Ruling Poke powers question!


Darkness FTW!
Can pokemon on the bench do poke powers or do they have to be active, for example: can houndoom prime burn a pokemon from the bench using its poke power? This is what it says: Once during your turn (before you attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now burned. This power can't be used if Houndoom is affected by a special condition.
In the future, please provide a link to the card(s) in question.


Yes, in most cases you can use Poke Powers from the bench.

The only time this is not true, is if the power specifically states that it must be active.

Yes I did. lol
My answer may not be as fancy as yours with the links and all that, but it is certainly just as correct.
Plus, you guys beat me to all these questions.