Wi-Fi Trades PokemarioHDG's Random Pokemon Trading Post


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 1246-8716-2715
In Game Name: PokemarioHDG
Time Zone: Massachusetts (Eastern Standard Time)
Times Available:Whenever I am online and not in the middle of something. Dont get offended if I decline, it probably just means I am in the middle of something.

-9 HACKED shiny Darkrai (Timid nature) (all LV.100)
-1 HACKED Durant (Jolly nature) (LV.100)
-1 HACKED Zebstrika (Adamant nature)
-Any extra Starters (Pokebank and Non-Pokebank) (LEGIT) that I can breed
-Any other extra LEGIT Pokemon i may have lying around that you may want; I may have it!
Services Offered:

N/A at the moment

-Goodra (Gooey) with Def SpA SpD and HP IVs and Bold nature, level does not matter
-Greninja (Protean) Jolly, Adamant, Timid or Modest nature, preferably Jolly or Timid With 5-6 IVs, shiny would be nice but not mandatory, level does not matter
-Cinccino (Skill Link) Jolly or Adamant with Speed and Attack IVs minimum, level does not matter
-Interesting Friend safaris
-Open to all offers!

I have a Fire type friend Safari with Charmeleon as well!
Rayquazapokemon20 said:
Shiny Darkrai for my My Shiny Wormadam i will trade you.

Possibly... I am not really the biggest Wormadam fan... I do see you have a Protean Froakie on your Trades Page, as well as a Goomy. would you happen to have the natures on those? And the Goomy's Ability? Either way, I look forward to reaching a deal with you.
Also you may want to take those hacks off, as u may get your PSS account deleted for haveing them.
I tried takeing my hacked shiny arceus (via a friends game) over from Daimond to White 2 then onto her copy of X, it didn't let me have it.