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PokeMill Deck - Durant/Aggron


Aspiring Trainer
Im spit balling an Idea for a pokemill deck. Keeping with that im pushing for my play group to stick to Modified format, I am keeping all my decks in format.

My intended decklist is:

Durant x4 (Noble Victories version w/ Devour)
Aron x4
Larion x4
Aggron x3
Hugh x4
N x4
De-evolution Spray x3
Evolite x4
Potion x4
Giant Cape x2
PokeCentre x2
Great Ball 2
Metal Energy x20

The Idea is slam my opponent with Mill effects (Durant's Devour, Larion's Wreak Havock, Aggrons Toppling Wind ETB Ability) Draw and discard (N & Hugh respectively) while using all the heal abilities I can to keep my pokemon alive as long as possible.

I am aware the deck has no secondary win condition, but IMO the only way to get this deck to work in Modified format is for me to have both all the Milling Effects and Healing capabilities.

Any recommendations for improvments, and/or food for thought would be highly appreciated.

RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

20 energy cards are way too much. Durant only needs one to attack, so 8 shoul probably be fine. Also cards like Giant Cape and Eviolite aren't needed, as well as Potion - Durant only has 70HP, it gets OHKOed anyway. Same for Pokémon Center. Add some cards like Rare Candy for faster Aggron plays and Pokémon Catcher, Enhanced- and/or Crushing Hammer to disrupt your opponent while using Devour. Great Ball isn't pretty good either, use Level Ball or Ultra Ball. For your Supporters, Professor Juniper should be better than Hugh, even if you lets your opponent draw some cards in rare cases. I can understand if you cannot afford any Pokémon Catchers, but Hammers should be possible as well as all the other cards I mentioned.
Give it a try :)
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Okay thanks for that.

Dropping the energy count sure. That makes sense. Although I am bearing in mind that Larion's Wreak Havock attack is 3 energy.

Swapping Great Ball for Level Ball, Sure that makes sense. Just don't have any spare atm.

Why would you reccomend swapping out Hugh? It was never my intention to use it as a draw engine, its there entirely to dirsupt my oppenents hand by either forcing them to draw (thinning the deck) or discard, reducing options of play.

Why add Rare Candy? Aggron is only in the deck for his Toppling Wind Ability. Im also running Devolution spray to bounce Aggron and get multiple instances of Toppling wind. The useful Pokemon in that Evolution Chanin is actually the Larion with its Wreak Havock attack.

Pokemon Catcher? Why would this help me mill out my oppenents if Durant is going to be OHKO'd regardless? Please explain.

All the same thanks for the advice. At this stage, I will drop my Energy count to around 12 (as the 4x Larions still need 3 energy each) add Revives and Crushing Hammers, and swap to Level balls when I can

RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Dropping the energy count sure. That makes sense. Although I am bearing in mind that Larion's Wreak Havock attack is 3 energy.
You don't really want to attack with that, really.

Why would you reccomend swapping out Hugh? It was never my intention to use it as a draw engine, its there entirely to dirsupt my oppenents hand by either forcing them to draw (thinning the deck) or discard, reducing options of play.

Hugh is not that great of a supporter at all, N and Juniper are much more reliable.

Why add Rare Candy? Aggron is only in the deck for his Toppling Wind Ability. Im also running Devolution spray to bounce Aggron and get multiple instances of Toppling wind. The useful Pokemon in that Evolution Chanin is actually the Larion with its Wreak Havock attack.
Not 4 Rare Candies, but maybe 2 just in case you might need them.

Pokemon Catcher? Why would this help me mill out my oppenents if Durant is going to be OHKO'd regardless? Please explain.
You can Catcher up something like Terrakion or anything with a heavy retreat cost to stall for some turns and gain extra Devours.

I hope you understand now :)
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Okay, Now i follow your thinking for the most part.

Still not sure why not to us Hugh. It's not in the deck to advantage me, its there to disadvantage my opponent. Juniper doesn't do that.

