PokeBeach Physical Fitness Thread


u elkcom hangl man
Hey everybody, 6D here and I think that the title of this thread is going to be the only part that's a joke.

Although I guessssssss the "weekly" discussion was about physical fitness, that's weekly, and I think it would be a good idea to have a thread where we can all talk about getting into shape that doesn't really have a set of guidelines. More actually discussing, as opposed to responding to questions.

I think that physical fitness is one of the most important things one can do both for physical health and overall well-being. I was never huge on fitness, but over the past two years or so I have become extremely devoted to basketball, and this focus has led me to change my lifestyle completely. Though I am no fitness guru, being that I'm not truly in great shape myself, fitness has become something that I think about a lot, and greatly enjoy.

As far as rules go, I don't think it's too hard. Don't be a jerk, we're all here to improve ourselves, and I think that rudeness is unneeded here even more so than it is unneeded in the rest of the forums, especially when it comes to appearance. Also, put images (especially of yourself) in hide tags. Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself! As I said, we're all here to learn, and there's absolutely no shame in being a begginner or asking for help.

As for me, I typically spend anywhere from 1-3 hours in the gym a day. I'm getting into lifting, as well as running. I'm currently doing a 4-day-a-week routine, with running and actually playing basketball everyday.

- Incline Bench Press (5x10)
- Decline bench press (3x10)
- Chest fly (3x10)
- Dumbbell Diamonds (4x10)
- One leg squats (5x10 on each leg, alternating)
- Leg extension (3x8)
- Calf raise (1x40)
- Decline crunch (1x40)
- Butterfly sit-ups (2x10)
- Plank (1 min)
- Cardio

- Pullups (4x10)
- Dumbell Row (5x10 on each arm)
- Bicep curls (5x10, 1x15 on each arm, alternating)
- Dumbell shrug (3x10)
- Hyperextensions (2x10)
- Lying leg curls (3x10)
- Decline crunch (1x40)
- Cardio

I'm also looking to add deadlifts to my routine, as well as probably an overhead press (military press). After my lift I do cardio, which consists of a 5 minute warmup on the stairs then 15 on-court windsprints with 1 minute in between. After I do that, I try and find a pickup game but if I can't, I shoot free-throws for about 10 minutes and then just shoot around at game speed for as long as time allows.

So yeah, I'm a noob, having only 125 lbs on my 5'9" frame, so although I'm trying to seem a little experienced so that people feel they can ask stuff in this thread, I'm always looking to improve as well, so if you've been lifting or whatever for a long time, please do drop by and give advice!
Why are you doing so many different muscle groups on those days? Try focusing on one group a day. I did chest today, am going to do abs and legs tomorrow, then probably bis and tris Wednesday. That way you can bust your butt in the gym and won't die the next day because you're using different muscles. Don't forget your protein! Your muscles absorb more nutrients about a half-hour to about...an hour? I think? after you workout! So yeah. Hope I helped.
People say P90X is overrated. It's not, it's amazing.

I also try to run some. Exercise can be fun but its a huge commitment.
Running or exercising with buddies is best for mutual encouragement / healthy competition.

(My quick response, may add more later.)
I would go lifting with you guys, but I can't get to the college before you leave.
And as far as my exercise goes, I usually do about 50 pushups a day in Phys. Ed, 40 crunches, 3 minutes worth of planking, 30 seconds of six inch raises, and 1 mile of running. Keep in mind I'm a 70 pound 5 foot tall 14 year old, so I should get some slack. I'd really like to get more in shape, but I would also need to eat more protein and have a way slower metabolism to be able to build muscles. I think only way I'll ever get in shape is by running, which I seem to have a knack for.
I figured you'd like it​
Meatheart said:
Keep in mind I'm a 70 pound 5 foot tall 14 year old, so I should get some slack.

Become a horse jockey. They're athletic.
Seriously. That would be tight.
safariblade said:
Become a horse jockey. They're athletic.
Seriously. That would be tight.
I might do that. I'd get to see all the horrible sweating horses.
Run with them, get ripped, get dollar$$.
Safariblade, you turned my life around. I thank you for that. :,)
Serperior said:
Why are you doing so many different muscle groups on those days? Try focusing on one group a day. I did chest today, am going to do abs and legs tomorrow, then probably bis and tris Wednesday. That way you can bust your butt in the gym and won't die the next day because you're using different muscles. Don't forget your protein! Your muscles absorb more nutrients about a half-hour to about...an hour? I think? after you workout! So yeah. Hope I helped.

