Pokemon Pokémon Pre-realase


Live. Love. Burn. Die.
Sry if this is the wrong forum, if it is plz fell free to move it

Does anyone that has gone to alot of them (usa preferably), know ususally how long they take?

Also are you allowed to pick up the cards, case, and the pre-realse card only and just leave?

Cause i have to do something the same day as the pre-realase of Dragon Froniters, and i dont know what i should do.
Usually they are about 3-4 hours and then there's sometimes a draft afterwards.

You can just walk out for what I know, but I think It'll hurt your OP score.

Arcanine out.
Well for your POP score, doesnt it just go under fun anyway? (thats what i heard from the last prerealease, if so i dont mind)
well, from now on, every torney counts !

if u want to go to the worlds, u must work hard in the whole year, because only the player with high score will get invitation

and even if u win nats, ppl win higher total score get the invitation, not u!
Well I've heard that Pre-releases aren't going to be Premeire Events, so they may not count towards your score since it really has more luck than skill to win one than a Constructed Tournament.

Arcanine out.