PokeBeach on my iPhone


Aspiring Trainer
I have bookmarked PokeBeach to my iPhone however the icon was always just an ugly default image. It has now turned into a cool blue Staryu icon which is so cool!

Just letting anyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad know that you should add PokeBeach to your home menu and check it out.
Well i put pokebeach in my favorite pages in my DSi some time ago and since the begginig that staryu appeared
That's different, that is just the browser favicon you're talking about.

This is a blue app icon with a Staryu on it.
I know! Serebii and PokemonAus do it too.

Anyway it makes my iPhone home screen look much nicer, WPM should mention this on a news post or something.
Finally. I had to zoom in on avatars before saving the bookmark to get a good something.

Finally. I had to zoom in on Antibes avatars before saving the bookmark to get a good something.
speaking of pokebeach on ur iphone. my itouch wont let me log in. ill type in my user name and pass word, press enter and it the loading bar completes and instead of going to a new page it shows the page i was just on!
so basically it looks like its gonna log me in, then does nothing!
That happened to me too^ Try clearing cookies and cache then restart.