Well, for you PokeBeachers that have been here for a while may know about this game, a simple project I started around 2 to 3 years ago. We sadly slightly gave up, but I still have all of the data and storyline.
Traiconic Games Presents:
Storyline: Warning, huge amount of text, open at your own risk.
Fakemon Selection: Yes I do have permission to use these, I personally contacted the artist when the project originally started out and we have the exclusive pleasure of making them into a full fledge pokedex.
The Team:
Oka - Programmer, Leader, Website Manager
If you are interested in helping revive this once amazingly beautiful project, please reply saying what you can do to help.
Old Maps:
Old Demo Video:
Traiconic Games Presents:

Storyline: Warning, huge amount of text, open at your own risk.
To not completely remove Hawke777's ideas, I'm going to try my best to incorporate the stuff he has planned while taking out the cheesy stuff. It'll also include other stuff contributed by the community.
Please read all of it. Even the errata section, it clarifies a few things. Read it again after you see a new change.
- added Team Solar.
- added Team Relationship to new element type. (errata).
- added: Dialga.
- added: A story-based rival: "Rage".
- added: Fathers Message Extension.
About 50 years ago a new and up-coming gymnasium was being built. Their leader envisioned it to be a place of spectacular beauty and grand fighting. This place was going to be called Eclipse. And the fighting would take place in a central eclipse-like platform, whose outer ring is made of fire, or ice or whatever element is currently being fought with.
But after a while the leader had bigger plans and wanted to figure out a way to make the pokèmon themselves even better. This made him an adventurous sort and he scoured the globe looking for answers. This took him 50 years. One day, aged and weathered he came across a chunk of ice. The ice was like permafrost and lasted all year-round. Inside this chunk of ice he saw a glowing entity inside. Could it be a pokèmon? He eventually set his men to place heating-vents around the ice to warm it up. It was slow going. At this same time he found out another trainer had bested all of his trainers at his gym. This made him furious because this crippled the Eclipse gym. There must be some way he thought to have stopped this guy many years ago...
50 years ago, at the same time the gym was being built, an unsuspecting child's father went missing. This comes as a surprise and sets the child on an adventure of his own. The last known location from his father was from a recently delivered message indicating he was going to start fighting at a new gym called "Eclipse" after he's done fighting in the mountains. The TV at home flicks on with a battle-reporter who didn't get frozen speak of the frozen battle and trainers... The player sees his father frozen on the battlefield! Now, he wants to make an effort to get there.
50 years later, when the frozen ice becomes finally thawed, a small fluffy and unassuming pokèmon fell out. Gym Eclipse's leader cradled it in his arms and went to a friend of his - an eevee expert. He said it was the fabled Luneon. A Pokèmon of evolution and mastery of time. When the leader found out about his time travel abilities, he sent him on a mission to remove of this man who brought down Gym Eclipse, the main players father. It had to be the main players father since he'll still be alive 50 years later to have had taken down Gym Eclipse.
Luneon took the order like any other pokèmon and went back 50 years. He froze the fans, the battle, the pokèmon and their moves. Later, the main player comes to this exact location (the one written on the message) to see his father frozen. Right then he sees Luneon leave. Just a short glimpse of him. Whoever did this he thought, must have been recent. Now, the main player begins a search for clues... As you can imagine these events cross paths...
What also seems to happen is that another time-chasing pokemon awakened. It was Dialga. Dialga, unlike Luneon, doesn't mess with time and sets out to stop Luneon. Dialga can be seen here as Luneons arch-nemesis, but in a friendlier sort of way. He'll enforce his own laws, no matter if they hurt or help Luneon.
50 years later, Gym Eclipse becomes Team Eclipse and invents Time travel technology with an aged pokèmon mechanic named Bill. The one behind the time-travel pokèmon trading system.
50 years earlier, As the players searches for clues, he comes to a man who is a self-proclaimed Eevee expert. This man tells him that he saw the fabled Luneon. After meeting with him however, the main player saw that Gym Eclipse kidnapped this man. For why, the player doesn't know. But he knows Gym Eclipse was behind it. Now he searches for Gym Eclipse.
As the player searches he get's taken by team Solar. This will come as a surprise since team solar isn't on an evil side. They try to help him. Team solar is a long time rival of Gym Eclipse, and they were wanting to open their own gym up too. However, each time they did, members of Gym Eclipse were there to bring them down. So, they enlist you to infiltrate their camps and report to them what plans they are working on. You quickly find out the bad news: They sent people from the future.
