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Politoed / Poliwrath (No Energy)


Life Coach for Gamers

  • 4 Poliwag
    3 Poliwhirl
    4 Poliwrath
    2 Politoed
    1 Celebi-EX
    1 Jirachi-EX
    1 Mr. Mime

  • 4 Dive Ball
    4 Max Potion
    4 Muscle Band
    4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    4 Training Center
    3 Escape Rope
    3 Rare Candy
    3 Skyla
    2 Archie's Ace in the Hole
    2 Colress
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Lysandre
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Dowsing Machine / Computer Search

  • None!


Thanks to the buffs that Primal Clash gave water pokemon, I figured I should update the deck I've been toying with for so long.
RE: Politoed (No Energy)

Just as you said, this isn't really a competitive deck for a lot of reasons, like the popularity of Garbodor, Toad's item lock, and it's an autoloss to VirGen (It should consistently beat Pyroar though haha). It looks like a lot of fun to play though, and it would be a great deck to pull out at League when you're messing around. The only change I'd make would be throwing in a Sigilyph or two to wall with while you're setting up.
My Little Keldeo said:
Just as you said, this isn't really a competitive deck for a lot of reasons, like the popularity of Garbodor, Toad's item lock, and it's an autoloss to VirGen (It should consistently beat Pyroar though haha). It looks like a lot of fun to play though, and it would be a great deck to pull out at League when you're messing around. The only change if make would be throwing in a Sigilyph or two to wall with while you're setting up.

That is a decent consideration. Thanks.

TheLegendaryRaikou said:
I would suggest taking one poliwrath out and putting in a poliwhirl, just because it is a better attacker

Unfortunately, the prerequisite for damage on Poliwhirl forces me to not run a full set, but thanks for the input.
Actually, you could think about adding Celebi-EX to your list, whose Ability Time Recall allows your Pokemon to use attacks from their previous evolutions. This would let you use Poliwhirl's attack Finishing Blow if you wanted, with the advantage to having access to Steam Roll (which can set up your opponent's benched Pokemon for Finishing Blow), while also taking advantage of Poliwrath's better HP. Just be careful since Celebi's a fragile EX with 110 HP, and you're already running Jirachi.
My Little Keldeo said:
Actually, you could think about adding Celebi-EX to your list, whose Ability Time Recall allows your Pokemon to use attacks from their previous evolutions. This would let you use Poliwhirl's attack Finishing Blow if you wanted, with the advantage to having access to Steam Roll (which can set up your opponent's benched Pokemon for Finishing Blow), while also taking advantage of Poliwrath's better HP. Just be careful since Celebi's a fragile EX with 110 HP, and you're already running Jirachi.

I've considered this, but this list is tight as hell. If I wasn't so uncomfortable with only 2 copies of Toed, I would give it a try.
Why not take out the Ditto? I know it is an amazing starter, but perhaps it would better fit a list with low HP Basics that evolve into something useful, such as Solosis to Reuniclus? If I were you, I might look into taking out Ditto for said Celebi.
Phew, it's been long since I last entered the Deck Garage. Still wondering why, though... :p

First, I have to agree with Kecleon here. Ditto isn't that helpful here. I only see it having a purpose in 2 specific cases in different decks, actually. So I suggest taking that out.

Also, I have playtested with this deck a lot, and had some good success with this line-up of pokés:

4 Poliwag
4 Poliwhirl
3 Poliwrath
2 Politoed
1 Reshiram LTR
2 Celebi-EX
1 Mime

And also managed to place in some energy because of retreats, Reshiram and the like. (I currently don't remember the exact decklist, but if you're interested you're free to PM me and I'll find it. :p ). What I'll suggest is taking out one of the Sacred Ash and a Silver Bangle to put in the Celebi, so you can have a better versatility when playing with the deck.

Hope I could help! :D
I use Kangkaskhan EX in the deck as a starter pokemon so i can use pokemon fan club and then draw three cards as well, it is alos very dificult to knock out.
Kecleon-X said:
Why not take out the Ditto? I know it is an amazing starter, but perhaps it would better fit a list with low HP Basics that evolve into something useful, such as Solosis to Reuniclus? If I were you, I might look into taking out Ditto for said Celebi.

The Ditto reduces my mulligans fairly well, but I can understand where you're coming from. It's kind of on the chopping block already, but I'm probably going to wait that out.

Luispipe8 said:
Phew, it's been long since I last entered the Deck Garage. Still wondering why, though... :p

First, I have to agree with Kecleon here. Ditto isn't that helpful here. I only see it having a purpose in 2 specific cases in different decks, actually. So I suggest taking that out.

