Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 30th AUGUST!)

Fangking Omega

Master Faker

Part 1 � Fangking�s Foreword
Part 2 � The Acanthite Team
Part 3 � Credits
Part 4 � The Vision of Acanthite
Part 5 � The Story
Part 6 � New Pok�n
Part 7 � Merto
Part 8 � Characters
Part 8 � Developments
Part 9 � Screenshots

Part 1 � Fangking�s Foreword

Fangking here again, with a new thread for the game� the old one was plugged with n00bs, annoying questions, and everything was a mess, so here we go, let�s start this discussion afresh.

I�ve not been updating for a while, wishing to keep stuff under wraps, but I guess it�s time I started appearing again. - And let me tell you, Pok�n Acanthite has never been better.

The Pok�n designing phase has accelerated beyond belief. Until recently, there were only a few Pok�n with actual designs, they were only names. Thanks to the acquisition of Kangaskhan Kid and Cascade Gonpory, this element of the game has excelled and we�ve got well over 100 Pok�n drawn. Also, Kangaskid is an awesome spriter, and is doing the sprites of the new Pok�n.

After joining Pok�n Topaz, my mapping has improved even more. I love map making, and to have improved is great. I�m also getting more daring� Topaz, with its complex floating city, burnt forests and dirty great polluted cities, taught me this; anything is possible, so now the custom tiles are getting better and more original.

I�ve got something that looks more like a team than ever now. 8 regular Acanthite staff including myself. Until very recently, only myself and Mateo, who I have been working with for over 3 years on all kinds of projects, were the only people you could actually call team members.

Then a few months back, my good friend and my favourite card faker of this generation, Cascade Gonpory, suggested we did the EX: Acanthite card set to tie in with the game, and then became one of the Pok�n designers (a lot of the Pok�n you will see in Acanthite belong to him and they�re all fantastic).

Then just after we began the card set in June, Kangaskid (who had contributed a couple of Pok�n and sprites at the very birth of the project) offered his services and began designing Pok�n. I�m an alright artist, and I can draw stuff if I know what it looks like, but I�m not fabulous at actually coming up with how the Pok�n should look off the top of my head. Kangaskid however can sketch a great Pok�n in mere minutes, and he went ahead and redesigned a lot of my sub-standard old Pok�n ideas as well as designing all the ones that hadn�t been done before. He also proved soon afterwards that he was a fantastic spriter, and as such became the head spriter for the project.

And then, only on August 6th, 4 new recruits were added, and then another on the 7th,��after they proved they had invaluable ideas and skills needed for the project. They�re all fantastic, and I owe a lot to them for their support. Without them, I�d be working pretty slowly still.

Let�s just say that the project is moving a lot faster than ever before.

So, let�s meet the team behind Acanthite!

Part 2 � The Acanthite Team

Fangking Omega � project coordinator, story writer, head mapper and region planner, Pok�n ideas and designer, graphics ripper and custom graphics creator, events coordinator and minor scripting, and EX: Acanthite card sets co-leader.

Kangaskhan Kid � Lead designer and spriter

Cascade Gonpory � Designer and EX: Acanthite card sets co-leader

Mateo � Lead custom graphics creator

Pok�niac � Lead stats, original attacks and original items coordinator, and Pok�n concepts creator.

Plateface � Original attacks, items and game ideas coordinator. ALSO a Pok�n concepts creator.

Crazy Weavile � Lead subplot/quest coordinator

Ivar � Lead music composer and coordinator

Maneachicken � Trainer designer and spriter, and Pok�n concepts creator

[ray.z] � Trainer designer and spriter

venomwind � Character script writer

Criptexa � New attack ideas

Whitey Pokemon God � Custom tiles

Kholdstaire � Stats developer and metagame co-ordinator

Selestius � Storyboard director

ShiShiKo � Pok�n designer and artist

Twin Matrix � Spriter and ideas assistant

ccoa - Scripting work, sprites, ideas and general motivator and contributor

Part 3 � Credits

I owe credits to the following who have helped out so far, knowingly if permission was required or unknowingly if their stuff was available for universal use.

Blizzy - for the magnificent starter kit and behind the scenes collaboration � without Blizzy�s hard work I may well have given up.
I have also used scripts created or modified by Freakboy, Ultimate Jesus, Rataime, Burned Soul, GoldenAura3, Squall, Deke, Near Fantastica, SilentDragon, Dubealex and Cybersam.

I�m pleased to say a fully working battle system isn�t far off either.

Avatar, duh. His overworld sprites are sheers magic.
The tileset and custom graphics are courtesy of Fangking Omega, Mateo, Gridiron, GSC Platinum, Neon Screen, Remy, Mattgcn, Cuddles and Kyledove.

Pok�n ideas:
Outside of the staff, Veridianedge and Double Dash have all contributed some great concepts for Pok�n.