50 years later, Team Eclipse sends through time "Grunts" to stop the main player from reaching Gym Eclipse when they find out that you are progressing on their plans. They also send through a man simply named "Rage", a lieutenant who orders the grunts to attack you. You periodically bump into him and his men from time-to-time. At this same time Luneon begins to see into the future, and sees that you are successful. Luneon then begins to leave Team Eclipse. Their leader attempted to stop him, but in vain he failed. Luneon then traveled back 50 years.
50 years earlier, the player reaches the main Gym Eclipse base. At this gym, he begins to fight the trainers (and finally Rage) with the help of Team Solar's trainers and relax in it's luxurious resort. As he is relaxing he gets waylaid by grunts from the future trying to stop him (once again), and at that time Luneon comes to that exact time to stop them and offer you assistance. You can't catch Luneon, however. He'll stay there, to keep things open ended. Once the main player talks to him again he'll transport him to the future to face the man who froze his father.
In the future he finds out Team Solar is eliminated, and Team Solar's leader is in fact Team Eclipses second hand man. Whatever happened the player'll think was not good at all. You are forced to fight both leaders, if you can't persuade one of them.
If the player succeeds in his goal, his father and the opponent, with the fans, pokèmon and moves would thaw. The player goes back 50 years earlier to a time when Team Eclipse is still Gym Eclipse and his father is alive.
At the end, Dialga will come upon Luneon and freeze him into a block of ice. Just like how it was before. Dialga then riddles the player that if he shall ever cross paths with Luneon again, it would only be when the day no longer shines...
--- errata:
The player will always play in the same universe. The universe only changes after the main players father is frozen, but that's before you even start the game.
The frozen man is your father because 50 years later he'll need to be old enough to have taken down Gym Eclipse.
Luneon tries to do what is right when given a clear conscious, unlike other pokèmon. After he is thawed however, his consciousness is a little shaky and was tricked into doing something inappropriate.
Gym Eclipse becomes Team Eclipse within the same universe. Team Eclipse is not from an alternate reality.
The eevee expert you meet is far younger than the one Team Eclipse has.
The eevee expert would give you your first eevee. It is only after meeting with him several times does he eventually get taken by Gym Eclipse.
The player finds out about the eevee expert after telling a gym leader/professor/scientist about the figure he saw.
The player finds out about Gym Eclipses location from posters displayed around various towns. The logo was the same on the shirts of the men who took the eevee expert and the truck they were driving in.
The player never actually ages. Neither does his father, but Team Eclipses leader will. You'll see him at both ages.
Luneon was found frozen the same way he froze the main players father. Yet at the end, it was Dialga that might have done this many years ago to Luneon. Luneon waits in eternal slumber for the right time to break free...
The thawing cutscenes are actually scenes from the future.
The player can even meet the location of Luneon stuck in ice. But he would have no means of thawing it. Interesting, huh? This becomes slightly ironic. Since he would be staring right at his unassuming salvation.
To make things interesting, when the player is relaxing at the Gym Eclipse resort, his pokèmon are all wounded from a previous fight. This makes Luneons appearance even better since he comes right in time to save you from your assailants.
Although team Solar has a pretty small role in the story, they will do other things pertaining to their agenda. For example, they've been working on the location of a legendary astral pokèmon. They will also have a bank account, and if you give them enough money, they'll open a gym.
If they succeed in making a stable gym, you will not need to fight their leader in the future.
What sets Team Solar and Eclipse apart is that there are two new pokèmon types. Both types are treated as "astral". Team Eclipse uses Lunar pokèmon, after the type of Luneon. Team Solar uses, well solar type pokèmon: the type of the legendary that they are trying to find. The interesting thing about this is Lunars weakness is Solar and Solars weakness is Lunar. This puts both teams neck-to-neck in fighting prowess.
--- Last words:
I hope this story is more focused and clear. It is concise, and leaves off for another game. It includes two teams in an interwoven story that doesn't include the high-flying events, and it's richly detailed. Furthermore this will be easier to code and create since there isn't any time travel (until the very end, but that's only an interior).
