Writing Pokémon Village, prologue is up!


The pure white snow on the mountain glinted in the sunlight, which was strong, with the clouds around it. It was morning, and the Pokémon were getting up, ready for the day.
“Hurry up! You’ll be late for school!” shouted an angry mother. This was a female Lopunny; her son she was shouting at was a Riolu. He became a Riolu, because of his father, a Lucario, who was always at work. As Riolu got out of bed, a bounding could be heard, from the next room, which could only mean that his older sister, Buneary, was getting excited over something.
“Can I go out tonight mum? Kadabra’s asked me out!” She was shouting.

Of course, it would be something like that, he thought. She’d fallen in love with him at her first day of school. He was an Abra then, however, and was always asleep in class. Then, he couldn’t complain, he’d also fallen in love too, with a very sweet Smoochum. Riolu rolled over, and then leaped out of bed. His clock showed 8:34, and school started in 6 minutes!

Riolu slid down the banister, picked up a slice of toast, then struggled to eat it as he ran down the road, off to school. He wandered into some tall grass, and then froze suddenly. He saw a trainer there, and sitting down, injured, was Smoochum. The trainer called back his Pokémon, an Ivysaur, and pulled out an empty Poke Ball. As the trainer threw it, Riolu leaped in the way, kicking the ball into the nearby river, and chased the trainer down the road.

Riolu came back, and picked up Smoochum. He knew that he could hurry back to the village to find Blissey. He hurried there, and at Blissey’s side, was her daughter, Happiny. Happiny had always loved Riolu and came over to him. Smoochum was healed at this time, and then jumped down and kicked Happiny out of the way. Happiny lost grip of her egg-like rock, and it slipped out of sight, down a Rattata’s hole. Riolu and Smoochum ran off, just reaching school in time, followed by a very upset Happiny.

Please give comments!
Well, it's a pretty short chapter. Other than that, it's not bad :p

However, that's a whole lot of love-triangles for a first chapter o_O
Nice story, but it's short. I like it and keep going! I feel bad for Happiny. And when Smoochum evolves, no offense but it becomes ugly. When is the next update?