I no longer play the game, but I thought this even when I played. Prereleases are designed for you to go show your friends all your cool, new, awesome cards and after they're extremely jealous they go out a buy a bunch a couple weeks later. You pay more that 4$ for 10 cards! Cards that cost them less than a few pennies to make. They hold onto cards they overpower. Like the Luxray GL Lv.X's and what not. Because they can turn around and, at some points in time, turn them into $90+!!! And then there's the japanese. Ever wonder why some cards have an English name and japanese print? For one reason: To jip the Americans out of their money. "A fool and his money are soon parted." As they say. So that they can print it, sell it to the Americans, and still have a card only available to themselves, because only part of the card was printed in English. Look at something like a Pikachu M Lv.X. Do you think any of those letters are in the Japanese alphabet? No. It's all a system designed to sap the money out of the players. Look at the cards you have. Remember that ten of them were 4$. How much have you spent on Pokemon? In gas to go to a tournament? On accessories you really didn't need but wanted so you'd look cooler? On the cards themselves? Guess what? The companies that make them can probably make your whole collection for under 20$. For some extremists 50$. While over your 'poke-career' you've spent hundreds, very possibly thousands of dollars. Step back and take a look at the financial side. It's not too good of a bargain. What happens if society breaks down and we all return to being wild animals? What good do they do now? Before: "Hmmm... A Luxray GL Lv.X! Better put it in protective plastic and guard it with my life!" After: "Good, still have a Luxray GL Lv.X left. Need more kindling for the fire." I mean, really. What good does it do in the view of the animal kingdom? Wastes resources that could be traded for food, shelter, and safe drinking water. Seems a bit silly? Feel a bit cheated? You should.
(P.S. If the mods can come up with a reason to lock this it's probably for me giving my honest opinion on the game as a whole.)
I spent very little money on pokemon when I played. Tried to, at least. But they force it out of you. I've had these views for a long time, but only ever voiced them once, for fear of being shunned by the pokemon community. Well, don't need to worry about that any more. I talked about these opinions in my league leader's car, though. With some friends, who I believe understood my views. The things you have read in this article are based on facts. There's no disputing a fact. None at all. But feel free to post your opinions.
Take the poll above. Not many people will choose the third option, but we all know it's what everybody honestly thinks. They don't want to face reality, the truth. They can't handle the truth.
Many people will probably say, "Well, nobody made you buy the cards!" But there's yet another gimmick. Advertising. On the television, it promises victory and greatness to every player. We all know that it's not true, but so many people lead themselves to believe it because they want it to be true. They show happy pictures of pretty colors and inviting "deals". New, "cool adventures, fun, and excitement!" are always advertised. And subliminal messaging. Using the human psychology against itself. The letters on the screen get bigger, it appears to be coming towards you, it applies to you. That's what your subconcious mind sees. What colors do you see? Earth-tones read as filth or despair. Navy blue reads as responsible. Light blue reads as happiness. Red fills you with courage when you see it. White reminds you of purity. All because they're affiliated with things you've seen or heard of. Dirt, mud. Navy, ocean. Picnics and a clear sky. Blood and boldness. Cleanliness and sanitation. You read into these in a fraction of a second and never realize it. As a matter of fact, you're believing this right now mostly because you know it's true, but partly because there's a navy blue border around it. And a light blue one. But you're not focusing on them. They're there only in your subconciousness. And partly because I keep applying it to you. Words like "you", "your", "you're" and all other forms of "you". Also from me talking in first person. But mainly because you know it's reasonable.
You're being cheated. Your mind manipulated. The companies making these cards are as good as crooks, who use every trick they have to get you to "just spend a little more". One more pack won't hurt. Oh, this deck box is cheap. That's a good price for what card that is. These are things people think about when they spend their money, not that the reason they're buying something is because the outside is pretty and catches their attention. Or they make promises of fun and adventure if you just buy it. That's what they want you to think. "Just buy it. Don't question it. Just buy it."
(P.S. If the mods can come up with a reason to lock this it's probably for me giving my honest opinion on the game as a whole.)
I spent very little money on pokemon when I played. Tried to, at least. But they force it out of you. I've had these views for a long time, but only ever voiced them once, for fear of being shunned by the pokemon community. Well, don't need to worry about that any more. I talked about these opinions in my league leader's car, though. With some friends, who I believe understood my views. The things you have read in this article are based on facts. There's no disputing a fact. None at all. But feel free to post your opinions.
Take the poll above. Not many people will choose the third option, but we all know it's what everybody honestly thinks. They don't want to face reality, the truth. They can't handle the truth.
Many people will probably say, "Well, nobody made you buy the cards!" But there's yet another gimmick. Advertising. On the television, it promises victory and greatness to every player. We all know that it's not true, but so many people lead themselves to believe it because they want it to be true. They show happy pictures of pretty colors and inviting "deals". New, "cool adventures, fun, and excitement!" are always advertised. And subliminal messaging. Using the human psychology against itself. The letters on the screen get bigger, it appears to be coming towards you, it applies to you. That's what your subconcious mind sees. What colors do you see? Earth-tones read as filth or despair. Navy blue reads as responsible. Light blue reads as happiness. Red fills you with courage when you see it. White reminds you of purity. All because they're affiliated with things you've seen or heard of. Dirt, mud. Navy, ocean. Picnics and a clear sky. Blood and boldness. Cleanliness and sanitation. You read into these in a fraction of a second and never realize it. As a matter of fact, you're believing this right now mostly because you know it's true, but partly because there's a navy blue border around it. And a light blue one. But you're not focusing on them. They're there only in your subconciousness. And partly because I keep applying it to you. Words like "you", "your", "you're" and all other forms of "you". Also from me talking in first person. But mainly because you know it's reasonable.
You're being cheated. Your mind manipulated. The companies making these cards are as good as crooks, who use every trick they have to get you to "just spend a little more". One more pack won't hurt. Oh, this deck box is cheap. That's a good price for what card that is. These are things people think about when they spend their money, not that the reason they're buying something is because the outside is pretty and catches their attention. Or they make promises of fun and adventure if you just buy it. That's what they want you to think. "Just buy it. Don't question it. Just buy it."