Also, I have playtested with this deck a lot, and had some good success with this line-up of pokés:

4 Poliwag
4 Poliwhirl
3 Poliwrath
2 Politoed
1 Reshiram LTR
2 Celebi-EX
1 Mime

And also managed to place in some energy because of retreats, Reshiram and the like. (I currently don't remember the exact decklist, but if you're interested you're free to PM me and I'll find it. :p ). What I'll suggest is taking out one of the Sacred Ash and a Silver Bangle to put in the Celebi, so you can have a better versatility when playing with the deck.

Hope I could help! :D

Welcome back! Glad you're willing to help!

You're pretty on the nose when it comes to the Poli lineup (give or take a Wrath), but I'm just way too scared to run only 2 Politoed even though I KNOW I should. Celebi is pretty good for this deck, though, so I'll find at least one spot for it. I've messed with Reshiram when I was still running energy, but my current focus is on the Poli family and every tech/support basic that can aid in that strategy.

Ironman131 said:
I use Kangkaskhan EX in the deck as a starter pokemon so i can use pokemon fan club and then draw three cards as well, it is alos very dificult to knock out.

A wall strategy is decent way to give yourself time to get yourself together, but I'd rather put more effort into speed/consistency and try to catch somebody off guard. lol
RE: Politoed 2015

Do you think Celebi-EX is better than Shrine of Memories in this deck? I used to play Polytoed when FFI first came out and I usually find that Celebi-EX is the first thing your opponent will go for since this deck loses a lot of power without it, plus it gives up 2 prizes. 4 Shrine of Memories would give you pretty good chance of winning the stadium war.

I would probably only run 3 Polywrath since that's the most you could ever get into play with Polytoed.

Maybe 1 Archie's Ace in the Hole would be good but I think 2 is overkill. You can always VS seeker for it. Maybe add more PFC since ideally thats going to be your turn 1 supporter.

I get that the point of this deck is to be light on energy but I think that none at all is a recipe for disaster. What do you do if both Polytoed are prized? Or you just can't get it into play right away? Or it gets knocked out? It would be better to run a little bit of energy so you can attack manually if absolutely necessary. It could also give you access to Polywrath's second attack.

You may also need some kind of secondary attacker to buy you time while you get the Polyarmy set up. Perhaps Kyurem LTR or Mewtwo-EX if you add some emergency DCE.
RE: Politoed 2015

Maximinn said:
Do you think Celebi-EX is better than Shrine of Memories in this deck? I used to play Polytoed when FFI first came out and I usually find that Celebi-EX is the first thing your opponent will go for since this deck loses a lot of power without it, plus it gives up 2 prizes. 4 Shrine of Memories would give you pretty good chance of winning the stadium war.

I would probably only run 3 Polywrath since that's the most you could ever get into play with Polytoed.

Maybe 1 Archie's Ace in the Hole would be good but I think 2 is overkill. You can always VS seeker for it. Maybe add more PFC since ideally thats going to be your turn 1 supporter.

I get that the point of this deck is to be light on energy but I think that none at all is a recipe for disaster. What do you do if both Polytoed are prized? Or you just can't get it into play right away? Or it gets knocked out? It would be better to run a little bit of energy so you can attack manually if absolutely necessary. It could also give you access to Polywrath's second attack.

You may also need some kind of secondary attacker to buy you time while you get the Polyarmy set up. Perhaps Kyurem LTR or Mewtwo-EX if you add some emergency DCE.

Thanks for the reply!

The reason I want to use Training Center instead of Shrine is because I want to avoid OHKO's. You do have a point about Celebi, though...

3 Wrath does make sense. I normally hear about a 4-4-3/2 lineup and I figured that would make sense since I have access to Dive Ball now. Trust me, I'm scared to death of getting them prized, but quite a few players I respect have used that configuration.

If I was approaching this deck "properly," you would be right. about Archie's Ace in the Hole. 1 Archie's should suffice. However, I've been thinking about going even deeper on Archie's to set up an early Stage 2.

In fact, I just got a bad idea...

4 Poliwag
4 Poliwhirl
4 Poliwrath
3 Politoed
1 Jirachi-EX
1 Mr. Mime
4 Dive Ball
4 Ultra Ball
4 Muscle Band
4 Shrine of Memories
4 Bicycle
4 Archie's Ace in the Hole
3 Skyla
3 Escape Rope
3 Rare Candy
3 Startling Megaphone
3/2 Roller Skates (or some other item-based draw card)
2/3 Vs Seeker
1 Lysandre
1 Dowsing Machine/Computer Search

I'm totally spit-balling here, btw. I'm pretty sure I'm crazy/stupid for even considering this type of setup. If somebody were to fully capitalize on Archie's, I'd imagine this is what it would look like, minus the bad Pokemon. lol

Also, shout out to the admins for editing my thread instead of just deleting my post. I appreciate it. Didn't mean to clog things up.