Pokemon Pokemon Tower Defense Trades


Aspiring Trainer
Looking for a Shiney Poliwag or Poliwhirl.... if interested hit me up and tell me what you would want in return

Have a shiney mew Im willing to give away for a good trade
hey Garebear i am not trying to tell you what to do but this is just a suggestion but if you want more people to post here i would put up a list of what shiny pokemon you have that is just a suggestion though
chellochello said:
This might be n00bish, but can you convert these to handheld
No, you can't convert to and from handheld because PTD is a flash game. o:

But, I have a few shiny's for trade:
Lv 40 Starmie
Lv 41 Tentacruel
Lv 40 Vileplume
Lv 27 Graveler. (If traded, of course, it evolves to golem :D )