I'd love Pidgeot ( FA would be the bomb to be honest , the bird's got the best color palette for a full art print !! ) but I'd rather wish they'd not make if it'll like the Mawile Ex fiasco( yep, that happened and a 1st generation with a mega is still waiting ? talk about fan satisfaction ) a mega evolution is supposed to be mega for a good reason, not make the card just to say "I made the ex with its mega & hope you're happy and that's it " . Pidgeot cards that have been made through these 2 decades were all amazing , mostly the Fire Red one which was quite a tyrant back in the day ,but I'd despise seeing a useless evo-ex ( cough , Altaria ) being made , and ruin its awesome feat of being good in Trading Card Gaming, don't you think so ?
Though after spanning nearly 3 years now for XY, I agree it's quite frustrating not to make some of the lesser produced Pokemon as exes ( Lapras or even a Ditto ) , I can only say that's it's outrageous that Generations didn't make such 1st gen gems int the set with the megas !! instead , making a Meowstic ex and non ex full art of the trio birds(not even Moltres) makes the cherry on top of the fan failure cake !!!