THIS x1000000.

Try to focus on 1 to 2 muscle groups per day to increase strength and growth. I was a gym rat for a few semesters and I gained a good amount of muscle mass. After competitive swimming in high school, I got a pretty wide frame so I like that about being a little bigger. Now I play ice hockey and my wider size makes up for the height I don't have! :p

On protein, definitely do some research if you don't know much about it. I love learning about nutrition but I don't apply it too well to myself lol. Anyway, it really helps in recovery and growth, and you will see results faster if you diet right, and add supplements. If you have questions regarding any of that stuff, feel free to ask! If I don't know myself, I can point you in the right direction towards some websites!
Serperior said:
Why are you doing so many different muscle groups on those days? Try focusing on one group a day. I did chest today, am going to do abs and legs tomorrow, then probably bis and tris Wednesday. That way you can bust your butt in the gym and won't die the next day because you're using different muscles. Don't forget your protein! Your muscles absorb more nutrients about a half-hour to about...an hour? I think? after you workout! So yeah. Hope I helped.

Good question, and there is a reason behind it. Basically, since I play basketball everyday, I need at least some function in both my legs and arms. I know the standard idea is to not work a certain area of your body more than one day in a row, which is why I try to avoid overlap between the two days (I don't do any bicep stuff on Monday/Thursday, for example). But on any given day I need some part of my arm and some part of my leg to be performing at its capability.

The protein is something I'm glad you brought up! I've been changing my diet quite a bit since I started lifting, but really I'm just adding more (healthy) calories. I definitely need to adjust to eat protein immediately after lifting.

safariblade said:
People say P90X is overrated. It's not, it's amazing.

I also try to run some. Exercise can be fun but its a huge commitment.
Running or exercising with buddies is best for mutual encouragement / healthy competition.

(My quick response, may add more later.)

Yeah I wish more of my friends lifted but access to my school gym takes a ridiculous amount of money unless you take a class (which both of my friends cannot do because they're not yet 16 #vulpixyolkdoesn'tevensmoke)

Meatheart said:

ur not hardcor enuff >B]
ty 4 da pic itz ver inspirink

Puckstopper20 said:
On protein, definitely do some research if you don't know much about it. I love learning about nutrition but I don't apply it too well to myself lol. Anyway, it really helps in recovery and growth, and you will see results faster if you diet right, and add supplements. If you have questions regarding any of that stuff, feel free to ask! If I don't know myself, I can point you in the right direction towards some websites!

I'll be sure to hit you up man, I appreciate that!
you guys are like 15 the most you should be doing is Starting Strength. P90x is dumb
If you guys are not in your late teens/early 20s, dont even bother trying to lift crazy. Just do basic core and conditioning. You WILL eff up your body if you try to do what us late 20s and beyond guys can do.
I used to do major muscle mass gaining workouts, but now I'm purely focusing on tennis so I'm getting more muscle endurance and stamina. Now that it's nearly offseason, I have legit 7 day workout so here it is:
(My format is SetsxRepsxWeight)

Basic core workout:
-Medicine ball incline crunches (3x25x15)
-Medicine ball incline twists (3x20x15)
-Wide grip pushups (3x20x0)
-V crunches (basically you lie down and fold into a V at your core with arms extended) (3x18x0)
-Calf raise (4x25x0)
-Warm up with light jumprope
-Basic core workout
--End of session
-Warm up jog
-One mile sprint (I don't go all out throw up speed, try to maintain around 6 m/m)
--Short rest period
-Two and a half mile jog (7:15 m/m)

-Tennis (2hrs)
-Basic core workout
-Bicep dumbbell curls no flex at top warmup (1x25x10)
-Bicep dumbbell hammer curls w/ tricep flex at bottom (2x8x25)
-Resistance band dumbbell curls (3x12xband)
-Reverse dumbbell curls (3x12x15)
-Pure forearm curls in both wrist directions (3x20x10)

-Tennis (2hrs)
-Basic core workout
--Rest period
-Warm up jog
-3 mile interval training (6m/m for .25 m alternated with 8 m/m for .25 m)

