Pokemon League Promo Cards Question


Aspiring Trainer
hi again, sorry if I have so many questions!

I went to my first pokemon league in a while and it was awesome. I got a bunch of promos, like Dragonite, Snorlax, Arcanine, Milotic, etc. The promo cards I'm after though, for the deck I want to make, are Claydoll, Uxie, Roseanne's, and Bebe's. What exactly is the league structure for me to get these cards? As in, how many games do I have to play to get them? Is this number different in every league?

6 games to get one pair of cards. So 24 games to get a playset of four. If you got Snorlax, you should have also gotten Uxie with it.

dmaster out.
It all depends on whether or not your league leader has those promos left over, as they're from previous seasons. If he has Snorlax you also should've gotten Uxie, and Bebe's is from the newest season so he should have those as well.

It sounds like something is odd with your league, or your LL isn't running it correctly. Good luck either way.