Also you reccomended dropping healing effects. What should I add in place?
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Try all the cards I mentioned to reconstruct your list, I'll surely help you after that :)
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Oky so here is the revised deck list

Durant x4
Aron x4
Larion x4
Aggron x3
Hugh x4
N x4
De-evolution Spray x3
Potion x4
Revive x4
Crushing Hammer x4
Pokemon Catcher x4
Professor Juniper x4
Rare Candy x2
{M} Energy x12
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

I'm not sure if you're open to this idea, but I suggest trying out Sableye and Dark energy over Durant. It may seem like an odd idea, since Durant can (ideally) mill 4 per turn, but that will hardly ever happen since 1. you need to get all 4 out, 2. they'll get knocked out a lot and are hard to get back continuously and 3. they're a lot worse if one gets prized (and you'll never get it out of there without Rotom) and 4. Aggron is easy to catcher-stall. It seems promising but is inconsistent and runs out of resources in the end. It also doesn't have enough bench space.

Sableye is awesome here because it allows you to reuse EVERYTHING- Devolution Spray, Rare Candy, Catcher (to stall), Crushing or Enhanced Hammers (again, to stall), Computer Search, Random Receiver, Pokemon search cards, switch, or even super rod. I'd make the list look something like this (mind, this is an untested list made off the top of my head):

4-3-3 Aggron
4 Sableye
1 Darkrai EX

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
2 Random Receiver
1 Computer Search

4 Catcher
2 Switch
4 Crushing Hammer
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Level Ball
2 Heavy Ball
1 Ultra Ball
1 Rare Candy
1 Super Rod
4 Devolution Spray

8 Dark

Here's a better player than I with a better list than mine: http://www.thedeckout.com/2012/09/aggrohammer-almost-tournament-report.html
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Hmm I get where you are coming from and I can't fault the thinking. Teh fact they are knocked out a lot was why I originally had so much defence and healing power in the deck, in an attempt to keep them alive.

Looking through your proposed deck list I get the idea, although Im not sure if its to my play style. Also if losing Durants is an Issue, how do you get around the same issue with Sableye?
It is just as easy to KO. That throws spanners into the works for the wole deck.

As for Durants attack not really working consistantly, I was aware of this, so added Larion and Aggron to help along the way. With all the draw engines in the game, its very easy to thin the deck beyond hope when facing a mill deck.

Im not sure why noone is really using Wreak Havok attack. To me the attack seems reasonable. Flipping until I get tails can easily mill 2-4 cards possibly more.

IDK its all food for thought.

RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Please update this thread title with the main Pokemon from your deck. Thanks you. :]
RE: PokeMill Deck - Modified Legal

Jareth43 said:
Hmm I get where you are coming from and I can't fault the thinking. Teh fact they are knocked out a lot was why I originally had so much defence and healing power in the deck, in an attempt to keep them alive.

Looking through your proposed deck list I get the idea, although Im not sure if its to my play style. Also if losing Durants is an Issue, how do you get around the same issue with Sableye?
It is just as easy to KO. That throws spanners into the works for the wole deck.

As for Durants attack not really working consistantly, I was aware of this, so added Larion and Aggron to help along the way. With all the draw engines in the game, its very easy to thin the deck beyond hope when facing a mill deck.

Im not sure why noone is really using Wreak Havok attack. To me the attack seems reasonable. Flipping until I get tails can easily mill 2-4 cards possibly more.

IDK its all food for thought.

The difference is 1. Sableye allows you to disrupt continuously, and 2. You only need 1 Sableye out as opposed to 4 Durants so it's easier to stream.

The reason Wreak Havoc is bad is that it's flippy. Half the time it does nothing for a hefty 3 energy (and your Lairon will be knocked out after that), and it'll rarely if ever mill enough to fill the void of your other millers.
If you're playing Durant, you're going to need Revives. Not sure if there was any reason you didn't include them, but just pointing this out.
The revives were left out of the deck originaly because of space. I was using MTG math and running 20 Energy. I've learned since, and dropped to 10 Energy, Freeing up space for Revive, Juniper, Crushing Hammer, and Catchers.