-Tennis (3:30 hrs)
-Basic core workout
--Rest period
-Bench press warmup (1x20x45)
-Bench press (2x6x115)
-Bench press (2x12x60)

-Tennis (45min)
-Basic core workout
-Squat warmup (1x20x45)
-Squat (2x6x180)
-Squat (3x10x135)
-Deadlift warmup (1x15x45)
-Deadlift (4x12x90)
-Calf raise w/ dumbells in hand (3x20x25)

-Tennis (2hr)
-Basic core workout
-Tricep extension warmup (1x20x10)
-Tricep extension (2x6x25)
-Tricep extension (3x10x15)
-Shoulder raises for neck (2x20x20)
-Alternating deltoid raise warmup (1x30x5)
-Alternating deltoid raise (3x20x12)

-Eat lots of food
Kose will you lift me
My exercise routine goes like this:
do like ten pushups every couple days when i remember
eat snacks and watch anime
If I was in good shape I would be the perfect being and I don't believe in perfection and I'm afraid if I don't believe in myself I will stop existing.
Good for you for workin' out though, invite me next time.
Especially if Paul or Vulpix Manges are there.
juunkmilk said:
Kose will you lift me
My exercise routine goes like this:
do like ten pushups every couple days when i remember
eat snacks and watch anime
If I was in good shape I would be the perfect being and I don't believe in perfection and I'm afraid if I don't believe in myself I will stop existing.
Good for you for workin' out though, invite me next time.
Especially if Paul or Vulpix Manges are there.

i workout everyday but wednesdayy

but if you don't attend n. hale high school sorry we can't be friends


yeah noah holla @ me anytime you wanna tag along, i think next semester jake + yinsid will be going with me (IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE WORKOUT BUDDIES)
Yeah workout buddies! :^)
well next semester I should be able to drive so that'll work out well.
Haha hmu though if you ever want to use my equipment
(I have some yoga mats and like eight shake weights)
Hey Kose will you be lifting tomorrow? If so I'll try to come along. I need to get ripped for the big game Saturday.
Meatheart said:
Hey Kose will you be lifting tomorrow? If so I'll try to come along. I need to get ripped for the big game Saturday.
If both of you go I will also go.
I just need to burn off torso fat, because I like to be skinny and weak because I am a girl rad dude.
Any hot weight loss tips and tricks for this cosmic burnout?
juunkmilk said:
Meatheart said:
Hey Kose will you be lifting tomorrow? If so I'll try to come along. I need to get ripped for the big game Saturday.
If both of you go I will also go.
I just need to burn off torso fat, because I like to be skinny and weak because I am a girl rad dude.
Any hot weight loss tips and tricks for this cosmic burnout?

You should bring a boombox Noah.
I need to gain weight, but I always manage to lose all of mine. I'm mostly trying to get lower body strength for running and SICK KICKFLIPS!
I don't really have an exercise routine, it's easier for me to just run off my calorie intake, and it works fine for keeping me in shape. However, I've given some thought about utilizing the resources my campus has available for exercise and workout schedules. Hopefully I'll have enough time later in the year to do so. :]
juunkmilk said:
Meatheart said:
Hey Kose will you be lifting tomorrow? If so I'll try to come along. I need to get ripped for the big game Saturday.
If both of you go I will also go.
I just need to burn off torso fat, because I like to be skinny and weak because I am a girl rad dude.
Any hot weight loss tips and tricks for this cosmic burnout?

now, someone be sure to correct me if i'm wrong here.
I've always been told that the secret to losing weight around the waistline boils down to mostly diet, and then cardio. And that actual ab exercises have very little to do with it (and actually, logically, making core muscles bigger would actually increase the size of your waistline)

so basically i think run a bunch lol
6-Dimension said:
now, someone be sure to correct me if i'm wrong here.
I've always been told that the secret to losing weight around the waistline boils down to mostly diet, and then cardio. And that actual ab exercises have very little to do with it (and actually, logically, making core muscles bigger would actually increase the size of your waistline)

so basically i think run a bunch lol

Kose no not my waist!!!! My waist and my legs are skinny as they're gonna get since I walk for like eight years a day. I need to slim down my chest and stomach y'mean? Then maybe I can dance with TEN GIRLS