Staraptor GX – Normal – HP 230
Stage 2– Evolves from Staravia
C] Percise Engineering
Staraptor GX attacks do twice as much damage during your next turn. If you have an [
M] Energy attached to this Pokèmon they do 2.5 times as much damage instead.
(after applying Weakness and Resistance) (If the damage does not end on a 0, Round it off)
[C][C]Unity 10+
This damage does 10 Damage plus 10 for each of your benched Starly, 20 for each of your benched Staravia and 50 for each of your benched Staraptor or Staraptor GX.
[C][C] Justice and Freedom GX 180
Take this card and everything attached to it back into your hand
Lightning (x2)
Fighting (-20)
Retreat: [C] [C] [C]
The muscles in its wings and legs are strong. It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon.
So. I represent the mighty germans. And as such I chose Staraptor because of 1. a Starling is a really common bird over here. 2 Staraptor kinda looks like a eagle which is our code of arms. 3. Its pretty much a walking german flag becaue of its color sheme and 4. these "standard birds" of each generation usually don't get much love. And Staraptor is #HellaTight. It ain't no gull but still pretty close
So the attack names are all germany centered. But not in the stereotypical way.
Attack one is all about the stereotype that germans are engeeniers. And about german cars and pretty much everything technical having a great reputation. So it makes sense that it's one of these "you can do double damage next turn" but i allways thought these attacks are a bit nonesenseical. So i felt like there should be a way to make it more worth it. (but the Rounding Off part was kinda hard to Phrase. Because i don't think that was a thing ever in the TCG.)
The second and third attack are about the german national anthem, which first words are "Unity and Justice and Freedom"
So for "Unity" it made sense to me make it about "The power of the people" and the germans are known to rebuild their own country. (bvs we did that twice after the wars).
Justice and Freedom GX is pretty straight forward. But i read it as "deal justice and then be free". Sooo do quite a lot of damage and then take it back into your hand which is handy because you can deny pricecards that way. So get "Percise Engineering" in -> take damage -> get a definite Knock out -> take it back into your hand
So I like this card because it is risk and reward again. Even if it got quite a lot of HP. One Solgaleo GX and a few other Pokèmon can knock it out one or two hit. So doing the first attack is quite risky but if you get though with it you do massive damage.
Also i wanted to do it in german aswell for obvious reasons
. I didn't put thaat much afford into its wording but not that many people gonna understand it anyway. I focused on the english one to not have a debacle like last time ^^.
Some cards i kinda used for refrence are Gyarados' Full Retaliation out of the AoR set and Pelipper's first attack from SM1