Polterpl00mz is soo bad lulz.


We will bury you
Ohai, dropping my report cuz i'm mad bored waiting for the giants game to start, and I messed up my leg so no training tonight =,(. Let's see, uhmmm oh yeah.

K so Franco and I are talking about decks for Battle Roads and I suggest Pluff/Plume because it's actually pretty good, problem is that nothing can touch the bench, and the damage output is pretty weak. We start discussing Vileplume/Gengar [Polterpl00mz I call it, or Vilegar, Viletomb, Plumegar, scary ghost and plants and stuff, etc]. We start working on it and Franco comes up with some disgusting techs that I will call them as "Tech 1 and Tech 2" for sake of the game. Anyways, fast forward to a week later. I test the deck vs Erik Nance's list (played by someone else) and 6-0 it, I lol to myself and test some more. I never do test the Gengar/Garchomp C matchup, or the Dialgachomp matchup, but the Luxchomp matchup is so much dominance!

So the day before I go to my boy Alex's house, we test and I make him Garchomp/ERL but he doesn't like the feel of it, although it comes close to beating me. We instead make a HAX Jumpluff list and he decides to stick with it. Two other kids wanna play too so I give one Water.dec, and scavenge enough cards for a T2 Scizor. We wrestle and do Jiu-Jitsu and crap till it's like 1 in the AM, then whatever we go to bed. Wake up at 9, take a shower, dress like a nerd for lolz, and hit up Tate's gaming satellite, a little early. I borrow tech 1 and tech 2, a Uxie Lv X, and some SF Gengar cuz i'm such a bum and get ready. During announcements I play Magic with this kid, game's soo much fun. Anyways, onto the report yaaa dig?

Round 1:
Vileplume/Gengar vs Ursaring/Arcanine (flames of rage)

I start pretty decent with a spiritomb as opposed to his Sableye and we setup. He gets out a bunch of Pokemon and i'm like, wait a minute, all of these pokeon are susceptible to my super secret tech #1!! So I break it out and start dealing damage. He has to draw pass and I take 3 prizes while he Draw/passes. Finally I just bring out Gengar and shadow room everything, it was a joke of a matchup because Tech #1 is so boss lolz.


Round 2:
Vileplume/Gengar vs Charizard

He flips over a Vulpix and i'm like, lolque? Fire.dec? I start without a Spiritomb but I start setting up pretty decent with a Collector start, so Igrab Oddish, Unown Q, Gastly and start setting up. Under lock he sets up very slow, so i decide to take the initiative and setup super secret tech #1, which is pretty lolz. I take a prize of a ninetails through Shadow Room with Gengar and he decides to hit me for 80 with active Zard with one energy. I decide to poltergesit and nail him for 120, not enough. He KOs me and I whiff on Fainting Spell. Bring up Super Secret Tech #1 and KO his active. Once again, he has to draw pass for literally 10 turns. By now, he has enough trainers in his hand that I can one shot everything. I retreat my tech, bring up Gengar, and poltergesit for 450 damage. GG.

2-0 (Im sooo bad)

Round 3:
Vileplume/Gengar vs Gengar/Vileplume/Mismagius Tech

We both start pretty solid and start to set-up. I bring up my super secret tech #1 and hit his gengar for nice damage, then shadow room it and knock it out. He has a mismagius and sleeps me -__-, so I whiff on the sleep check. He knocks out my super secret tech, and I bring up another gengar and nail it with poltergeist. We exchange prizes and eventually super secret tech #2 wins me the game with a clutch KO.


Round 4:
Vileplume/Gyarados vs Abomasnow/Garchomp C

I'm PLAYING DOWN! -___-. I start with Gengar, Haunter, Gastly, BTS, energy, energy, energy. I go second, drop it all, and draw...energy. Oh gawd. I shadow room his active snover. He starts setting up his turn and belts a benched snover, benches another Garchomp C, attaches crap, ends. I top deck Uxie! yayaya. Drop it for 2, collector and something else. Then I shadow room Snover active for KO. My active Gengar takes 3 prizes as I try to steal the game with it lol, well he ends up spreading around and takes 3 prizes, I bring up another Gengar and poltergeist for KO, and it ends up being 1-1 prizes, 60 on my Uxie, 60 on his Azelf, he dragon rushed last turn. His last poketurn is prized =). I win by shadow rooming Azelf FTW!


Round 5:
Vileplume/Gengar vs Gengar/Garchomp C (Star Wars)

I have no idea how to play this matchup, but i'm really not nervous and we play a real leisurely game since we're both guaranteed top cut. I get out a very fast Uxie X and use it to set up faster than he can (I get a T2 Vileplume), while he sets up Garchomps. I drop a Gengar and BTS from my hand, attach, shadow room. He return shadow rooms while building up Garchomp. I dont think of using any techs here, and he drops a Crobat G, flash bites, Uxie X, and snipes it. It hurts but I can manage. Eventually it goes to 2-1 Prizes and he's up. I have nothing, so with a smile I shake his hand and say GG.


I make top cut as 4th seed (Lolque), I guess it's from playing down? W/e i'm in. I find out that I have to play Star Wars again!

Top 4:
Gengar/Vileplume vs Star Wars

Ok, so I call Franco before and tell him i'm in, and I ask him on advice to beat this deck, or at least how to play the matchup. He teels me generally a bunch of stuff I already know, but I need to utilize my techs. OH LET'S DO ITTTTT.