Part 4 � The Vision of Acanthite

What is Acanthite all about? Well, it�s Pok�n :S

But Pok�n as you�ll have never seen it before. Sort of.

Originally, Acanthite was a remake of Pok�n Silver, FRLG style, but from a new angle. You played as the rival instead of the hero. The plan was to take Johto from that point of view, and introduce a new region, also incorporating all 386 Pok�n somehow into one single game.

An idea that bites off more than it could possibly chew. Analyse. It would not only be tedious to make, but it would be tedious to play, and the player would be too bored after 3 regions worth of game. I challenge anybody to create a game with 3+ regions that still keeps an interesting story throughout. What I found was, trying to incorporate new story elements created a mishmash of pointless escapades that just made GSC�s story even more long-winded. Long time players of the original GSC would have had to complete Johto - yet again before anything truly interesting and new happened, and even then it just felt like a whole new story had begun, which creates the problem of gyms being too easy etc� and we HAVE seen Johto before, we don�t want to have to repeat half a game before we come to the good, juicy new stuff.

And Acanthite suffered the indignation of sitting on a hard drive that underwent a failure, thus I lost my Johto maps, scripts, and my graphics. The project was discontinued in sullied fashion. It had failed to live up to the expectations of the eagerly waiting public.

But I hadn�t counted on an existing, recent version of the tileset that was still floating around the hard drive of one Mateo. It had been the loss of the tileset that had crushed my dream of creating a great fangame, for it was easily the most important faction, having taken months and months to grow into what it has become, which was what I enormously big-headedly believe to be one the greatest graphical achievements in Pok�n fangame history due to radical nature of what it contains, bringing to the table just about every graphic you could ever need (albeit I�m missing one single, crucial thing�). It had more than just rips; it had edits that would be able to revolutionise the way makers could create a town, with new, original buildings.

The astonishing recovery of the tileset inspired me to resume project Acanthite once more. I dug up the buried information that I had stored away; a number of plot devices, screenshots, etc etc� I began the reconstruction of the new region, Merto, utterly forsaking the Johto that had once been. Acanthite was going to set itself an achievable goal, and it was going to be something new, something unseen. Why rely on the glories of previous games? I�m going to make this my own. So sorry to those who liked Chronicles of the Feodite, but that's gonna have to take a bit of a back sea for a little while.

As observers of the Resources forum will have seen, I�ve been busy ripping charasets too. Coupled with Avatar�s custom ones, I think I�d had the single largest collection of FRLG charasets (note � FRLG, not RSE, I don�t concern myself with RSE charasets because they�re uglier that FRLG. The irony of the matter though is that I�ve got all them too :p) ever compiled (though out of the kindness of my heart, I�ve publicly released them all :p). I�m aiming for graphical authenticity while still having all my new features. More on them later. I�ve not mixed FRLG with RSE because it clashes and looks ugly. Graphics that were originally RSE have been morphed into FRLG style to avoid any such ugliness.

I knew it would be impossible for me to chase the dream of incorporating all 386 Pok�n, especially considering that I wasn�t intending to remake Kanto or Johto anymore. And so I thought what to do about this�

The answer came to me in glorious fashion :p

Merto, the new region, held the purpose of allowing the player to get those Ruby/Sapphire �Mons that couldn�t be found in Kanto or Johto respectively, thus allowing the player the opportunity of catching all 386� but this wasn�t new, and that almighty (potentially dull) task had already been done before in the games of RSE, FRLG and Colosseum (Nintendo�s fantastic money making scheme� 6 freakin� games to catch �em all :S. Merto of course could have still held those Hoenn Pok�n, but it still wasn�t new, and the other nice Pokies not of Hoenn origin were unaccounted for. So why account for them at all?

I�ve seen people talk about putting in a whole new batch of original Pok�n while still containing all 386 real ones in their game. �OMM 500+ POGIES.� Good luck to you, if you can do it I take my hat off to you. I however have more realistic ideas. A maximum of 150 new monsters will be incorporated into Acanthite, and 100 more from the original batch. This is a sensible, feasible amount that forces memories of Ruby/Sapphire in its purpose, keeping the Pok�n feel without needing to dwell too much on the past games. And as this game will not need to focus on Trading or competitive link battles with friends, the player needn�t complain that their old team�s Pok�n won�t be appearing. This game is to focus on plot and new Pok�n rather than living up to what players used in the past. The loyalty to the series is that I�m not trying to be too ambitious and redo what�s already been done before, but still keeping that feel of Pok�n once you�re in the game.

So, Acanthite was at last revised in purpose and ready to roll� but what about the story? Time to revise that as well.

Part 5 � The Story

Pok�n has never been huge on story. It�s always had that same basic principle; become a Pok�n master and randomly stop Team Rocket/Magma/Aqua along the way. This time, it�s inverse. Your main priority is set on the destruction of Team Rocket (yes, they�re back again�) and their evil goal (less random because it�s coming from the offset) while you become a Pok�n master along the way.

