Ruling Pokemon Ranger vs Toxipek-GX


Aspiring Trainer
1. I use Toxipek-GX move "Super Intense Poison"
2. My Turn Ends
3. Defending Pokemon takes 10 damage counters of poison damage
4. Opponent uses Pokemon Ranger
5. Opponent Ends Turn
6. Poison Upkeep - Does Opponents pokemon take 10 damage counters or only 1?
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Here is an earlier ruling regarding Pokémon Ranger and 'enhanced' Poison.

Special Conditions, even if they are 'enhanced' by something are game mechanics and not effects of attacks. Pokemon Ranger does not interact with them. An example of an effect of an attack would be the one created by Toxipex-GX's GX attack, Total Shelter GX that prevents all effects of attacks done to it. If played A used Total Shelter GX, then Player B used Pokémon Ranger on their turn, the effect preventing al effects of attacks would be removed, and Player B's attack would affect Toxipex-GX.