Pokemon in the post Ampharos era


Hating durant since 11/16/11
With the advent of GC Ampharos that can easily shut down any pokepower, I predict three major changes will take place in deck construction

1) People will run less complicated decks driven by attacks that draw such as Sableye, Furret, and Lupunny.

2) People will tech in healing cards such as Unown V, Wash Rotom, and Poke Healers.

3) Many decks will tech in 1-1 Dialga G Lv. X to counter it.
I say Ampharos is rubbish. The second your opponent plays a Yanmega and gets one attack in, you're just as locked as they are. And don't say Manetric. It doesn't stop damage to its self and it's just a rush to see who gets the card out first - the Manetric or the spreader. This deck also fails vs. decks that don't use powers like Scizrim and Houndoom. But yeah, for awhile people will be doing what you said. There is one other counter to it, though. Teching a 101 SW Ampharos into your deck. Then it's a double lock, except they are the ones that have to get the GC Ampharos out as you get setup.
Crobat G lets you shut down their Powers. That levels the playing field and gives faster decks an advantage.

Ampharos won't really change anything, Uxie gives drawpower even if Ampharos is in play. Claydol can just be healed by Pokehealer/Blissey. Most decks that focus on Pokepowers will slightly decline, but even then Ampharos can't do anything to hurt them severely. Dialga G will only be in the decks that can use it.

So at best all Amphy does is put the final nail in Claydol's Coffin and give Uxie that final boost, establishing the fact that Uxie>Claydol.
I stand on the contrary, Celebi. Amphylock is rather powerful as Amphy does not require to stay active (unlike Glace LV.X). An Amphylock deck really only relies on Claydol for draw, or you could use Uxie if you don't want to risk getting locked yourself. We also have Amphy SW as a nice tech to spread when your opponent uses those needed supporters. Still, it's not that powerful and can't change the format that much. No fool would tech a Dialga G Lv.X without a good reason besides Amphy.
You said it Zyflair. If you're running Amphy, you will probably count on being locked by your opponents damage and plan accordingly.
Actually I played against a proxied Ampharos deck and it was pure evil. It was impossible to lock them and you struggle while trying to get a setup. It was impossible to lock them becase they used Uxie instead of Claydol; ad the only other powers that they had were the Unown Gs (which get attached right away) and an Azelf (which is a coming into play power). And don't say that an Ampharos deck is bd because it only has a 2 Energy attack which if they go first can allow them a T2 Donk. And then they have a 70 damage attack which is pretty decent. Combined with Ampharos SW and that deck becmes pure evil; once yu use a supporter that means no more powers, and then you have to use even more supporters which will only end up damaging yo more.
I'm interested in this one, but haven't been able to find the answer yet. Will Torterra SF's attack that puts 20 damage on new basics, or Miasma Valley, doing the same for any non-grass/psychic one, allow Amphy to stop Uxie and pals? THAT would be something to look at.
^ yes that is intreasting. I think that any non grass or psychic pokemon would take the damage before they are able to use their power, but the problem is that Uxie is a psychic pokemon so miasma would not do anything to stop it. I also think that rampardos will keep the ampharos im check some what beacuse of the weakness that ampharos has. I also saw that match that Lunar wing had with ampharos. He having huge troble with it beacuse ampharos stopped his powers so he could not use dusk shadow cammand and when Dusk x got knocked out he was not able to use ectoplams which means that it was almos an auuto loss.
ampharos fails to G decks, they totaly outspeed it and take advantage of it with poketurn, they also get dialga G LV.X, amphy also doesn't have a very good attack and is an auto-lose to scizor or any speed deck.
^But not as easily as you think. Amphy lock prevents auto-poison and Maneletric doesn't have a retreat cost (someone please correct me on that if I'm wrong). Few G decks play more than 3 Poketurns so you're going to waste them on your tech?

BTW, Dialga G LV.X only hurts Amphy. Dusknoir DP isn't out of the format yet, so don't expect to swarm freely.
^Thank you. Sure, you may count on being locked, but that still doesn't change the fact that you lose some of the most awesome powers in Pokemon (Claydol, Cressy X, Shadow Command, Power Cancel, etc.) Sure that can backfire, but in the time that you get both Amphy out your opponent can be fully setup, not to mention that a newly evolved Raichu LV. X one-shots the Ampharos.
It's not the early setup that the deck normally destroys, but the mid-game setup. Furthermore, Raichu is even slower than Amphy because a T2 Maneletric can hurt your Bronzong SF, Electivire SW or Claydol GE.
Zyflair said:
^But not as easily as you think. Amphy lock prevents auto-poison and Maneletric doesn't have a retreat cost (someone please correct me on that if I'm wrong). Few G decks play more than 3 Poketurns so you're going to waste them on your tech?

BTW, Dialga G LV.X only hurts Amphy. Dusknoir DP isn't out of the format yet, so don't expect to swarm freely.

crobat SP hit dusknoir for 10 then if you need to, poketurn either that or skuntank (whichever has damage) and hit for 60+poison, amphy's also pretty slow, so you should be able to get T2-3 60+poison and if they do evolve you hit them for 20 with galactic base, locking their powers.
elekid957 said:
ampharos fails to G decks, they totaly outspeed it and take advantage of it with poketurn, they also get dialga G LV.X, amphy also doesn't have a very good attack and is an auto-lose to scizor or any speed deck.

Just because Ampharos can't use its pokebody on sizor decks doesn't mean its an auto loss! What the heck?! Amphy itself does 60 or 30 with paralyze on only two energy. Either way, that sets you up for a knockout next turn. Also, people will probably combo it with stuff that drains your hand (since it will be hard to draw with amphy around) Thats the main problem with Sizor. Very little draw power. If you manage to drain their hand, their screwed.

Celebi23 said:
^Thank you. Sure, you may count on being locked, but that still doesn't change the fact that you lose some of the most awesome powers in Pokemon (Claydol, Cressy X, Shadow Command, Power Cancel, etc.) Sure that can backfire, but in the time that you get both Amphy out your opponent can be fully setup, not to mention that a newly evolved Raichu LV. X one-shots the Ampharos.

If you're making the argument that Raichu X can one-shot amphy, you should include that it can also one-shot every card in the format! (except a benched wailord)
elekid957 said:
crobat SP hit dusknoir for 10 then if you need to, poketurn either that or skuntank (whichever has damage) and hit for 60+poison, amphy's also pretty slow, so you should be able to get T2-3 60+poison and if they do evolve you hit them for 20 with galactic base, locking their powers.
Why in the world would anyone RC a DP Dusknoir without actually using it? My main goal is to just remove the Dialga G LV.X, so after that, I could care less if you damage my Dusk. If I let you swarm your Scizor bench, I could just Dark Palm one of your Scizors away, leaving you with those useless Cherrims. Second, the only powers Amphy plays should be Uxie, nothing more. If I freeze your powers, I doubt you'll be hitting for 60 much longer, but a puny 20 by mid-game.

I can't deny Amphy has a major disadvantage to speed decks, but it locks anything else that doesn't outspeed it.
There are uses to Dialga X too... but too bad this is put under the rug since Rampardos still owns it.

When Mr. Mime is out of the format too, we have to worry about Rampardos AND Machamp.

Amphyzong would be a very good deck regardless, now completely immune to Sabledonk (60 HP GC one), and the ability to spread damage like butter.