My story in a nutshell:
Team Eclipses Leader becomes a psychopath after realizing his dreams were shut down by your father. He enlists the help of a peculiar time-traveling pokèmon to stop your father, then stop you. However, with the help of team Solar, you are able to stop the rival team and restore your fathers health. As you do all of this, you also gain insight on various pokèmon and people of the region.
Please read all of it. Even the errata section, it clarifies a few things. Read it again after you see a new change.
- added Team Solar.
- added Team Relationship to new element type. (errata).
- added: Dialga.
- added: A story-based rival: "Rage".
- added: Fathers Message Extension.
About 50 years ago a new and up-coming gymnasium was being built. Their leader envisioned it to be a place of spectacular beauty and grand fighting. This place was going to be called Eclipse. And the fighting would take place in a central eclipse-like platform, whose outer ring is made of fire, or ice or whatever element is currently being fought with.
But after a while the leader had bigger plans and wanted to figure out a way to make the pokèmon themselves even better. This made him an adventurous sort and he scoured the globe looking for answers. This took him 50 years. One day, aged and weathered he came across a chunk of ice. The ice was like permafrost and lasted all year-round. Inside this chunk of ice he saw a glowing entity inside. Could it be a pokèmon? He eventually set his men to place heating-vents around the ice to warm it up. It was slow going. At this same time he found out another trainer had bested all of his trainers at his gym. This made him furious because this crippled the Eclipse gym. There must be some way he thought to have stopped this guy many years ago...
50 years ago, at the same time the gym was being built, an unsuspecting child's father went missing. This comes as a surprise and sets the child on an adventure of his own. The last known location from his father was from a recently delivered message indicating he was going to start fighting at a new gym called "Eclipse" after he's done fighting in the mountains. The TV at home flicks on with a battle-reporter who didn't get frozen speak of the frozen battle and trainers... The player sees his father frozen on the battlefield! Now, he wants to make an effort to get there.
50 years later, when the frozen ice becomes finally thawed, a small fluffy and unassuming pokèmon fell out. Gym Eclipse's leader cradled it in his arms and went to a friend of his - an eevee expert. He said it was the fabled Luneon. A Pokèmon of evolution and mastery of time. When the leader found out about his time travel abilities, he sent him on a mission to remove of this man who brought down Gym Eclipse, the main players father. It had to be the main players father since he'll still be alive 50 years later to have had taken down Gym Eclipse.
Luneon took the order like any other pokèmon and went back 50 years. He froze the fans, the battle, the pokèmon and their moves. Later, the main player comes to this exact location (the one written on the message) to see his father frozen. Right then he sees Luneon leave. Just a short glimpse of him. Whoever did this he thought, must have been recent. Now, the main player begins a search for clues... As you can imagine these events cross paths...
What also seems to happen is that another time-chasing pokemon awakened. It was Dialga. Dialga, unlike Luneon, doesn't mess with time and sets out to stop Luneon. Dialga can be seen here as Luneons arch-nemesis, but in a friendlier sort of way. He'll enforce his own laws, no matter if they hurt or help Luneon.
50 years later, Gym Eclipse becomes Team Eclipse and invents Time travel technology with an aged pokèmon mechanic named Bill. The one behind the time-travel pokèmon trading system.
50 years earlier, As the players searches for clues, he comes to a man who is a self-proclaimed Eevee expert. This man tells him that he saw the fabled Luneon. After meeting with him however, the main player saw that Gym Eclipse kidnapped this man. For why, the player doesn't know. But he knows Gym Eclipse was behind it. Now he searches for Gym Eclipse.
As the player searches he get's taken by team Solar. This will come as a surprise since team solar isn't on an evil side. They try to help him. Team solar is a long time rival of Gym Eclipse, and they were wanting to open their own gym up too. However, each time they did, members of Gym Eclipse were there to bring them down. So, they enlist you to infiltrate their camps and report to them what plans they are working on. You quickly find out the bad news: They sent people from the future.
50 years later, Team Eclipse sends through time "Grunts" to stop the main player from reaching Gym Eclipse when they find out that you are progressing on their plans. They also send through a man simply named "Rage", a lieutenant who orders the grunts to attack you. You periodically bump into him and his men from time-to-time. At this same time Luneon begins to see into the future, and sees that you are successful. Luneon then begins to leave Team Eclipse. Their leader attempted to stop him, but in vain he failed. Luneon then traveled back 50 years.
