BW/BW2 pokemon demographics


Ultimate Ledgend Collector
i for some reason has spent time calculating urban (only in cities) demographics for each region and i found out that isshu is the biggest by quite a bit

do these figures suprise you sorry if its in the wrong section
this is how many people live in each region in the cities only
Not to much. Each time they get bigger, and isshu is supposed to be the biggest, most realistacally sized region.
Well the Isshu region is big which means more Pokemon. The other previous regions are smaller meaning that they don't include as much Pokemon as the Isshu region. So the Pokemon in the region increases (looking at the information you provided us). We still have to wait and see if they increase more in the next region.
ice arceus this is for inhabitants as in people isshu is the most populated urbanly as more people live in each city. People thought isshu was small at first with only one large city but it turns out its much bigger
Think there is such a huge difference because of all the new pokemon. They had to make pokemon new again. Its like kanto for newbies, except this time developers can make it bigger. More pokemon is better.
Better is bigger and bigger is better.
I meant that because there are all new pokemon, it leads to more people, placesn and ultimately a bigger region