BW/BW2 Pokemon desukan and denchura


Aspiring Trainer
well heres a pic

I think that their Hp statsfor lv 50 are a little low so i think the will have Evoluttions . What Do you Guys Think ?,r:11,s:0&tx=115&ty=51&biw=1259&bih=606 Srry heres the link
my thoughts exactly. I just didn't make a post or thread about it. I hope the have evolutions
Er, the picture isn't showing up. Regardless to how weak they are, I'm gonna be using them anyways. Well Desukan at least, he'll be on my team even if he has the stats of a Caterpie, I don't care, he's too awesome.

But yeah can someone post a direct link to the pic?
I think id be cool. Hopefully most of the pokemon we have seen have evolutions, it is obvious that some will get evolutions and for others, well we cant be sure.