PokeBeach Podcast: New “Black & White” Set Trademarks & “Paradise Dragona” Released!

Skarmory - my answer to the first question is my favorite Pokemon, Dewgong, who has never received a chase card despite being a gen 1 Pokemon.

Here's my pitch - Lorelei's Dewgong illustration rare or special illustration rare. Lorelei's Dewgong is first Elite Four match of the series and it's a somewhat infamous fight because of RBY's mechanics. If you can't kill Lorelei's Dewgong within a Rest cycle it's just going to keep using Rest infinitely because the AI in Gen 1 doesn't have PP. Unfortunately I found myself stuck in endless battles against it a couple times while grinding to complete the Pokedex as an adult.

Lorelei, despite being the first Elite Four member, also has received very little love in the TCG - she has one tag team Supporter shared with Misty and we never even got the full art outside of Japan.

As for the second question, I think I joined the forums officially in 2010 but I've checked Pokebeach regularly since pretty much the beginning. I'm just about the same age as Jon and was working on Psypoke around the same time as Pokebeach launched. I definitely remember using the old Pokebeach card scans as a reference to transcribe all the attacks and Pokemon Power/Bodies etc for Psypoke.
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Skarmory! I've been very fortunate to have most of my favourites get a card so far in the scarlet and violet era, but if I had to pick one it would definitely be aurorus, and preferably an SIR. Maybe it being in the snowy mountains with lots of amaura or with an aurora borealis! It would be even better if it was playable and helped fossil Pokémon be good! More likely tho would be an illustration rare cyndaquil! Maybe sitting by a fireplace like the fletchlinder from paldea evolved!

I found Justinbasil website when I started looking at set lists, which was around paldea evolved, and I started listening and constantly checking the website just after! And I started playing just after paradox rift!

Keep up the great work and I really enjoyed listening this week! Can't wait to listen next week!