Ruling Poke-Powers/Bodies


Never giving up
Can you use Poke P & Bs from the bench? Like, you have an Altaria ex d on the bench. Can you use it's Extra Boost while it's on the bench?
If the Poke-Power says "As long as this Pokemon is on your bench/active" then you can only use the Poke-Power when it's benched/active. If it doesn't, then you can use the Power as long as the Pokemon is in play. I think Poke-Bodies are always used unless they are turned off due to Cessation Crystal/Lati-Lock/etc.
For your example, you can use Extra Boost if it's benched or active, it doesn't matter because it does specify that it has to be benched/active.
I think this is all right, and I hope I've helped.
i think that you need to read the manuals . Any way pokepowers you can use it the bench and pokebodys is always but in  active pokemon.
Señor gardevior :p
pokepower can be always played.
And pokebody is always in efect is that pokemon is your active pokemon
I think you need to read the rules pokeblader. Pokebodys are ALWAYS in effect, not just when they're benched (as your post seems to indicate). Pokepowers can be used anytime the power itself states it can.


Mewtwo d - Delta Switch: Can only be used when you play it from your hand
Gardevoir Ex d - Imprison: Can only be used when Gardevoir Ex d is active, once a turn
Altaria Ex d - Extra Boost: Can be used whenever you desire, once a turn
Mew Ex (HP) - Psychic Vision: Can only be used when Mew Ex is benched, once a turn
Senor Gardevoir: That's not true. Some Bodies only work when it is active...

Basically, read the Poke B/P... if it stated used it when Active/Benched, Once per turn, From hand when evolve, or from hand to bench.... Otherwise it is always can be used....
Yeah, some, like Lazy (Slaking PK) & Wise Aura (Medicham ex, EM) work only in the active slot. Whereas other Poke-Body like Delta Aura works on bench. It depends on the Poke-Power/Body Really.
Yup... according to pokemon TCG rule book, Poke-body & Poke-Power are also known as Pokemon Power....

In short, Pokemon Power is divided into 2: Poke-Body & Poke-Power...
Therefore, Muk's Pokemon Power (Toxic Gas) can stop both Poke-body & Poke-power into action.