Deck 1 - {P}{M}
Rare Holo
1. Metagross {P}
2. Espeon {P}
3. Mawile {M}
4. Scizor {M}
5. Qwilfish {P}
6. Gengar {P}
7. Metang {P}
8. Scyther {G}
9. Bastodion {M}
10. Rampardos {F}
11. Magnezone {M}
12. Haunter {P}
13. Beldum {P}
14. Shieldon {M}
15. Cranidos {F}
16. Magneton {M}
17. Magnemite {M}
18. Sableye {P}
19. Gastly {P}
20. Hariyama {F}
21. Makuhita {F}
22. Eevee {C}
23. Mawile {M}
24. Hariyama {F}
25. Sableye {P}
26. Qwilfish {P}
27. Scyther {G}
I'll let you see the real thing sometime. When I get the time, I'll make them and attach them. Comment if you would like to.[/font]
Rare Holo
1. Metagross {P}
2. Espeon {P}
3. Mawile {M}
4. Scizor {M}
5. Qwilfish {P}
6. Gengar {P}
7. Metang {P}
8. Scyther {G}
9. Bastodion {M}
10. Rampardos {F}
11. Magnezone {M}
12. Haunter {P}
13. Beldum {P}
14. Shieldon {M}
15. Cranidos {F}
16. Magneton {M}
17. Magnemite {M}
18. Sableye {P}
19. Gastly {P}
20. Hariyama {F}
21. Makuhita {F}
22. Eevee {C}
23. Mawile {M}
24. Hariyama {F}
25. Sableye {P}
26. Qwilfish {P}
27. Scyther {G}
I'll let you see the real thing sometime. When I get the time, I'll make them and attach them. Comment if you would like to.[/font]