Pokemon star evolution questions

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Aspiring Trainer
can a pichu star baby evolution into a pikachu *
can pikachu * evolve into riachu
can abra DP2 psycic evolution into alakazam *

Abra L.8 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[P] Play Search: Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, choose 1 of them, and put it in your hand. Shuffle the remaining cards back into your deck.
[P][C] Psychic Evolution: Search your deck for an Alakazam card and play it on top of Abra (this counts as Evolving Abra). Shuffle your deck afterward.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
No is the answer to all your questions. Pokemon star are counted as Pokemon* for evolution (means they can't evolve or be evolved, unless thge card said evolves from Pokemon*)Which doesn't exsit.
It basically works like this. The * is a part of their name, and as such they are treated as something different.

Since Raichu, for example, says that it evolves from Pikachu, it cannot evolve from Pikachu* as it is a different name. Alakazam* on the other hand states that it is a BASIC pokemon so it cannot come from an Abra.
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