Once, in the land of the Sinnoh 2 Islands, in the sky, flew black, steel and sharp jet. Yes, there it was, the Darness Orb, connected to the Red and Blue orbs.''Sir Darkness, we are headed for Floatzel Lake!'', cried Commander Sunblast. ''Excellent...'', Boss Darkness. ''Landing process complete, commander!'', cried Grunts. Boss Darkness brought his blue orb and darkness orb, slowly stepping onto the ground. ''Floatzels, feel the power of darkness!'', cried Boss Darkness. The blue orb seemed to scream, and the darkness orb was levitating toward the hopeless Floatzels. The Floatzels panicked in fear.
''Stop!'', the voice said. The Commanders turned around. It was Pokemon Ranger Kenny. He brought along a Venusaur, looking angrily at the Boss. ''Excellent... a pokemon that can help me...''whispered Boss Darkness in his deep, low voice. The Venusaur was turning black. A dark capsule rose from it's stomach. The Venusaur growled it's cry out, chasing the Pokemon Ranger. "Muahahaha!'' laughed Boss Darkness. ''You'll never capture me...ever... Then a cry rose above a brown cliff, looking at the sky, then at the boss. The boss proudly looked at it. The figure screamed a cry, so loud, that the Boss' Darkness orb chattered to pieces.
''No!" he screamed in furious anger. He ran to the figure, but as soon as he looked at it very clearly, he knew what it was. He turned to stone. The Commanders looked around for the Boss. Then one grunt found the boss, then he looked at the figure standing there very clearly, and he turned to stone, frozen by a curse. Kenny hid behind a tree, seeing the whole thing, while Venusaur was chasing a Venomoth, hungry as ever, now not chasing Kenny because of the shattered orb. Kenny took a big peek at the figure. He knew what it was. He turned to stone, lay unconsious, seeing black everywhere...
''Stop!'', the voice said. The Commanders turned around. It was Pokemon Ranger Kenny. He brought along a Venusaur, looking angrily at the Boss. ''Excellent... a pokemon that can help me...''whispered Boss Darkness in his deep, low voice. The Venusaur was turning black. A dark capsule rose from it's stomach. The Venusaur growled it's cry out, chasing the Pokemon Ranger. "Muahahaha!'' laughed Boss Darkness. ''You'll never capture me...ever... Then a cry rose above a brown cliff, looking at the sky, then at the boss. The boss proudly looked at it. The figure screamed a cry, so loud, that the Boss' Darkness orb chattered to pieces.
''No!" he screamed in furious anger. He ran to the figure, but as soon as he looked at it very clearly, he knew what it was. He turned to stone. The Commanders looked around for the Boss. Then one grunt found the boss, then he looked at the figure standing there very clearly, and he turned to stone, frozen by a curse. Kenny hid behind a tree, seeing the whole thing, while Venusaur was chasing a Venomoth, hungry as ever, now not chasing Kenny because of the shattered orb. Kenny took a big peek at the figure. He knew what it was. He turned to stone, lay unconsious, seeing black everywhere...