Pokemon TCG Dictionary


Renegade Writer
Hey guys!!! Have you ever had someone help your deck, but they put their advice into “1337 code”, and you can’t understand it? Well if so, please look here for help! I will try my best to update with current “hip” new phrases and abbreviations here!

DP = Diamond and Pearl
MT = Mysterious Treasures
SW = Secret Wonders
GE = Great Encounters
LA = Legends Awakened
SF = Storm Front

Metagame = Current “format”. Mainly used to describe popular decks that are currently played in your area. i.e. “My metagame is mainly Empoleon and Kingdra, so I think Raichu would be a good deck to play.”
Archetype = A very popular deck. i.e. “I made a deck that can beat just about every Archetype. It can beat Kingdra especially well.”
Tech cards = Cards that are put into a deck to make the deck do better against another deck which it would usually have a bad matchup against. i.e. “I teched Unown G into my elves deck (Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf), so I can beat Machamp without a problem.”
Rogue = A deck built just to beat other decks. Most Rogue decks are somewhat unexpected. i.e. “Because of the many Dusknoir and Torterra decks that are played in my area, I think I’m going to play a rogue Weavile and Charizard deck.”
SD = Secret deck.
Modified = Decks in the current format (DP-on)
Unlimited = Decks with cards that aren’t in the current format (DP-on)
Proxy = Fake card put into a deck when the user of the deck doesn’t have a real card. Proxies are used for testing a deck when you don’t have a rare card, so you don’t have to buy the rare card just to find out that the deck is bad. i.e. “I’m proxying a Time Space Distortion into my Ho-Oh deck too see if it will help my matchup.”

CC = City Championship
BR = Battle Roads
HJ = Head Judge
PTO = Pokemon Tournament Organizer
DQ = Disqualification

SSU = super Scoop Up
TSD = Time Space Distortion
TGW = Team Galactic’s Wager
POV = Professor Oak’s Visit

N00b = You… er… a new player
1337 = An elite player
Pwn = To beat someone badly
You should link DOX's article to here as well, as he also has some useful acronyms.
I'm still getting started. This is a quick sketch. I don't mean the whole "interwebs" slang. I mean something you'd use at tournaments. :) So guys, YAY OR NAY on the idea?