, but your imagery should be sharp enough it that cuts your readers' minds like razor because, without it, you literally have nothing. Since then I've made it a point to try and have as thick (and specific) descriptions as I possibly can, though I also use a lot of fake Pokemon in my stories (which is another reason why a lot of my chapters end up being rather lengthy).

In any case, though, I was really impressed by your prologue! You've got a way with drama, that's for sure. You just have to thicken stuff up is all.