Pok�n Acanthite chronologically takes place just before the events of GSC, just under 3 years since RBY (the time period is irrelevant in dictating which Pok�n appear in the Merto region). It is played from the perspective of Kamon (GSC�s rival) and seeks to create a back-story justifying Kamon�s seemingly evil intentions in GSC, and particularly to understand why he hates Team Rocket so much. Acanthite will explain in due course why Kamon goes to Johto for GSC era, and will attempt to justify why he has his thirst to create strong Pok�n rather than to �love� them properly. It will not, however, explain where all the Pok�n caught and raised in Acanthite disappear to in that transition :p We do however see the human face of Kamon as he is first catapulted into his feud with the Rockets. We see a boy who is interested in Pok�n and wants to protect his family.

So, let us begin the story of Acanthite�

Almost 3 years ago, Team Rocket were defeated by a young boy who later became the Pok�n Champion (see RBY/FRLG). They were leaderless and had apparently disbanded. But in truth, they were planning their return to power, operating in secret under the temporary administration of the mysterious and elusive Pok�n Trainer Argus. They had at last drawn up their plan and were ready to move out into the open, beginning their operation in the region of Merto.


Young Kamon* was with his Dad�s old friend and neighbour, Professor Willow (who happens to be one of the leading authorities of the Science Union of Merto, S.U.M.). With Kamon�s help, Willow had sought out and caught 3 rare Pok�n that she wished to study. Kamon was not a Pok�n Trainer, but he had always enjoyed going out into the fields with Professor Willow and seeing the Pok�n in the wild.

Having returned to his hometown of Olbranch, Kamon left Willow�s lab and headed back home, but just as he was about to unbolt the front door, it burst open and out walked a man dressed all in black, accompanied by two others who had large red �R�s emblazoned on their uniforms. The man introduces himself as Argus, and when questioned what he was doing at the house, he answered by saying that he was looking for Kamon�s father, who at the time was away on business. He muttered something about Kamon�s sister being highly uncooperative in the matter, and that he hoped he had taught her a lesson.

�Oh, you�re thinking of taking me on too?� Argus laughed maliciously. �But how could you possibly do that when you don�t even have Pok�n of your own, you foolish boy? Now my brothers,� he added to his companions, �let us leave. Oh,� and he turned back to Kamon, �and if you should see your father before we find him, kindly let him know that Team Rocket are looking for him. I promise you boy, once we have him, Team Rocket will rise again, more powerful than ever before.�

With that, Argus and his fellows walked off, leaving Kamon confused and angry. He hurried into the house, where he found his sister Kiren crouched over her Sympholy, administering it with potions, and clearly quite shaken by what had just happened. When Kamon asked what Argus had done, she explained that the Rockets had come looking for their father, saying something about how important he was to their plans, and when she wouldn�t tell them where he was, Argus attacked with his Pok�n. Her own Pok�n Sympholy hadn�t been anywhere near strong enough to deal with Argus�, and had been horribly hurt in the battle.

Kiren was worried for their father. He had always warned them about Team Rocket, proclaiming them as evil. He, unlike everybody else, had not been convinced that they were gone for good, prophesying that they would attempt to rise again. Now they were apparently active once more, and searching for him. Kiren decided that she and Kamon should call him using her Pok�ar. They got through to him and hurriedly explained about Argus and his apparent desire to find him. Their father decided that he should go into hiding at once, and that Kamon and Kiren should raise themselves some strong Pok�n to protect themselves for their own safety, just in case Team Rocket returned to waylay them. He told them to see Professor Willow about getting their own Pok�n.

At once Kamon and Kiren headed over to Willow�s lab and told her what their father had said. At once she offered them a choice between the 3 rare Pok�n that she had just caught with Kamon; Shootree, a seedlike grass type; Striktoil, the fire snake, and Squink, a water type squid. Willow bestows Kamon with his own Pok�ar and also takes Kiren�s Sympholy, promising to look after it for her. Armed with their new Pok�n, Kamon and Kiren decide that it is unsafe to stay in Olbranch Town and at once split up as they head down the path of Route 47. They believe that they should help their dad by taking on Team Rocket head on, so they understand that they�ll need to train their Pok�n. As a result of this, they decide that it would be worth attempting the Merto Gym Challenge.

The road not only leads them onto the tough Gym Challenge, but also into a number of scuffles with the Rockets as they continue scouring the Merto region for signs of their father.

But why are Team Rocket looking for their father in the first place? Well, the man had always been closely involved with S.U.M., and in particular had his own expertise from researching the mysteries of Merto. And 3 years ago, he had almost lead Team Rocket onto the mysterious Project GEMININE. When the Rockets had been defeated however, he fled and took the plans for Project GEMININE with him, seeking solace in the peaceful town of Olbranch.

He did realise that there would come a time when Team Rocket would come looking for him, as he knew they would believe that if they succeeded with Project GEMININE, Team Rocket would once again be a dominant force in the Pok�n world, this time even more powerful than last time. He had no desire to associate himself with the Rockets ever again, and knew the steps he would have to take when the time came. Once he was in hiding, the plans for Project GEMININE would be safe from Team Rocket, which was the priority.

However, as they crossed Merto, Team Rocket discovered a place called Bambotta City, a little south of the enigmatic Novene Temple, and home to two warring factions, the Koki and Shuyo clans who were fighting for ownership of the Sword of GEMININE. Each clan possessed half of the sword respectively and believed that they had the right to have the other half. Stopping Team Rocket becomes even more crucial as they forge an alliance with the Shuyo clan and begin to solve the mystery of Project GEMININE for themselves� with potentially cataclysmic consequences.

*Note the player can choose any name - I'm using the name Kamon here as it is commonly recognised.

Part 5 � New Pok�n

It is to be noted that there is not a complete fixture list of Pok�n yet - we're after a full 150 now! So we need ideas...

#1 SHOOTREE - Acorn Pokémon - Grass
#2 ROOTREE - Tree Pokémon - Grass
#3 PLANTREE - Tree Pokémon - Grass
#4 STRIKTOIL - Fire Snake Pokémon - Fire
#5 VIPERNO - Fire Snake Pokémon - Fire - Poison
#6 COBROAST - Fire Snake Pokémon - Fire - Poison
#7 SQUINK - Squid Pokémon - Water
#8 OCTIKLE - Tentacle Pokémon - Water
#9 SQUIDRENT - Tentacle Pokémon - Water
#10 SKUME - Odour Pokémon - Normal
#11 WHISKUNK - Odour Pokémon - Normal
#12 GRUBBLE - Grub Pokémon - Bug
#13 MASKIT - Cocoon Pokémon - Bug
#14 CINNAMOTH - Moth Pokémon - Bug - Flying
#15 CENTIVADE - Scuttle Pokémon - Bug
#16 PILLIPEDE - Pill Bug Pokémon - Bug - Rock
#17 FELBIN - Robin Pokémon - Normal - Flying
#18 KESTRAWK - Swooping Pokémon - Normal - Flying
#19 SYMPHOLY - Song Pokémon - Light
#20 FULQUIEM - Song Pokémon - Light
#21 OXYRIL - Waterbody Pokémon - Water
#22 AQUERICLE - Waterbody Pokémon - Water
#23 HYDRONICLE - Waterbody Pokémon - Water
#24 RABBAIR - Rabbit Pokémon - Normal
#25 BUNNIGUST - Rabbit Pokémon - Normal - Flying
#26 LAGOWIND - Hurricane Pokémon - Light - Flying
#27 BANGTLE - Shield Bug Pokémon - Bug - Fire
#28 BOOMBEET - Shield Bug Pokémon - Bug - Fire
#29 COLEOPLODE - Explosion Pokémon - Bug - Fire
#30 DARUKAN - Arms Pokémon - Fighting
#31 DARUKENI - Arms Pokémon - Fighting
#32 DARUKORIKA - Arms Pokémon - Fighting
#33 NEUTROULE - Static Pokémon - Electric
#34 PROTROHM - Charge Pokémon - Electric
#35 ELECTESLA - Charge Pokémon - Electric
#36 GLOBIN - Ugly Pokémon - Grass - Poison
#37 BEAUTEPPE - Delicate Pokémon - Grass - Light
#38 SWARDIFUL - Magnificent Pokémon - Grass - Light
#39 NIARA - Ninja Pokémon - Grass - Dark
#40 NINYARA - Zatoichi Pokémon - Grass - Dark
#41 AMPPUP - Spry Pokémon - Electric
#42 ELEVINE - Sacrosanct Pokémon - Electric - Light
#43 KITTORCH - Fire Cat Pokémon - Fire
#44 FELION - Fire Mane Pokémon - Fire
#45 ??? - Meerkat Pokémon - Rock
#46 ??? - Meerkat Pokémon - Rock
#47 KOARBOR - Tree Bear Pokemon - Normal
#48 KOALAMPUR - Wanderer Pokemon - Normal
#49 - - - - - - -
#50 VERPOURT - Peever Pokémon - Ghost
#51 VEXIGAUNT - Ghoul Pokémon - Ghost
#52 KIWIKOU - Kiwi Pokémon - Ground - Flying
#53 LOAMANCE - Vanity Pokémon - Ground - Flying
#54 APUSEL - Tropical Pokémon - Water - Flying
#55 HULALA - Graceful Pokémon - Ice - Light
#56 SALAMEANDR - Swamp Pokemon - Water
#57 TREMBER - Spark Plug Pokémon - Electric - Fire
#58 VOLOTOV - Spark Plug Pokémon - Electric - Fire
#59 THUNDULL - Long Tail Pokémon - Electric - Ground
#60 MISSINGNO. - Glitch Pokémon - Virus - Designer: Nintendo
#61 MISTRYNC - Glitch Pokémon - Virus
#62 SANDIVE - Sand Fish Pokemon - Ground
#63 LANDEEP - Sand Fish Pokemon - Ground
#64 SHARTERRA - Land Shark Pokemon - Ground
#65 TOXIQWIL - Spikes Pokémon - Water - Poison
#66 ALTRINE - Angel Fish Pokémon - Water - Light
#67 ABLYSS - Luminous Pokémon - Water - Light
#68 LUNICOOT - Lycanthrope Pokémon - Normal OR Dark
#69 FROSTOZE - Icecap Pokémon - Rock - Ice
#70 MONGLANCE - Mongoose Pokémon - Psychic
#71 MONGAZE - Mongoose Pokémon - Psychic
#72 INFANITE - Rookie Pokémon - Electric
#73 CATAYNE - Swan Pokémon - Psychic - Water
#74 TAYOVRAIL - ESP Pokémon - Psychic - Water
#75 CASKINAZ - Hyperactive Pokémon - Psychic - Water
#76 VIRYRM - Computer Worm - Virus - Bug - KangasKid
#77 HARNAIL - Reptile Pokémon - Steel - Ice
#78 REPTICE - Reptile Pokémon - Steel - Ice
#79 FERRULE - Ferric Reptile Pokémon - Steel - Ice
#80 STATIODE - Conductivity Pokémon - Electric - Steel
#81 PORKUPIN - Pig Pin Pokémon - Poison
#82 SPLINTORE - Metal Pin Pokémon - Steel - Poison
#83 CANIBREE - Breeding - Normal -
#84 SPLISH - Freshwater Pokémon - Water
#85 CRAGUPPIE - Fissure Pokémon - Water - Rock
#86 MOUNTUNA - Fissure Pokémon - Water - Rock
#87 GRAPTOR - Claw Foot Pokémon - Fighting - Flying
#88 ZESTA - Sparks Pokémon - Electric
#89 ZIDIAN - Hunter Pokémon - Electric - Dark
#90 SHRIKE - Shrill Pokémon - Metal
#91 GREMLEYE - Gremlin Pokemon - Ghost - Dark
#92 SAQUA - Swordfish Pokémon - Water
#93 QUALOCUT - Swordfish Pokémon - Water - Steel
#94 MANDUNE - Anteater Pokémon - Grass - Ground
#95 PSYCLOPS - One Eye Pokémon - Psychic
#96 PSYCLONE - Chaos Pokémon - Psychic - Flying
#97 SNOWNAM - Winter Pokémon - Ice
#98 WYNTRIUM - Winter Pokémon - Ice - Fighting
#99 PHEATHER - Pheasant Pokémon - Normal - Flying
#100 GILDEFORME - Golden Pheasant Pokémon - Normal - Flying
#101 PIRAIDE - Swindler Pokémon - Ghost - Water
#102 KAOX - Long Claw Pokémon - Dark
#103 TROJORS - Virus Pokemon - Virus
#104 TRYDRA - Many Head Pokemon - Dragon
#105 GEKKOMODO - Giant Lizard Pokémon - Normal - Dragon
#106 BLUZZARD - Scavenger Pokémon - Ice - Flying
#107 CEDALING - Nut Pokémon - Grass
#108 PESTILOAK - Haunted Pokémon - Grass - Ghost
#109 CLOUDRAIN - Weather Pokémon - Normal
#110 DRACLOUD - Weather Pokémon - Dragon - Flying
#111 MATOMIC - Atom Pokémon - Electric
#112 NUCLOUND - Molecule Pokémon - Electric
#113 STARUS - Rainbow Pokémon - Water - Psychic
#114 BOUQUAIL - Growth Pokémon - Grass
#115 AEROMA - Leaf Wing Pokémon - Grass - Flying
#116 NESHELL - Shell Pokémon - Bug - Rock
#117 DAMOZELLE - Dragonfly Pokémon - Bug - Dragon
#118 MEOWGYPT - Ancient Pokémon - Ghost
#119 PHARUFF - Majestic Pokémon - Rock - Ghost
#120 LUMBRA - Little Panda Pokemon - Dark - Light
#121 PANDOOM - Space Pokémon - Dark - Light
#122 KANGASKID - Young Pokémon - Normal - Designer: Nintendo :p
#123 PENGWINT - Penguin Pokémon - Water - Ice
#124 PENGWHALE - Blubber Pokémon - Water - Ice
#125 HUSKORY - - Elephant Pokémon - Ground
#126 PHANTUSK - Graveyard Pokémon - Ghost - Ground
#127 FISTORM - Electric Pulse Pokémon - Fighting - Electric
#128 PULSTRIKE - Electric Pulse Pokémon - Fighting - Electric
#129 DISASTRELL - Catastrophe Pokémon - Dark - Dragon
#130 DOLPHLARE - Dolphin Pokémon - Water - Fire
#131 OSCEROSINE - Marine Pokémon - Water - Fire
#132 ENIGO - Artificial Pokémon - Virus
#133 ARCRUPT - Corrupt Pokémon - Virus - Dark
#134 FAULSEY - Mischief Pokémon - Dark - Normal
#135 CHIMENRA - Sanctuary Pokémon - Psychic - Ghost
#136 PORYGON0.5 - Prototype Pokémon - Normal - Virus
#137 PORYGONX3 - Virtual Pokémon - Normal
#138 FINOS - Respect Pokémon - Psychic - Light
#139 HONOKE - Respect Pokémon - Psychic - Light
#140 KIROSYCHE - Respect Pokémon - Psychic - Light
#141 TALISMITE - Elusive Pokémon - Poison
#142 TALISPINE - Spikes Pokémon - Poison
#143 TALISKING - Brutal Pokémon - Dark - Poison
#144 SHOXEN - Storm Pokémon - Electric - Ground
#145 TUNDRELK - Frost Pokémon - Ice - Ground
#146 FLAMMOTH - Flame Pokémon - Fire - Ground
#147 CHALRAIN - Guardian Pokémon - Water - Dragon
#148 ANJEWL - Angel Pokémon - Light - Flying
#149 DIAVIL - Devil Pokémon - Dark - Flying