We both start good his Sableye to my Spiritomb. He impersonates for a collector and grabs garchomp,uxie,gastly. I respond with my own collector for oddish, gastly, Unown Q and Q Spiritomb. From there I BTS and play down Gloom, then get the T2 Vileplume lock YA DIGGG? So we continue to play, he is setting up very slow and I take advantage by KOing his sableye with Poltergeist. He comes up with a Gengar, shadow rooms me. I drop Super secret tech 2 and Shadow room with my active. He KO's my active and I bring up my SST 2 and nail him. Then I start ruining him, poltergesit a Garchomp basic C with No lvele X with 3 energy. I win quickly (10 minutes).

Game 2:
Start with Unown Q. He drops bat and trick gas for KO. Oh well, gotta be prepped for the last game!

Game 3:
So we both get great starts my Spiritomb to his Sableye. We both collector and take a LONG time to setup, like 20 minutes. He has 1 Garchomp C benched 2 energy, and an active Gengar Lv X. I have an active Smeargle Q'd, a gengar, SST2, SST1, and Spiritomb Q'd. He shadow rooms my Gengar, I bring mine up and shadow room his, he return shadow rooms me for KO, I bring up SST2 and hit him, he shadow rooms Uxie, I bring up SST2 and KO him. He brings up Garchomp and drops the licks on my Smeargle. I'm like, whatever didn't even need that scrub, and then I bring up another Gengar and do some work, poltergeistin ya know. KO. It's 3-1 prizes me, and I shadow room Azelf. He can't do anything, scoops.

Top 2:
PolterPl00mz vs Dialgachomp

Game 1:

He gets the T2 DGX and we just play for a few more turns, I scoop. Nothing eventful AT ALL.

Game 2:

I actually try to prevent the DGX by Lookersing his bebes and getting the Gengar Lv X. He still gets it out, plays his trainers, and I try to level down. He LETS ME! WHAT? So whatever, he's beating me while trainer locked. I try everything, poltergeist (did 30 due to sp met and resist -__-), shadow room azelf (for 1 prize..smh), and eventually we see what's happening, I can't win. I scoop and take my packs, blah.

Good day
doing OK.

RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

So Garlock/ERL never happened...Ah well, I'll be the only one I suppose? Still a bit inconsistent, but it'll probably do better than Mightyena did.

So you got second? Nice job. Personally Vilegar isn't my type of deck (I don't play anything that's meta) but it's still pretty fun.

What was Franco running anyway? He said something about running Luxray/Machamp, but IDK if that happened.

Too bad I couldn't make it. Ah well.
Scoop against Dialga? Lawl. Level down, pwn face. 6-1'd two Dialgachomps this weekend. Why psyche yourself out?
Scoop against Dialga? Lawl. Level down, pwn face. 6-1'd two Dialgachomps this weekend. Why psyche yourself out?


They get it out, burn all trainers or w/e, have it active, then they spray your level down, you poltergeist for nothin much, they warp to bench and do work.

How good were the dialgachomp players? I'm not taking away from your achievement lulz but still Brad C is a MON-STAR =[
Looker's/Judge their Spray away and they can't stop your level down. Let'em warp to bench. Level down there, and force them to put down a bronzong for you to KO.

The matchup isn't easy, but it's most definitely winnable.
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Interesting. So how are you taking prizes besides the bench? I mean, if you do lookers their hand away, I guess they really wont be able to grab the Garchomp level up next turn, but what if they turn Zong? Then it's almost like you did no damage.
Man I really wish I would've just thought a little more -__-, I figured Uxie, Azelf are both free prizes, then Zong if you can KO it before they get out Dialga?

And BTW if there was any tension for me saying something stupid before, my apologies. It'd be cool to see you at a battle roads or something, hopefully i'll see you at states mayne.

RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

I don't understand why you would scoop....

You're in top 2, might as well play your heart out. Unless you had something to do afterwards, I just think it's silly...
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

I agree with AbsentGravity, but nonetheless, nice job. What'd you pull in the packs?
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Blah. I had a headache sorta and just wasn't in the zone. Top 4 used up all my brainpower =(
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Kev, No tension. :-D I hear lots of good things about you from SoFL people. I don't think we'll bump into each other at BRs, as I've already gone as far south as I'm going to make it. I'm pretty sure I'll be judging at states again, so you'll definitely see me there. I know you're an intelligent player, and was just surprised you couldn't play out of Dialga. If they can't play a turn, they can't turn the 'Zong. :-D

Like I said, it's not an easy matchup for either side. So it's not like you scooped an auto-win. I don't know Brad C, but the better player driving that Dialga the harder the matchup is. I wouldn't worry about it! Top 2 is an awesome feat. Good Luck on getting a Victory Medal next weekend.
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Apache- Ditto ;). I have also heard a lot of great things about you as well! If not battle roads, then hopefully states!

Mew- Are you serious? Are you really that desperate? =/

And Espeon-

I pulled top rayquaza/deoxys, Umbreon UD, RH Trickery, Vileplume. I'm not complaining ^_^
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Disregard that. It's only two techs and it's your decision if you want to keep them secret. If you even wanted to, you could list your deck as 'Secret Deck". :F Tons of people do it.

dmaster out.
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Hahaha, yeah. You better not be. Nice ones for sure. Which state did this BR take place?
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Dmaster- Appreciate it greatly. Thank you.

Espeon- The battle road took place in Lauderhill, FL.
RE: Polterpl00mz is soo bad lol.

Good Things? Hah! Now I know you're lying. I'm a loud-mouthed, opinionated, bull-headed... Yeah. Thanks? :-D

I wish Dunellon had more than 8 people show up. It was a waste of a day.