50 years earlier, the player reaches the main Gym Eclipse base. At this gym, he begins to fight the trainers (and finally Rage) with the help of Team Solar's trainers and relax in it's luxurious resort. As he is relaxing he gets waylaid by grunts from the future trying to stop him (once again), and at that time Luneon comes to that exact time to stop them and offer you assistance. You can't catch Luneon, however. He'll stay there, to keep things open ended. Once the main player talks to him again he'll transport him to the future to face the man who froze his father.
In the future he finds out Team Solar is eliminated, and Team Solar's leader is in fact Team Eclipses second hand man. Whatever happened the player'll think was not good at all. You are forced to fight both leaders, if you can't persuade one of them.
If the player succeeds in his goal, his father and the opponent, with the fans, pokèmon and moves would thaw. The player goes back 50 years earlier to a time when Team Eclipse is still Gym Eclipse and his father is alive.
At the end, Dialga will come upon Luneon and freeze him into a block of ice. Just like how it was before. Dialga then riddles the player that if he shall ever cross paths with Luneon again, it would only be when the day no longer shines...
--- errata:
The player will always play in the same universe. The universe only changes after the main players father is frozen, but that's before you even start the game.
The frozen man is your father because 50 years later he'll need to be old enough to have taken down Gym Eclipse.
Luneon tries to do what is right when given a clear conscious, unlike other pokèmon. After he is thawed however, his consciousness is a little shaky and was tricked into doing something inappropriate.
Gym Eclipse becomes Team Eclipse within the same universe. Team Eclipse is not from an alternate reality.
The eevee expert you meet is far younger than the one Team Eclipse has.
The eevee expert would give you your first eevee. It is only after meeting with him several times does he eventually get taken by Gym Eclipse.
The player finds out about the eevee expert after telling a gym leader/professor/scientist about the figure he saw.
The player finds out about Gym Eclipses location from posters displayed around various towns. The logo was the same on the shirts of the men who took the eevee expert and the truck they were driving in.
The player never actually ages. Neither does his father, but Team Eclipses leader will. You'll see him at both ages.
Luneon was found frozen the same way he froze the main players father. Yet at the end, it was Dialga that might have done this many years ago to Luneon. Luneon waits in eternal slumber for the right time to break free...
The thawing cutscenes are actually scenes from the future.
The player can even meet the location of Luneon stuck in ice. But he would have no means of thawing it. Interesting, huh? This becomes slightly ironic. Since he would be staring right at his unassuming salvation.
To make things interesting, when the player is relaxing at the Gym Eclipse resort, his pokèmon are all wounded from a previous fight. This makes Luneons appearance even better since he comes right in time to save you from your assailants.
Although team Solar has a pretty small role in the story, they will do other things pertaining to their agenda. For example, they've been working on the location of a legendary astral pokèmon. They will also have a bank account, and if you give them enough money, they'll open a gym.
If they succeed in making a stable gym, you will not need to fight their leader in the future.
What sets Team Solar and Eclipse apart is that there are two new pokèmon types. Both types are treated as "astral". Team Eclipse uses Lunar pokèmon, after the type of Luneon. Team Solar uses, well solar type pokèmon: the type of the legendary that they are trying to find. The interesting thing about this is Lunars weakness is Solar and Solars weakness is Lunar. This puts both teams neck-to-neck in fighting prowess.
--- Last words:
I hope this story is more focused and clear. It is concise, and leaves off for another game. It includes two teams in an interwoven story that doesn't include the high-flying events, and it's richly detailed. Furthermore this will be easier to code and create since there isn't any time travel (until the very end, but that's only an interior).
My story in a nutshell:
Team Eclipses Leader becomes a psychopath after realizing his dreams were shut down by your father. He enlists the help of a peculiar time-traveling pokèmon to stop your father, then stop you. However, with the help of team Solar, you are able to stop the rival team and restore your fathers health. As you do all of this, you also gain insight on various pokèmon and people of the region.
Fakemon Selection: Yes I do have permission to use these, I personally contacted the artist when the project originally started out and we have the exclusive pleasure of making them into a full fledge pokedex.
Unfortunately those were lost from our files. and the image no longer exists on deviant art, and we will need whole new concepts.
The Team:
Oka - Programmer, Leader, Website Manager
If you are interested in helping revive this once amazingly beautiful project, please reply saying what you can do to help.
Old Maps:

Old Demo Video: