Welcome to the Pokémon Playthrough Center (PPC), the thread that will serve as the central hub for all Pokémon playthroughs and challenges on Pokébeach. Here you can ask questions about any playthrough or challenge that may interest you, as well as registering to take part in one.
What is a Playthrough?
A playthrough is any "run" through a game where you impose rules on yourself that dictate how you play the game. These rules can be almost anything, such as a rule where you are restricted on what type(s) you can use, how you obtain Pokémon in the challenge or what happens to a Pokémon if it faints. There are several varieties of basic challenges to choose from, to which you can add restrictions as you see fit. Each challenge has a post with its own rules and a Hall of Fame:
Playthrough Classification
Playthroughs are divided into two types based on how they are written: story and gameplay. Playthroughs classified as story reside in the Writer's Café while gameplay playthroughs are based in the VG News & General Discussion forum. For a playthrough to be classified as story it must:
- Have at least 500 words per update.
- Be told like a story. This means that updates cannot just state what levels your Pokémon gained/new moves learned/gym leaders beaten, but rather must be elaborate with story details that you have added yourself.
Rules for Undertaking a Challenge
When undertaking a challenge you must post in this thread with the following: the game you are playing; the challenge that you are going to do; the classification of the playthrough (story/gameplay) and the link to the thread where your challenge is located. When starting a Monotype/Solo challenge please also state what type/Pokémon (respectively) you will be using. For example:
Ice Espeon said:I'm doing a Monotype challenge with Water in Pokémon Platinum with the gameplay classification.
[insert link here]
Make sure to update regularly, but also make sure that you have enough new content to share in each post.
When you complete a challenge your name will go in the Hall of Fame for that challenge. If you manage to complete all six of the main challenges then you will be entered into the Grand Challenge Hall of Fame near the bottom of this post
If you are lucky enough to get a Shiny Pokémon on one of your playthroughs, be sure to tell us here so we can add you to the Hall of Shiny, where you and your shiny Pokémon will be kept until the end of time!
No one yet - be the first!
No one yet - be the first!
This thread can also be used for the general discussion of playthorughs - you can discuss the rules as well as offer hints and tips to others. You can also link to updates in your playthroughs here. Also don't be afraid to suggest new challenges - they may even be added to the roster!
Have fun!