And here are some of KangasKid�s AMAZING sprites!


Part 6 � Merto

1. Olbranch Town � quaint mountain town
2. Elderwood City [Gym] � small town, surrounded by trees and mountains
3. Pinefall City [Gym] � forest town
4. Alderford City [Gym] � pretty peaceful town
5. Mezereon City [Gym] � grand metropolis
6. Bambotta City � ancient �oriental� city
7. Pecanside City � picturesque port town by the sea
8. Taramind Island [Gym] � lush island
9. Overlake City [Gym] � a city built over a lake�
10. Longrose Town � standard. defined by having no particular defining feature as of yet.
11. Paloverde City [Gym] � city on the mountain border
12. Hazelfrost City [Gym] � cold, snowcapped mountain area
13. Rhusbay Town � a seaside town to the north
14. Greatvine Mountain � what it says

A. Limeburg Forest
B. Larix Cave
C. Novene Temple
D. Westwood Park
E. Elemental Triangle (Fire, Ice, Lighting and Tyridan Islands)
F. Mt. Miasma
G. Tri Pass
H. Gonia Marsh
I. Myrica Pass
J. Greatvine Path
K. Emerald Island
L. Fortune Isle

Not all interesting/important locations have been listed of course, otherwise what would I have to keep as a surprise? Not very much.

The world map is to be redone, most places will retain their names however. I'm intent on adding a couple of new locations.

Olbranch Town (ignore the pale yellow box on this map, it's the cursor over the tile I had selected)

Elderwood City

Limeburg Forest (old - due makeover)

Pinefall City

Alderford City

Mezereon City - be amazed

Mezereon Subway
The awesome Mezereon Subway

Bambotta City (due a makeover)

Bambotta City (due a makeover)

Westwood Park Entrance

Westwood Park Quadrant 1 (HUGE! And it's only 1 of the sections!)

Pecanside City (due a makeover)

Taramind Island

Everlake City

Longrose Town

Paloverde City - another of my faves

Hazelfrost City - snow town This is to be remade with new gfx

Rhusbay Town

Gonia Marsh

Willow's Lab

Part 7 � Characters


Kamon�s sister
Uses: Starter strong against your own + mixed type Pok�n
Note: Mateo's concept

Professor Willow
Leading scientist of S.U.M.
Friend of Kamon�s father
Gives Kamon his first Pok�n

Gym Leader of Pinefall City
Uses Electric types: Magnemite x2, Thundull

Gym Leader of Alderford City
Watcher of Larix Cave
Uses Grass types: Shootree, Mileaf, Rootree

Gym Leader of Mezereon City
Leading scientist of S.U.M.
Designer of the Porygon program
Uses [indefinite � science(?) +Virus] types: Porygon, Muk, MissingNo., PorygonX30

Gym Leader of Taramind Island
Uses Ghost types: Piraide x2, Haunter, Spectrust

Gym Leader of Overlake City
Former member of Indigo Plateau Elite 4
Uses Ice types: Jynx, Slowbro, Bluzzard, Lapras

Gym Leader of Paloverde City
Uses Dragon types: Dragonair, Damozelle, Dracloud

Gym Leader of Maplegrove City
Uses Dark types: Mightyena, Kaox, Talispine, Faulsey

Gym Leader of Elderwood City

Member of the Elite 4 (Greatvine Summit)
Uses Ground types

Member of the Elite 4
Uses Fire types

Member of the Elite 4
Uses Light types

Member of the Elite 4
Uses Steel types

Team Rocket Leader
Uses ???

