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Poliwrath / Politoad / Seismitoad EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • Poliwag - 4
    Poliwhirl - 4
    Poliwrath - 2
    Politoed - 2
    Seismitoad Ex - 2

  • Rare Candy - 4
    Evosoda - 4
    Muscle Bands - 4
    Training Gym - 2
    Skyla - 3
    Lysandr - 2
    Professor Juniper - 4
    Ultra Ball - 4
    Level Ball - 2
    Heavy Ball - 2
    Switch - 2
    Computer Search - 1
    Surprise Megaphone - 2
    Professor's Letter - 1
    Silver Bangle - 2

  • Water Energy - 7

This deck is all about getting out Politoed so I can use all of Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath first attack for free. I put Seismitoad Ex in because of his first attack mostly. Making it so your opponent can't play any trainer cards from his hand really helps weaken then.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoad/Seismitoad EX

Just be ready to lose the heavy and level ball next rotation. I thought about a similar deck as well. Let us know how it works out.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoad/Seismitoad EX

Why run Seismitoad, when as soon as you actually want to attack with your Poliwraths, the item lock will be broken? I can only see him being overly effective if the deck was extremely slow, and needed quite a few turns to power up. Otherwise, he would just slow the game down, not your opponent.

I run a variant of this deck featuring Celebi EX (Will need to find a proper replacement if he's rotated) and no energies whatsoever, and have found it to be really quick and hard-hitting.