Pokemon of the Week - #19: Landorus

To be honest, I haven't really used the Sheer Force sets (got my Dream Radar a week ago xD). Sand Force is still very viable, though. I usually tried Gravity, mainly because it allowed me to break Skarmories. But Rock Polish sets were good as well.
To counter/check this guy, one thing comes in mind, and that's Ice Shard. Combined with entry hazards, it's usually quite nasty for Landorus.
I'm loving Landorus right now. I think it's one of the most diverse threats this metagame has to offer. The Choice Scarf set is a brilliant revenge killer that is excellent at revenging Salamence and Volcarona. Rock Polish and Swords Dance are both equally insane and make countering the Pokemon much more difficult than before, either due to the obvious doubled speed or doubled attack. Sheer Force is what I consider to be the most threatening set Landorus brings to the table, because everyone from BW1 is so used to a physical Landorus set that attacking from the special side is a bit of an awakening and a slap upside the head. Combining Rock Polish with Sheer Force turns Landorus into an amazing special attacker that needs no weather support. I think my favorite thing though about Landorus is that it's an offensive Pokemon that's equally as threatening on the physical side as it is on the special side. This is a fantastic trait that makes Landorus very unpredictable.

In terms of what I'm currently using to check and counter, Sp. Def Celebi is my favorite. It's 3HKOed by a Modest HP Ice, even after Stealth Rock. The physical sets don't do much to Celebi, with the exception of Choice Scarf / Expert Belt U-Turn. It's also what I consider to be the best universal check to Landorus because Sp.D Skarm is 2HKOed by Sheer Force Focus Blast, while Defensive Skarm can possibly be OHKOed after Stealth Rock.