Pokeball Go... ?


The Keeper of Keys
I wasn't sure if anyone has seen this before or where exactly I should post this but I hope you enjoy regardless.


I think Nintendo is going a little too far with the "Gotta catch 'em all!" thing...
Of all the things thrown at Bush, I must say that this was the most funny one.
Yeah, maybe Nintendo has gone a little too far, but that is a bit funny. But when and where is this? I don't think this is a fake or is it? I think I saw someone's sig with this same video in it, but it didn't have a pokeball but something else. :)
I was just about to go jump off a skyscraper, but then I saw this...now I wanna jump off of an even bigger skyscraper. XD (Just kidding, but thanks for making my day!)
Woah, that is pretty funny. BUSH! GOTTA CATCH THE GUY! Ten toes up!

dmaster out.
If I remember correctly, Bush was actually attacked by a boot.

Anyway, this is still funny.
Awesome! xD Bushed in a Poke-Ball!! Guess Team Rocket got a brand new *rare* Pokemon to capture >.<