Pokemon: 30
Hello! I actually need help with my deck.. This is designed to be a Poli Family Attackers, while Auroruses are on the Bench to give support to Poli-Family, while having Politoed on the Bench as well. I have Chansey with Nap to be a wall whenever I try to set up and I have Glaceon for additional to fight off Grass Types because Glaceon has the Steel Weakness. I put Raichu in there so that whenever I can set him early by just having to use 2 Fossil Researchers, I can give a good 80 Damage (100 if I have someone on the last slot of the Bench) I only have limited cards but I really want to build up this kind of deck. If it is not advisable, please do let me know and please tell me what I can do to improve my deck.
Here are my spare cards:
Thank you so much and I would appreciate the help! Please make my deck usable
I will be competing for the very first time on January 4 in a small competition.
4 Poliwag
4 Poliwhirl
2 Politoed
1 Poliwrath
2 Froakie
2 Frogadier
1 Greninja
3 Eevee
2 Glaceon
4 Amaura
4 Aurorus
1 Alomomola
1 Professor Sycamore
1 Shauna
1 Tierno
4 Fossil Researcher
4 Energy Search
2 Poke Ball
2 Potion
1 Robo Substitute
1 Switch
13 Water Energy
Hello! I actually need help with my deck.. This is designed to be a Poli Family Attackers, while Auroruses are on the Bench to give support to Poli-Family, while having Politoed on the Bench as well. I have Chansey with Nap to be a wall whenever I try to set up and I have Glaceon for additional to fight off Grass Types because Glaceon has the Steel Weakness. I put Raichu in there so that whenever I can set him early by just having to use 2 Fossil Researchers, I can give a good 80 Damage (100 if I have someone on the last slot of the Bench) I only have limited cards but I really want to build up this kind of deck. If it is not advisable, please do let me know and please tell me what I can do to improve my deck.
Here are my spare cards:
Poliwrath x2
Aurorus x1
Froakie x2
Frogadier x2
Greninja x1
Electabuzz x3
Electivire x2
Pachirisu x2
Frillish x1
Jellicent x1
Krabby x1
Kingler x1
Raichu x1
Clauncher x2
Clawtizer x1
Plusle x1
Minun x1
Pikachu x1
Joltik x2
Blissey x1
Electric Energy x2
Potion x2
Robo Substitute x1
Tool Retriever x2
Hand Scope x1
Aurorus x1
Froakie x2
Frogadier x2
Greninja x1
Electabuzz x3
Electivire x2
Pachirisu x2
Frillish x1
Jellicent x1
Krabby x1
Kingler x1
Raichu x1
Clauncher x2
Clawtizer x1
Plusle x1
Minun x1
Pikachu x1
Joltik x2
Blissey x1
Electric Energy x2
Potion x2
Robo Substitute x1
Tool Retriever x2
Hand Scope x1
Thank you so much and I would appreciate the help! Please make my deck usable