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Poliwrath / Politoed (Assumes PS-on rotation)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 15

  • 4-2-2/2 Politoed/Poliwrath
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Suicune (Safeguard)
    1 Druddigon (Flash Fire)
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Manaphy (Final Wish)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37

  • 3 Korrina
    3 Shauna
    3 N
    3 Colress
    1 Juniper
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Lysandre
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Bicycle
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Sacred Ash
    1 Switch
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Professor's Letter
Energy: 8

  • 4 DCE
    4 Water

Strategy: The strategy is to get out Politoed, who's ability lets you ignore the colorless attack costs of Poliwag, Poliwhril, and Poliwrath. Essentially you can attack for free. Poliwag can do 20 plus confusion and retreat lock, Poliwhirl can do 50, which becomes 100 if they have any damage on them, and poliwrath can do 60 plus 30 snipe.

Not wanting to run an energy free deck, I did pack in some DCE and other backup attackers. Mewtwo and Druddigon are self explanatory, but Reshiram provides a counter to those Virgen decks (lots of grass weak pokemon here). With a bangle, you can two shot them with outrage alone. Either that or force them to waste a G booster or run into an outrage KO.

This is very much a rough draft. The Poli line is probably TOO heavy (takes up 14 spots!) so I could probably cut some stuff to add more consistency cards or techs, but at the same time, I don't want to cut too much in case I run into a fluke situation where crucial cards are prized.

Here are the (future) cards.

Poliwag - Water - HP60
Basic Pokemon

[W] Wave Splash: 10 damage.
[C][C][C] Whirlpool Current: 20 damage. The opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Confused. During your opponent’s next turn, the Defending Pokemon can’t retreat.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Poliwhirl - Water - HP80
Stage 1 - Evolves from Poliwag

[W] Wave Splash: 20 damage.
[C][C][C] Second Strike: 50+ damage. If the opponent’s Active Pokemon already has damage counters on it, this attack does 50 more damage.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Poliwrath - Water - HP140
Stage 2 - Evolves from Poliwhirl

[C][C][C] Pierce: 60 damage. Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon (don't apply Weakness and Resistance).
[W][W][C][C] Submission: 130 damage. This Pokemon does 30 damage to itself.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Politoed - Water - HP130
Stage 2 - Evolves from Poliwhirl

Ability: King’s Song
As long as this Pokemon is in play, ignore all Colorless Energy requirements in the attack costs of your Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath’s attacks.

[W][C][C] Hyper Voice: 70 damage.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Korrina - Trainer

Search your deck for 1 [F] Pokemon and 1 Item card, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

I feel like this deck has alot of potential. I would add in at least 3-4 water energy just in case you need to attack with politoed. I would leave the high poli count up because you are going to need to set up multiple poli for the deck to run how you want it to. It may also be benifical to add in some max potion.

I really hope this deck turns out be competitve because i have always liked poliwrath
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Max potion; why didn't I think of that? Maybe that new stadium could work too (the one that increases the HP of all evolved pokemon by 30), make em harder to one shot.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

3 Politoed is overkill, 2 is good, but still with the 3 Poliwraths. Korinna seems bad/pointless in this deck (no F Pokémon... can't even grap Supporters).
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Skyla is going to be rotated. If your worried about korina not being able to grab supporters then run random reicivers and grab them.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Skyla being rotated doesn't justify running a bad card in any way.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

I don't think there's ever a deck where Korrina will be bad/pointless... especially in a Stage 2 deck where you need the Rare Candies. It won't be quite as good as Skyla in a lot of decks because you can only get items, but it's going to be just as necessary for Stage 2 decks if there is no Skyla in the format.

Agree that you can probably cut a Politoed though. A couple of water energies might not be a bad idea if you can squeeze them in.

The problem with Training Center is that Politoed and Poliwrath still only hit 160 and 170 HP, which is the number most decks aim for anyway. Same issue with Max Potion... you might just get 1HKOed anyway. That said, they are still worth testing.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Korinna with no Fighting Pokémon is really bad no matter how I look at it.

It wastes your Supporter just to get single card. And that card can only be an item. With a draw Supporter you can accomplish so much more. Like 700% of what you can do with Korinna.

I thought that even Skyla isn't a very good card. It's not bad. But it's not very good, since it only gets one card instead of a good draw. Definitely not a fan.

If you are worried about evolving, instead of a Korinna you could run an Evosoda or Rare Candy.

For example:
- 4 Korinna
+ 1 Evosoda (max)
+ 2 Rare Candy (max)
+ 1 Juniper

Even that would be better. Although imo it needs more draw. Like +1 Candy +2 Juniper +1 Shauna or something.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Any stage two deck needs to run rare candy and skyla or Korina now to get those rare candies
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Ironman131 said:
Any stage two deck needs to run rare candy and skyla or Korina now to get those rare candies
This deck doesn't even run max Candy atm. How is running a Korinna better than running an actual Candy?
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Teal said:
Korinna with no Fighting Pokémon is really bad no matter how I look at it.

