Pokemon Zoroark movie playing on CN today

RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

I totally forgot about this. Has it started/ended yet?

TO YOUTUBE! (again. (And mostly for the opening/ending music. (Links would be greatly appreciated.)))
RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

Recording it as well. No way I'm sitting through all the corny commercials in between.
RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

I just watched it tonight. I loved it. It made me cry 2 times in a row(in a good way). I recorded it on my DVR so I can keep it for as long as I want. :D
RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

The film was actually surprisingly good - it's definitely one of my favorites. (Spoilers below.)

The many references to Unova were interesting, and sometimes funny. Each time they would show part of the Unova region (whether through flashbacks from Zorua or in the ending credits, for example), it would be a location so nonspecific it could pass as being a part of any region! Though that's to be expected, it was still funny.

The plot of the film was what really impressed me. It was fairly solid for a Pokémon film. The villains and characters were believeable (and the villains were actually menacing) and the scenery was well-developed and looked fantastic. The jokes / lighthearted moments in the film were pretty good, as well. The English dub was fantastic - characters really nailed their lines perfectly.

The only thing I didn't like was at the end, where Zoroark tricks Kodai into thinking he got to the time rift, when in fact it was all an illusion. It was believable because the way Ash questioned him "So you don't care about Crown City!?" was an obvious setup for him to say some incriminating things and tipped off viewers about it being an illusion, but the fact Zoroark can create illusions of that magnitude just seemed to be torn out of mid-air. Earlier it could create illusions of attacks and of other Pokémon, but the fact it never used its abilities to create illusions of entire events unfolding just seemed odd. Had they shown it doing that earlier in the film, it would have felt right. (And if it did do that earlier in the film and I'm forgetting, blame Cartoon Network's many commercials for making me forget.)

And let's not forget Cartoon Network's butchering of the credits. Cut down to half of the screen and at 4x speed! Boy I sure do love seeing the names of all those people who worked so hard on every last detail of that film. YUP.
RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

That was AMAZING. That was so sad and action filled. That made me want to go out and spend 20 bucks on zorua and zoruark plushie's when the mall tour comes around. I havn't seen too much anime recently but that was very violent compared to the other movies
RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

I honesty didn't think it was very good, for the lack of physics and basic common sense. Honestly, (spoilers) those Ninjask just sit around in the air and just take hits. They made to attempt to dodge, and just stayed RIGHT there. As Xous said, it was sorta random when Zoroark just came out and was able to create an ENTIRELY new time rift thing (forgot the term) that had the same effect as the other one. And the part where Kodai got Celebi. She is a LEGENDARY Pokemon with powers to travel through time and a very powerful pokemon in general. And she decides to instead of fighting back or running, hiding behind a Pokemon with a base stat total of 330. My rant continues to another part when the Shuppet is fighting Zorua/Zoroark. Is it realistic that a Pokemon that can perform massive illusions can be hit once by a not-very effective attack that has a base power of 80. Speaking of the illusions, when Zoroark 'traps' the legendary beasts with the crystal stuff, the beasts had plenty of neck room, definatly enough to get their head free. I know that their feel were stuck, but thats why you have moves >.>

Overall, I have to disagree with most of you posting in this thread. It wasn't that much better than the gen 4 movies, but I will say it was better by a bit. Maybe I'm just treating this like trash because I wasn't very open minded when watching this, I will say that. But honestly, I don't think it would ever make me cry. I have PMD games to do that.
RE: Pokemon Zoroark move playing on CN today

I don't plan to watch this movie after the corny experience with the Arceus movie, which was the first I watched in ages as I wanted to see how they handled the god pony (and was severely disappointed). I don't really care for common sense and realism because pokemon is always devoid of that, but story and development wise, I never really liked the newer movies.
I should just ask, to save myself disappointment:

Is there some kind of musical opening, similar to the Rise of Darkrai/Arceus movies?

Also, what music plays while the credits roll? Or isn't there any, since Cartoon Network slashed them?
I don't remember any kind of musical opening moment like those. The closest thing to that from what I remember is when Celebi is flying around Crown City at the start, revitalizing the flowers and stuff. But that's actually enjoyable and didn't feel forced at all, unlike the Rise of Darkrai and Jewel of Life moments you're referring to.

One other point I forgot to mention in my previous post is they cut the intro from this film. You know, the one they pretty much always have before the movie title animation sequence, the one that explains "the world of Pokémon is vast, blah blah". That was a huge disappointment to me. (So huge I forgot about it, I guess.)
I watched this one in the theater, ad-free, with normal credits. I found it a lot more violent and a lot darker than any other Pokemon movie (and I've seen them all), or is it just me? I really liked the ending, but after the action it was the usuall legendary/hero pokemon being revived/healed, followed by corny goodbyes. Overall the plot was great, but kind of boring with very little action.
Xous said:
One other point I forgot to mention in my previous post is they cut the intro from this film. You know, the one they pretty much always have before the movie title animation sequence, the one that explains "the world of Pokémon is vast, blah blah". That was a huge disappointment to me. (So huge I forgot about it, I guess.)

Curses. I like those bits. Well, I wash my hands of this foolishness. I bet they ripped out Ethan's cameo too. Lame.
Aww. So that is why i missed the intro. There was none! I'm going to rewatch it tonight because my mom had to do her dumb 'ol yoga in the middle of the movie. I liked it though. I didn't expect much, remember when WPM saw it in Japan? He said he hated it, or something like that. Overall rating 3.5/5. That's what I say. Mostly agreeing with everyone else. Backgrounds were amazing, especially in HD. But, there was room for improvement.
Far from one of my favorites, but definitely not one of worst. Also, this one is probably one of the best movies to riff on (The fourth and eighth movies are the only ones that come close in this regard).
I must admit, this one was pretty good. There were, of course, the usual things that made me angry ("Hey everybody, let's just stand there and let that guy apply dozens of volts of electricity to Zoroark! Yay!"), but I loved the action scenes, as few as they were. Pikachu actually did something in this one too, which was great. They really tried to spam the cuteness on this one, but it was pretty hardcore when Zoroark basically screwed with that dude's mind, twice. Awesome. Intro sucked though, no "Welcome to the World of Pokemon". I give it a 7/10. One of the best. Lately, anyways.
The intro was cut due to scheduling, however, TPCi was informed of the cut until the movie air. They are very upset with Cartoon Network for cutting the first whole 10 minutes of the movie. All future airings of the movie, on any network, will include the first 10 minutes. I saw the movie in the theater for the tour and that one had the cut scenes in the movie.
Finally got around to watching it tonight. I agree that as far as recent movies go, it's one of the better ones. I think a big part of what made me like it so much was Kodai himself--like Xous said, he was believable (which isn't something you can say for most villains in the Pokémon world) and menacing. Seeing him strangle the time juice out of Celebi and torture Zorua and Zoroark like he did was harsh...yet cool in its own twisted way :p

I'd even go so far as to say he reminded me of Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars in a lot of ways--both had the ability to see into the future, and used that ability to manipulate things to their advantage. Heck, Kodai even had that mecha-hand he used to shock things with--just like Palpatine's Force lightning! Haha.

I also liked Carl for some reason. And Rowena. I don't know why exactly.

Plot-wise, it was alright. Everything flowed pretty well, action sequences were well placed. Crown City had a pretty interesting back story as well that really came together as the movie progressed. All in all, I was impressed.

So yeah. Good stuff.