pokemon tournament rules???


Aspiring Trainer
can someone give me a rundown of what rules there are for being a part of the touraments etc. i want to compete this season and need a little advice.

i know the basics like
60 card deck, but do the cards need to be in protective card holders like what i see in the pictures?

how do i join?

i found a place in my town with a league is that how i sign up for the tournament?

help im a noob!
RE: pokemon tournament rules?

It is prefered that there in slips, all the same and no markings that make them different from others in your deck.
Sign up at League and you should be told about upcoming tornaments and how to prepare.
DP - GE cards too.

Pretty much just have your deck ready and maybe an admission charge and everything should be sweet.... (enless i forgot something)
RE: pokemon tournament rules?

AHH rasberrys, I was just looking at 1 of my folders and GE is the newest one in it :p