It wastes your Supporter just to get single card. And that card can only be an item. With a draw Supporter you can accomplish so much more. Like 700% of what you can do with Korinna.

I thought that even Skyla isn't a very good card. It's not bad. But it's not very good, since it only gets one card instead of a good draw. Definitely not a fan.

If you are worried about evolving, instead of a Korinna you could run an Evosoda or Rare Candy.

For example:
- 4 Korinna
+ 1 Evosoda (max)
+ 2 Rare Candy (max)
+ 1 Juniper

If you need a Rare Candy turn 2, drawing 7 cards in hopes you hit one of the 4 out of 45 or whatever cards left in your deck is not nearly as good as knowing you're going to get one. That doesn't take into consideration that in a Stage 2 deck there's a good chance you are going to have cards in your hand that you don't want to shuffle back or discard.

For the record, you can get any non-special energy (and if you run Computer Search, you can get those too) out of your Korrina/Skyla with Ultra Ball and Professor's Letter. It's wrong to look at it like "you can only get one card, and it has to be an item".

If you don't like Skyla, though, the discussion probably isn't going anywhere. You won't like Korrina if you don't like Skyla and if you haven't been convinced yet you probably won't be. I'll just say that a lot of the decks I play have been Stage 2 decks and the difference with/without Skyla is enormous. It's an absolute necessity. I wouldn't play any deck without at least 2 of them, and 3 or 4 in any deck that wants to get a Stage 2 out.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

bowlerdude04 said:
For the record, you can get any non-special energy (and if you run Computer Search, you can get those too) out of your Korrina/Skyla with Ultra Ball and Professor's Letter. It's wrong to look at it like "you can only get one card, and it has to be an item".
- This deck doesn't run Professor's Letter / Basic Energy
- This deck doesn't have Candy even maxed as such
If you need a Rare Candy turn 2, drawing 7 cards in hopes you hit one of the 4 out of 45 or whatever cards left in your deck is not nearly as good as knowing you're going to get one. That doesn't take into consideration that in a Stage 2 deck there's a good chance you are going to have cards in your hand that you don't want to shuffle back or discard.
You will need two evolved Pokémon to dish out some damage with this deck if you are going for the toads. You can't waste an early Supporter just to get one Rare Candy. It's just not enough.
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Yes teal it is worth it. The entire deck revolves around setting them up. As i mentioned above I would add in some water energy. You cant just try to draw through your deck in hopes of having the rare candy and the appropriate stage 2 in your hand at the same time. And taking multiple turns to set up a stage 2 with evosoda would just take to long.
-Water energy sounds like a good idea. I didn't think about attacking with Politoed cause it's attack kinda sucks and I assumed you'd be attacking with poliwrath, but I could see having to attack with it.

-The thing with Korrina is that it doesn't just grad one item, but it can grab what ever item is needed for the situation. Pokemon search cards, power up cards, switching cards, M phone (for garbodor). I probably could afford to drop one for another rare candy (might go 3-4 candy and 1-2 soda), but when you have a variety of items, it's the most consistent thing there is. Skyla has served me well in the past and Korrina is almost as good.

EDIT: Maybe Suicune would be good here (if I decide to add water energy). Probably better than Reshiram.
Made some changes to this draft.

-2 Poliwhirl
-1 Poliwrath
-1 Politoed
-1 Reshiram
-1 Korrina
-1 Bicycle
-3 Evo Soda

+4 Water Energy
+1 Manaphy (Just trying it out)
+1 Suicune (safeguard is good)
+1 Professors Letter
+1 Sacred Ash
+2 Rare Candy

Here's the new list.

Pokemon 15
4-2-2/2 Politoed/Poliwrath
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Suicune (Safeguard)
1 Druddigon (Flash Fire)
1 Jirachi EX
1 Manaphy (Final Wish)

Energy 8
4 Water

Trainers 37
Supporters 15
3 Korrina
3 Shauna
3 N
3 Colress
1 Juniper
1 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Lysandre

Items 22
4 Rare Candy
4 Ultra Ball
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Bicycle
2 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
1 Dowsing Machine
2 Sacred Ash
1 Switch
1 Escape Rope
1 Professor's Letter
I took the liberty to edit your original list with the changes you've made. Be sure to do that next time with an edit on your original post! :D
RE: Poliwrath/Politoed (Assumes PS on rotation)

Ironman131 said:
Skyla is going to be rotated. If your worried about korina not being able to grab supporters then run random reicivers and grab them.

idk what the fudge your talking about, skyla isn't being rotated