Pokemon Rumble Cards Legal In OP?


Mommy, I lol'ed my pants...
I was looking at the Pokemon Rumple Venasuar and it could be really good if it was legal in the TCG, but then I noticed, it has weakness, retreat cost, etc.
Were thay made to be legal in the TCG?
From what I am aware of, they are legal in OP, but they aren't any good in my opinion.
Yeah, you can use them in legal Modified play. Vice-versa as well.

dmaster out.
Actually I think the Venusaur in Rumble would be a decent card in a deck. Perhaps not the best but certainly playable. It's similar to the Wizards #13(?) Venusaur back in the old days of the game.

It's about the only one though.
Pikachu6319 said:
Actually I think the Venusaur in Rumble would be a decent card in a deck. Perhaps not the best but certainly playable. It's similar to the Wizards #13(?) Venusaur back in the old days of the game.

It's about the only one though.

Yeah, that's what I was looking at. With Cherrims/Shaymin it could be really good

Is there anyway to get Rumble cards other then getting the game itself?
You can always buy on ebay, trade with others, and maybe buy singles online. They don't sell them in packs though....
We don't lock on request anymore. People can discuss their usefulness in Modified Play I guess.

dmaster out.
A better version of Venusaur would be Butterfree GE.
Yeah, really just 20 damage less but for only energy, plus you can heal from anywhere plus it's much faster with Pupate and Emerge.
Oh Turtwig GL's actually the best. DCE and a good body. Try stuff.
Well, Turtwig GL can reveice easy OHKO's. Also Butterfree can abuse HGSS Metapod which removes weakness.
Shaymin Lv.X, Expert belt and Snowpoint Temple. Easy KO? Nah. Then you heal off like all the damage.
What damage will you heal if Machamp, Lugia Legend, Blaziken FB Lv.X, Typhlosion/Charizard or Fainting Spell will just OHKO you btw?
Yeah I agree. Venusaur Rumble is a beast if supported correctly from the bench and from stadiums and tools. And I also agree that Turtwig GL is pretty overrated, which is sad because I do like the card. But Turtwig doesn't heal that much, and quite a few heavy damage dealers can outspeed its heal so long as they do more than 60 HP worth of damage each turn.
Juliacoolo said:
You can always buy on ebay, trade with others, and maybe buy singles online. They don't sell them in packs though...

Actully you can buy them in store packs, usually only at kmart though :p
Let's not forget Torterra UL. 1 less energy, 10 less damage. But, he has a decent second move as well. And a Lv.X.
Torterra UL also has some great support from SF Torterra, bringing a good amount of Cherrims in within 1 turn because of the evo line already there. Sunshine Song FTW!!!!
Umm the mewtwo from rumble is sometimes used for the 1-1 mewtwo X tech, it has more HP to avoid getting knocked by garchomp right when it hits the bench.