Pokemon Pokedex

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Dark Marc

is the name of my Lickilicky, not me <3
In the anime and in the gam what pokedex has the coolest design and the easiest and most origianl to use? http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9dex
The Hoenn one seems to have the most original use, with that swirly thing. I used to have this electronic Pokédex toy with a bunch of games on it, shaped like the Hoenn Pokédex. The easiest use would have to be the Shinnoh/Platinum Pokédex, as it has more Pokémon information as well as 2 screens. It is also the newest model, so it should surpass other models.

I said "surpass"...I feel special...
The Pokedex got more sleeker and more technologically advanced since the Kanto one. Sinnoh's is newer, so like new technological equipment, it's better.
The best Pokedex is the very first one in the anime. With a voice like Dexter's, it has to be the best.
As for in-game functionality, I would have to say Sinnoh's Pokedex is the most technologically advanced, and it is also much easier to look up Pokemon entries.

That's simply my opinion.
I ahte, hate, the Kanto FR/LG one it sucks! I like the Hoen one the best but for looks I like the sinooh one the most!
Flygon Jedi Master said:
The Hoenn one seems to have the most original use, with that swirly thing. I used to have this electronic Pokédex toy with a bunch of games on it, shaped like the Hoenn Pokédex. The easiest use would have to be the Shinnoh/Platinum Pokédex, as it has more Pokémon information as well as 2 screens. It is also the newest model, so it should surpass other models.

I said "surpass"...I feel special...

Hehe... I have that. It's out of batteries. Haven't used it in years. I am a nerd, no?
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