Pokémon 2vs2: Our doubles rules


Aspiring Trainer
We have created a special rules in order to play Pokémon TCG in a different way. Because someone could be interested in this idea, we decided to share our rules.

We are aware of we are not the first ones who decided to play 2vs2 but our rules may (not must) differ to the other ones, we devised them without browsing any discussions and without looking for the existing ones.

So, these are the rules:

General: The game is played by two teams, each of them consisting of two players.
(In all the examples in this post, there will be players A and B in the team 1 and players C and D in the team 2. You are usually the player A, your ally is player 2 and your opponents are C & D).

Every player has his/her own 60-card deck build according to official rules. The players play separately but they can discuss in the team what to do.

The game rules follow the officially rules as much as possible, just modify some things for 4 players.

If something is not mentioned here, play it according to its official rules.

Beginning: All players shuffle their decks as usually and draw 7 cards.
Alert rules: The alert cards (if any) can be drawn only AFTER all 4 players already have an active Pokémon. The alert cards of the team members stack. One alert card means that only one of the opponent team players can draw a card. Every time, the allies have to agree on which player will do it.
(Example: Players A, B & D have one alert each. So player C OR player D will take an extra card.)
(Example 2: Players A & B have one alert each, player C has two alerts, player D has no alert. As the result, no player will take an extra card.)

Then do all things at the beginning as usually. Every player puts 6 prize cards aside so the team has to collect 12 prize cards to win.

!Team allies play at the same time (they have common turn) but they have to begin (draw a card) and end (attack/pass) their turns at the same time!

Turn beginning: At the beginning of each turn, both players of the team draw a card.
Turn: Both players of the team its turn is now can do all the classical turn actions in any order.
They can discuss every step with reach other of course and see each other's hand.
Basic Pokémon: Each player may put up to 5 Pokémon onto his/her bench. (Every player has separate bench. Never mix together 2 decks!)
Attach energy: Each player may attach 1 energy per turn (both A&B).
Supporters: Each player may play 1 supporter per turn (both A&B).
Stadium cards: Each team may play only 1 stadium per turn (player A cannot put a stadium to play, use it, then B would use it and replace it with another stadium, this is not allowed).
Attack: Players have to wait to each other to attack at the same time. As soon as no player (A or B) does not want to do anything else, they can attack. Before attack, they have to agree on which player's active Pokémon will attack which defending Pokémon. This is based on players, not Pokémon, so you cannot attack the same opponent twice (even if A would attack C's active and B would attack C's bench only, this is not allowed).

Weakness and resistance is strongly required to be ignored during 2vs1 plays.

!Note about the effects:!
- if any effect says "you/your Pokémon", it counts only with you as a player, not with your ally

(Example: If you have Victini on your bench,Victini's Victory star ability cannot be used by your ally if he/she does not have Victini on his/her bench as well.)
(Example 2: Serperior's Royal heal heals 10 damage between turns only from your Pokémon, not your ally's.)

- if any effect say's "your opponent/your opponent's Pokémon", you have to choose the player you have to affect with this"
(Example: Dusknoir's Sinister Hand allows you to choose C or D during your turn and move damage counters ONLY among this player's Pokémon. If you have 2 Dusknoirs, you can choose both C & D but you can NEVER transfer damage counters between C & D's Pokémon as they are separate players).
(Example 2: If you have Ampharox DRX as you active Pokémon, you have to choose which player (C or D) has to put 3 damage counters on his/her Pokémon when attaching an energy.)

- if any effect says "each player", it will affect all 4 players
(Example: If there is an Archeops with Ancient power ability in play, no player can evolve his/her Pokémon.)
(Example: During using N, each player shuffles his/her hand and draws a card for each of his/her remaining prize card (the players do not stack so it is between 0 & 6 cards).

- effects do not stack in the way to be more powerful
(Example: Leafeon's Energy crush counts only the energy of the player you choose).
(Example 2: If you use Empoleon's Attack command, it sums up only the Pokémon of players A & C OR A&D, not all the 4 players).

Win conditions:
- Defeat all Pokémon of one player
- Take all 12 prize cards (if you have no more prizce cards left but your ally has, whenever you should take prize card, your ally does so instead of you).
- Make of your opponents have no card in his/her deck at the beginning of the turn

That's all for now, I am conviced about I forgot some important things to mention but I do not know which so if you have any questions, please, feel free to ask me below or send me a pm :)

Rules developed by: Zdarak & Antalyan & WinterSoldier
Article written by: Antalyan

I currently do not have time to go over these, but I wanted you to be aware that while they are obscure, there actually are rules for team play in the Pokémon TCG. They were created by Wizards of the Coast when they were handling the Pokémon TCG outside of Japan, and later a revised version was being developed when WotC failed to renew the license and Nintendo/Pokémon stepped in to handle things. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of these rules handy (lost them in a hard drive crash about a decade ago - the importance of backing up files!).

Just to let you know besides the obvious usefulness of reading such rules (if you are able to track them down), 2vs2 play is officially something different in the Pokémon TCG. As you know normally you have a single Active Pokémon with up to five Pokémon on your Bench. Back when Gen III was new, the video games added the option of having two of your Pokémon Active at once; this was adapted as "2 vs 2" play for the Pokémon TCG and was rarely used because you still only got one attack per turn so it was largely pointless. =P

Good luck and hopefully I'll be able to read through this sooner rather than later. ^^'