Writing Pokemon: Kanto Adventure

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The Blonde Brainiac
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Kanto Adventure !

WARNING: Pearlshipping at the beginning, but that's mostly all
Chapter 1

The alarm buzzed as a kid with black hair woke up. He rubbed open his eyes and opened the window. Today was the day he finally recieved his starter. A flock of Pidgey flew and landed in the tree by the window. The kid's name was Will. His parents were Dawn and Ash Ketchum. Ash won several region tournaments, while Dawn won 5 Ribbons Cups (4 were in Kanto). They were some of the most famous Trainers in the Pokemon world. Dawn had become the Professor in Kanto, while Ash helps take care of the Pokemon. Both of Will's older siblings, Mary and Brandon had successful carrers with Pokemon, both won the Ribbon Cup. But Will was torn, should he do battles, like his father ? Or, be like his mother and do Contests ? This question ran through his head as he rode his bike up to the Lab

"Well, it looks like it's time for you to get your starter Will !" Dawn replied, smiling. She showed Will three Pokemon. Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squritle
"What do I do ?" Will questioned
"You just pick one !" Dawn replied
"Oh, then I pick Squritle !" Will replied
"Okay, Squritle it is !" Dawn replied, she gave Will the Poke Ball containing Squritle, five extra Poke Balls and a Pokedex, "Now call me when you reach Viridian City !" she replied
"Will do, mom !" Will shouted back. And so Will was off to Route 1 and Viridian City

END Chapter 1

To be apart of this fan fic you must fill the form

Starter Pokemon:
Final Team:

Do you wabnt to be apart of this fan-fic, then fill out the form !
name: Joey
Age: 11
starter: charmander
final team: Charizard, Dragonite, Salamence, Growlthe, Umbreon or espeon, Furret.
What the heck I'll do it. Looks good so far.
Starter Pokemon:piplup
Final Team:Empoleon, Raichu, Dewgong, Flygon, Gallade, Ninetales
Ok Ill do it!
Name: Alex (Muck) Muckle
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur
Final Team: Venesaur, Muk, Glaceon, Pidgeot, Lapras, Alakazam

This is going to be a good story cant wait for the next chapter!
Danget I new when my comp kicked me from IE something would go wrong... 1 min in diffrence, o well Ill still read it!
Okay !

Chapter 2--Viridian City

Will had reached Viridian City within a day of leaving home. He reached the Pokemon Center and healed Squritle after some battles with Wild Pokemon. He caught a Pidgey and was training when a kid named Joey, who had also started his journey the same day Will did

"I challenge you to a battle !" Will stated
"Okay, if you say so" Joey replied

They ran to a clearing and started the battle. Joey sent out a Sentret. Will sent out his Pidgey
"Pidgey use Gust !" Will ordered. Pidgey flew up in the air and flapped it's wings and sent Sentret flying
"Sentret, use Quick Attack !" Joey ordered. Sentret bounced up in the air and struck Pidgey. Pidgey hit the ground with a thud and was knocked out
"Go, Squritle !" Will shouted. Squritle popped out of it's Poke Ball
"Use Bubble !" Will ordered. The Bubble attack hit Sentret and sent it skidding into the trunk of a tree. Sentret was Knocked Out
"Go Charmander !" Joey shouted. Charmander appeared in a flash of light
"Ember !" Joey ordered.
"Bubble !" Will ordered. The two attacks hit and caused an explosion that blinded both Trainers. When the smoker cleared, who would remain standing ?

END Chapter 2 !
Chapter 3--And the winner is...

Both Pokemon still stood, panting heavily. Then, both Pokemon fell to the ground.
"Looks like a tie" Will said
"Yeah, I guess so" Joey replied
"It was a good battle" Will replied
"Yes, it was" Joey replied. They healed their Pokemon and went their seperate ways. Joey went out to Route 24, while Will marched to Viridian Forest and Pewter City

END Chapter 3
hey is there still time?

Starter Pokemon:piplup
Final Team:empoleon, dragonite, espeon, electrivire, magmorter, and my most powerful pokemon around BLISSEY
lol sorry dident notice that was stupid of me te hee

ok pokemon starter: totadile
and my lines, feralagator, t-tar, espeon, umberon, dragonite, blissey
sorry after getting glasses i cant read anything lol

ok Kanto

let me try this

pokemon starter: charmander
lines: dragonite, evee, charzard, blastoise, venasur, and machamp
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