Ruling Politoed


Never Satisfied
Politoed LV.49 – Water – HP120
Stage 2 – Evolves from Poliwhirl

Poke-Body: Signs of Energy
If you have Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath in play, each of your Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Ploiwrath's attacks does an additional 60 damage to any Active Pokemon.

[W][C] Frog Hop: 40 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 40 damage.

Weakness: Grass (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

If you have multiple numbers of Politoed in play would it add 60 for each?
If the translation is correct and stays like that till the English version of the card is released...

You would have to have atleast one Poliwag, one Poliwhirl and one Poliwrath in play at the same time for the power to work. Multiple Politoad won't work.

And since it's a body and there is no restriction included in the text, I'd say it stacks.

If I were you, I'd wait till the English version of the card is released before getting into any conclusions about the card. The only official ruling won't come until the card is released in English.
I think stacking isn't addressed because it's basically impossible to have more than one of those powers in play at any time and have it activated.

Having Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, and Politoed all in play at the same time accounts for all four of your Poliwags in a constructed deck. Unless you want to get into some shenanigans with Garchomp LvX and Rebirthing the higher stages directly into play.
If the translation is correct i think it is possible to stack.! of Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath and 2 Politoeds. SOme miracle maby but i think it is possible
It sound like a reprint of the Neo card because I have seen that Poke body before but I don't remember which set it was in and I think I have the Neo card.:) EDIT. That Poke body is similar to the Neo Discovery Politoed. I just looked at the card on the site and it was a little different from this one and it only did 40 damage but it is a very similar attack to the Neo Discovery card.:)
Ok im sorry but i have nothing to say about the subject although i did enjoy reading through the comments and i just wanted to point out that CHAIRMAN KAGA used the word SHENANIGANS and that is probably the best thing i've read all day!!! still laughing my friend, still laughing.....

Kaga were did you get that picture... its so funny what is it?