DPPt/HGSS Pokemon?

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Hey guys, I'm a little new here, and I just stopped by on your chat, but then a fellow told me to come here to find better trades. So, I thought this was pretty cool because it was like smogons forums, and I really need a few pokemon for my team. So, I was wondering if any of you guys have an EV trained Snorlax, or an EV trained Magnezone. If you are willing to trade them, just contact me through a PM, or stop by the chat and try to catch me on there. We'll negotiate, and see if we can get on the same page.

And don't be a fool, of course I'd trade an EV trained for an EV trained. EV for an EV, so don't fret on that.

If my team doesn't work out, I'll just try editing them with new pokemon, and we'll see what will happen.
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