Now Taking Members
Takes 5-10 Mins.
This is the good place to get the one of the best Banners, Signatures, Avatars, Affiliates, Buttons, Small Buttons, Team Icon, Pip Bars, Emoticon, Skins, Foum Markers, Trainer Cards, And Exc...
The Sizes:
you need to give me a exacted size for me to make the image. Here is the averaghe sizes
Custom Size all i need is a size of the image you want
1. no asking over and over and over again when it will be done
2. not asking us when we are working on your thing
3. not to ask me to make somthing if another person is working on it
Animations we can do but it won't look as good as it would if it was not
give me links to stuff thats not pokemon related or give me an image if you don't want me to make it.
Latest work:
For Kingdra 1995
For Exploud ex
For poke3m@ni@c
For poke3m@ni@c
For GligarRockMySocks
Takes 5-10 Mins.
This is the good place to get the one of the best Banners, Signatures, Avatars, Affiliates, Buttons, Small Buttons, Team Icon, Pip Bars, Emoticon, Skins, Foum Markers, Trainer Cards, And Exc...
The Sizes:
you need to give me a exacted size for me to make the image. Here is the averaghe sizes
Custom Size all i need is a size of the image you want
1. no asking over and over and over again when it will be done
2. not asking us when we are working on your thing
3. not to ask me to make somthing if another person is working on it
Animations we can do but it won't look as good as it would if it was not
give me links to stuff thats not pokemon related or give me an image if you don't want me to make it.
Latest work:
For Kingdra 1995
For Exploud ex
For poke3m@ni@c
For poke3m@ni@c
For GligarRockMySocks