Assisting in trainer design is the excellent Maneachicken! The following are HIS property and may not be used without his permission.


Part 8 � Developments

So� the ideas we have for this�.
- Over 150 new Pok�n with two new types: Light and Virus
- Will feature Swinub, the single greatest Pok�n of all time
- Big, big new region
- New Pok�n battle graphics
- Real-time system which dictates wild Pok�n appearances and period of day based off your computer�s clock. Day of the week controls events and NPC interactions also
- Random weather which dictates wild Pok�n appearances as well as looking pretty
- Improved Pok�ar, based on the one from GSC but better
- New moves, items and maybe even 100 TMs
- All new Gym Leaders and Elite 4 (well, with one Leader being a character from old games)
- Pok�x with updated design and new Pok�n descriptions
- Reputation/Fame system: dictates how some NPCs will react differently to you based on your battles and how well raised your Pok�n are. I believe I am by no means the first to use this, but people will either fear you if you�re evil or respect you if you�re good. This also dictates how some events will unfold.
- Rematches with trainers and also Gym leaders
- Attack Academy (idea courtesy of King Shuckle), teach your Pok�n all new moves that they wouldn�t be able to pick up elsewhere (extension to TMs basically, while adding a Battle Tower-like element for fun and replay value)
- TM Duplicator (courtesy of King Shuckle). As it said. A kind man who is able to replicate some TMs for you for� small favours. Highly useful
- Incorporation of old and vital Pok�n elements � the menu, PC, battle system� :S
- Cool, radical map designs that still stay faithful to the Pok�n series
- �Safari� competitions to capture the most Pok�n within a time limit. For prizes

And let�s not forget the far-deeper-than-your-average-Pok�n-game plot. Subplots based around Legendary Pok�n are also far more involving. Along with your main game and sub-quests, your hands are certainly full.

All this and more will contribute to Acanthite�s (hopeful) brilliance. I seek to create one helluva memorable Pok�n experience.

New Pok�n, a lot of work definitely, but I know it can be done and will be well worth it. They're the reason you're not seeing a LOT of the old real Pok�n.

I say most of its success will be in the maps, as a lot of fangames you see have map designs that stray away from the aesthetic simplicity of true Pok�n games. The key is, while you can have something complex in structure (ala Limeburg Forest), it should remain simple in design. Things in Pok�n have order, an almost square approach (see the original games where everything was in sets of 2x2 squares). While it�s good to be adventurous, I still like to keep a Pok�n resemblance to my maps. Some people just throw stuff around randomly or have too much open space.

Oh yeah, ideas for new features are also well received if there�s anything you�d like to see! Remember, not everything will be able to be accepted, but shoot me a few ideas and concepts and I�ll see what can be done.

New attacks and items are annoying� that�s why Pok�niac is around!

Pok�niac said:
Repel Ball
Comes back when catch is unsucessful.

Poison Ball
Poisons Pokemon if it fails to catch

Sleep Ball
Put the opponent to sleep if it fails to catch

Burn Ball
Burns Pokemon if it fails to catch

Damage Gel
Does damage to Pokemon that attack the beholder on contact.

Burn Gel
Burns any Pokemon that attacks the beholder on contact.

Poison Gel
Poisons any Pokemon that attacks the beholder on contact.

Sweet Weed
Makes rare Grass Pokemon More common.

Hot Coal
Makes rare Fire Pokemon more common.

No-burst Bubble
Makes rare Water Pokemon more common.


Even Health
PP: 5
Power: --
Evens damage so each Pokemon has the same amount of damage on it.

Accuracy: --
PP: 10
Refills each of that Pokemon's PP entirely.(Excludes Refresh itself.)

Flying Bomb
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100
Does damage to a random one of your Pokemon.
Accuracy: 100

Ultra Spin
Power: 120
Accuracy: 95
PP: 10
Confuses the user when it hits.

Blow Up
Power: 20
Accuracy: --
Damages each of your Opponent's Pokemon. Also does 10 damage to the user.

Power: 40
Accuracy: 100
PP: 25
80% chance of Poisoning

Power: 70
Accuracy: 95%
PP: 30
Hits 2 turns later. All attacks that hit the Pokemon during that time have their accuracy cut by 50%

Smash Bolt
Power: --
Accuracy: 30%
PP: 5
One-hit-KO attack.

Power: 150
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5
Freezes the user.

Power: 30
Accuracy: 100
PP: 20
Negates all Items attached to all of your Opponent's Pokemon

Accuracy: 100%
Has a 50% chance of stopping the user from being Damaged over the next 7 turns.

Power: 50
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 35
Base power changes to 120 against Water type Pokemon.

Power Punch
Accuracy: 45%
PP: 10
Does damage equal to the user's attack stat. Does 80 damage to the user when it misses.

