Thanks for showing us the Pokémon memorabilia that has collected on your desk,
@Water Pokémon Master ! It was fun to see that Gameboy Dragonite again. Hopefully that upcoming sleep study will tell you what you need to know to take care of yourself. (Hint: if it involves spending less time working on Pokébeach, we’re not worth your health. Wanda from Legends: Arceus didn’t listen to her brother and got lost five times; Don’t be like Wanda.)
Those memes were funny. The poor single mum who’s going to have to carry her groceries home to feed her kids after the Natu swallowed her car keys, though…
@JustInBasil , I’ve been thinking about this Alakazam Base Set/Spiritomb Unbroken Bonds deck, and I had some interesting ideas. First, Alakazam from Mysterious Treasures would give the deck some disruptive potential, especially given the high utility of Claydol. Second, while there may not be enough bench space or deck space, Dodrio from 151 would be a convenient way of adding damage to your Pokémon while seeing more of your deck, and it could also swing in for substantial damage later in the game with its own attack. Doduo from Supreme Victors would give you another free retreat pivot that could do 10 damage to itself with its attack, giving this deck more value than the average evolving basic would. ( (Are you using Base Set Abra? Free retreat is great, but 30 HP won’t hold up well if Iron Valiant appears in the meta.) Third, couldn’t you theoretically add a Scream Tail and substitute some of the Energy for Rainbow Energy. I feel like this might be stretching your space, but it would certainly be a convenient bonus. (I wish it was possible to run the original Darkness Energy so you could plop one down on Alakazam and start cranking out damage counters to spread onto your Spiritomb.)
Also, you should write resources for the Eternal format on your blog. Perhaps you could include a few of the more successful, more optimized deck lists as starting points.