Deadly Waves
Accuracy: 45%
PP: 10
Does damage equal to the user's Special Attack stat. Does 80 amage to the user when it misses.

Power: --
Accuracy: 70%
PP: 20
Reduces all damage done by opponent's attack during your opponent's next turn by the amount user's Defense stat. Attacks do 80 more damage juring your opponent's turn if it misses.

Power: --
Accuracy: 70%
PP: 20
Reduces all damage done by opponent's attack during your opponent's next turn by the amount user's Special Defense stat. Attacks do 80 more damage juring your opponent's turn if it misses.

Power: --
Accuracy: --
Knocks out all Pokemon in play(Both in double battle)

Part 9 � Screenshots

Title Screen

Shot of walking in the prototype Maplegrove City

The time system is truly excellent. It runs off the system clock and thus calculates whether it is morning, day or night based on the time, and then sets the appropriate screen tint when outside. Uses Near Fantastica�s day and night script as tweaked for realtime by Silentdragon and screen tinting heavily modified by myself. Day of course is just your default tint. Time system will dictate wild Pok�n appearances depending on the time.



Dad�s in danger!

Menu system in action

Trainer Card


Walking around Mezereon in the rain

Old man outside Rhusbay Lighthouse

Rocket Blockade!

First battle scene Note that Kulseed was scrapped and no longer appears in Acanthite

Status screen with old Striktoil sprite


Early item system before icons worked

Southrock Laboratories

Rocket attack at Southrock!

Argus and Sorrell


Gonia Marsh

Gonia Marsh at night
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

When can you expect it to be finished and actually playable to the public? Would it be a free game to download and play?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Awesome, Fangking. Say, did you make the overworld buildings and terrains yourself, or rip them yourself, or get them from another website? Because I am making a game, pokemon holon legends, and I am in desperate need of overworld terrain!!!!! (And some buildings.)
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

It's a variation. In the credits section, I list all those responsible for the custom graphics in the tileset.

I do a huge amount of the new stuff, as does Mateo. Gridiron has a few appearances on there, and the other guys listed have smaller contributions of 1 to 3 new graphics.

I'm happy to provide if you need the tileset :)
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Did you use a tileset to make it? If you did, could you tell me how because I've found some tilesets. And if you provide yours I'll give you a lot of credit. :)
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

I do everything with my tilesets. I make the game, maps included, in RMXP, which is pretty simple really.

Be warned, this thing is INSANE. All tiles from the game directly are ripped by me. Custom graphics by me, Mateo, Gridiron, GSC Platinum, Neon Screen, Remy, Mattgcn, Cuddles, Kyledove.

If you're in RMXP, your autotiles are also crucial. Often animated, these things are fun. Not much good outside of RMXP, but no matter.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Thanks a ton! The stuff you gave me plus the stuff I already have, I am all set!
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

I have one last question: is this going to be a gameboy game or a computer game?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Wow......I don't know what to say, it's awesome, this is way past my comprehension...
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

I love this game that u & ur friends are making.
If people request:
Munchlax & Rukario may I use ur sprites for them?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Well, do you need any help with anything? :p If you need...I've learnt some...new things.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

In a statement from Kangaskid, his sprites are off limits to anybody outside Acanthite. Sorry.

Neo Fangking: is anyone else allowed to use your sprites?
KangasKid18: Eff no

Lord9511, Show me your skillz and then I'll decide if there's anything you can do :p

Currently there's a good lot of work going on. I'm pleased to welcome venomwind to the staff, who is doing a good job on writing up what the random trainers in the region say before and after a battle, as well as Crazy Weavile is developing some cool sidequests.

As always, KangasKid's sprites continue to be excellent, and there should be a new batch coming up. I'm also very happy to have received some sweet new trainer sprites from [ray.z] and Maneachicken, including 2 hippies, a tough school kid, and an evil captain of a ship.

Plateface's ideas continue to be useful, including an awesome redesign of Squink who I've never been hugely keen on.


Pokémaniac's been busy sorting out attacks and a TM list, which is coming together nicely.

I'm personally about to tackle the new Hazelfrost City with the new snow tiles. YAY!

Incidentally, Ivar has created this:

Which is the music for Hazelfrost! Try it out, see what you think :)
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Ahn...if you could tll me what jobs are open, I could do something related. But I can't define my new...skillz.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Anything you're good at.

Here is the new and much much improved HAZELFROST CITY


Very self-explanitory. It's a real treat to walk around it with Ivar's music!
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Abhorsen said:
When can you expect it to be finished and actually playable to the public? Would it be a free game to download and play?
So....? *See quote*

That's if it's playable, would it be?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Ah yeah, sorry. It'll be available for download on the internet. Release is hopeful for next year, although a demo should be available fairly soon.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Well, about the game-making process, more specifically.

EDIT: And how do you convert RPG Maker XP maps into those images?